SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1995


November 1, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Sam Piazza, Ruth A. Robbins, Dolores A. Donohoo, Cheri Carleson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Gene Davis, Veronica Crandall, Katina Ventura, John Richards, Leland Myers, Rich Bennett, Louis Owen, Bunny Myers, Harrison Smithwick, Elaine Toronto, Donna H. Rigby, A. Leigh Stern, John D. Askew, M. Bryce Jolley, Paul Miskin, Susan Greene, C. T. Bintz. Dottie Bintz, Julina P. Parker, Doris Williams, Brent Wilde, Richard Turpin, Everett Joyce, Patricia Tuft, Joe Clark, Wayne Halverson, Jim Clark, Barbara Clark, Chris Martinez, ? Valdez, Kim Wirthlin, Ian Ross, Richard C. Stewart, Fred Schuab, Fran Schuab, Randy Johnson, Beth Wride, Gerald M. McDonough, Julia B. Bertoch, B. Murdock, R. Rossell, Jason Hansen, Marv Tuddenham, Karen Hill, Ashley Hill, Scott Kisling, Steve Klass, Melenaute Vi, Luis Pawmkeler, Barbara Eubanks, Craig Rasmussen, Roberta Moore, Mayor Corradini, Rich McKeown Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the October meeting were approved. The Treasurers report indicated a balance at the end of October of $1,443.74. There has been no activity with the account for the last 3 months (Sep. 20 – Oct. 18). Rawlins handed out a survey to trustees regarding training needs and requested it be filled out and returned by the end of the meeting. Rawlins asked trustees opinion on holding a trustee Christmas party. It was feh that a party/workshop sometime in January would be more successful. There will be a Sugar House Business District Meeting on Wed. Oct. 18 from 9:30 – 11 :30 in Room 315 of the Salt Lake City/County Building. City Council Update: There was no report due to no council representatives in attendance.Committee Reports: Sustainable Communities – Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham summarized the crime report for the previous month. The Crime Report is published monthly and is available at the Sugar House Community Council meetings. She reported a Salt Lake City Neighborhood Appreciation Project (SNAP) that will take place in “the gully” behind the Country Club on Sat., Nov. 4th. She indicated there will be Home Security/Burglary Prevention training on Wed. Nov. 8 at 7:00 PM at Highland High School in the Little Theater. If you would be interested in riding around the neighborhood with Katina or B.L and seeing concerns within your neighborhood, call Katina or B.L. They would need a minimum of three people and advanced notice of your desires. Call Katina at 799-3476 or B.L. at 799-3680. There is still a great need for more volunteers in the Neighborhood and Mobil Watch programs. Katina Ventura cautioned about Home Security Alarm systems that are being sold for unreasonably high prices and cautioned us to check out prices when in the market for security systems. She also cautioned us to be extra careful in seeing that our cars and homes are locked with the Christmas season coming. City, Community, Neighborhood Organizations – Rawlins handed out information regarding the City Recognition ordinance and neighborhood organizations. Included in the handout is a list of all community councils recognized by the city, with name and address of the chair person, meeting times, and boundaries. He indicated the city council has extended the time for discussion on the-Recognition ordinance until about the third week in November. There are monthly meetings being held with the chair persons from each community council discussing this issue. Rawlins reviewed the importance of keeping neighborhood boundaries in line with the census tract boundaries. He indicated that the community councils are not a part of SLC, but help the city in many issues. The community councils provide information from the neighborhoods to the city. The organization of the community councils and neighborhoods is different in different areas of the city. The map included in the handout is the map referred to in the City Recognition Ordinance document we received some weeks ago. Parks and Recreation -No report. Traffic – No report. Housing, Land Use, Zoning – Steve Klass representing the Arcadia Heights/Benchmark community made a presentation on the Parleys Canyon Trails ProjectThis presentation is being made to all the communities surrounding the mouth of Parleys Canyon. The project is trying to re-establish foot/bicycle traffic routes from the canyon into the city. He was asking the Sugar House Community Council for their support and endorsement so they can present a united front when presenting a request for federal funds to finance the project. It is estimated the cost of the project is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million dollars. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously


approved that the Sugar House Community Council strongly support the concept of the project as presented. Randy Johnson presented a request for a Unit Legalization at 1186 Westminster AveThis is a small bungalow home on the comer of 12th East and Westminster Ave. with a basement apartment. He had the signatures of approval from surrounding neighbors and documented verification of the existence of an apartment since the ’40s, The apartment has separate meters. A motion was made, seconded and approved to recommend this legalization. Elaine Toronto presented a request for a unit legalization of a side by side duplex at 760 East Garfield AveThis was built in 1920-21. The Polk directory indicates it has been separate units since that time. Separate meters will be established when the legalization is approved. She has positive recommendations from the current renters. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend the legalization.

The remainder of the meeting was spent in hearing from the candidates for City Council Candidates for Dist. 6 and for Salt Lake City Mayor. The discussion was moderated by Gene Davis. Candidates for City Council Dist. 6 are: Bryce Jolley – grew up in this area. His family owns Jolley Drug on 9th East and 9th South, a drug store in Sandy, and a Video Store across from Emigration Market. He lives and works in the district. He has been involved in projects with current council member, Roselyn Kirk, has been involved in a neighborhood association and has sponsored several neighborhood projects. Patricia Tuft – moved here about 30 years ago. She has been active in the city as a volunteer with the YWCA, Family Homeless Shelter, Ronald McDonald House, Boys & Girls Club, the Ballet Guild, etc. Children’s and women’s issues are especially important to her. She was a strong supporter of the Family Medical Leave bill. She has worked with the State Office of Education and with other government programs. Each candidate fielded several questions from the audience including: 1) How do you see the role of Community Councils (both feel they play an important role in the community and need to be strengthened), 2) How do you feel about the trails project (both supported), 3) How do you feel about light rail (P-could be a part of the solution to alleviate traffic problems, B-support to a point-need more support from county in funding-more a need for the county than the city), 4) How often do you feel Master Plans should be updated (B-at least every 5 years, P-need to updated periodically). Candidates for Mayor are: Rich McKeown – He has learned that people are filled with good intentions and are concerned about crime and safety. People feel that government has abandoned them. He feels the people in the neighborhoods need to be involved in the political process. He offers a government that will reach out to the individual. Deedee Corradini – spoke of the decline of the downtown area, the rebuilding of the downtown area, the revitalization of Main street and the down town area, streamlining of government organizations, new housing, and crime issues. Each candidate fielded several questions from the audience including: 1) The recycling program (both support a free city wide program), 2) The relationship of the Community Councils to the City Council, (both feel it is important to work together) 3) How they got started in government, (D-grew up in a foreign country (Lebanon and Syria), worked for Gov. Rampton, & Wayne Owens, R-Public School Educator, Attorney, Mediator, Involved in grassroots politics), 4) What they would do with a pet project that voters don’t approve (R-believes people should decide, D-should stick with the people, spoke mostly of light rail issue), 5) Light Rail Issue, R- favors it, feels voters should vote for any funding from taxes, D- spoke of methods other than taxes for funding), and 6) The need to preserve or create open space (both strongly support).

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]