SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1996


November 6, 1996

 Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Veronica Crandall, Julina P. Parker, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, Elizabeth S. Braymen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Kathy Daly, John Richards, Scott Kisling, Tree Hayes, Sam Piazza, Sandy Hisky, Janet Rose, Christe N. Corbin, Ray Pugsley, Charles T. Bintz, Dorothy C. Bintz, Shane Jones, John Gravier, Carol McEntee, Richard Mendenhall, T. E. Griffen, Dave Greenhalgh, Rich Bennett, Ronielle Peltier, Laurie Prestwich, Mike Prestwich, Kraig Ericksen, Paul Crabtree, Mark Hencesbaugh, Keith Christensen, Agnes Greenhall” Wes Groesbeck, Donna Klenk, Tim Hilton, Peter Gordon, Rachael Cochran, Jeff Cochran, James Coles, Steve Moynahan, R. Fred Ross, Bethany Laubsch, Becky Hart, Jeff Rich, Wendi Wells, Jena Walker, Peter T. Martin, Gayen Wharton, Sharlotte Wolf, Patricia Rickers, Everett Joyce, Carolyn Ershler, Diane Lennon, Bill Van Moorhem, Jeff Straley, Cheri Carleson, Geo. T. Finlinson, Janet Rose, Nancy Tessman, Gregory Upwall, Tom Dickman, Liz Dickman, M. L. Galway, Susan Hecht, GeoffKaessner, Gene Davis, Pascale Durbize, Lynne Olson, Louis W. Owen, Robin Carbaugh, Coleen Menlove (73) Meeting called to order at 7 :00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. The minutes for the October meeting were approved. Scott called to attention copies of a letter sent to the Mayor regarding city staff members touring the McIntyre/Hygiea area with Rawlins Young, representing the Sugar House Community Council, in an effort to share citizens concerns of the proposed development in this block. He also called attention to copies of a letter to the Mayor regarding the traffic concerns in the area. Both letters are on file with the community council documents. Scott reminded us of the Issues only hearing at the Planning Commission tomorrow night regarding the McIntyre/Hygiea development and encouraged all interested persons to attend. Scott reiterated the mission of the Sugar House Community council as stated in the Articles of Incorporation and indicated a desire to continue to serve the community. He indicated that the committee structure that has been established in the past will continue. Two task forces have been identified that need to be established: 1) the McIntyre/Hygiea block development (Parley’s Creek block), 2) Storm Drain Runoff. Anyone interested in working with these task forces should contact Scott or one of the executive committee. Treasurer Cheri Carleson reported that the financial books are at the auditors and that the 1st Interstate bank account has a balance of $1,400. There has been no activity in the past month. City Council UpdateKeith Christensen reported on some of the Light Rail issues. He indicated that we should all be concerned with this issue. UTA is currently proposing that the rail line come from 7th So. up Main St. to South Temple and then to the Delta Center. The proposal is scheduled to go before the City Council on Tues. Dec. 3 at 6:00 PM. Keith suggested a better proposal would be to come up State St to North Temple and down West Temple. He is concerned with the historical aspects of Main St. There are also many concerns from the businesses on Main St. We all need to express our concerns to Keith and the City Council now! Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall reported that the city is aware of the water that is being pumped on the Hygiea property. The new owners are attempting to establish a right to the wells that are on the property. She also announced the next gang workshop scheduled for Nov. 20 Committee Reports: Parks Recreation: Jeff Straley presented a proposed letter to the Public Utilities Dept. expressing the councils opposition to the proposed storm water detention basin in Liberty Park.. Cheri Carlson made a motion that the letter be sent to the Public Utilities Dept. with copies to the Mayor’s Office and the City Council. The motion was seconded and approved with 11 in favor and 2 opposed. Cheri Carlson reported that the SLC Parks Master Plan has been pretty much finalized by the consultants and they have turned it back to the parks Engineering Dept. for review and verification. It will be presented to the community council chairs at the Mayor’s meeting and should be adopted by the city the first part of next year. The Open Space Master Plan is still in process. This plan is addressing the urban trails for pedestrians and bicyclists that will criss-cross the city. She reported that a Mountie (Officer Mike Rydell and his horse) have been seen in Sugar House Park. They are from the Pioneer Patrol Div. This is a new dimension to park security. If you would like to see this continued in our area, call 799-3104. If you are interested in the agenda for the Sugar House Park Authority meetings, call 483-5473. Cheri asked for volunteers to work with her on a Sesquicentennial project in Hidden Hollow. Lynne Olson, Christe Corbin, Colleen Men1ove, and Ruth Robbins volunteered to work with her. The Sugar House Community Council has requested $25,000 from CDBG funds to assist in developing a pedestrian corridor linking up Sugar House and Fairmont parks. Hidden Hollow can be a key element in the urban trail master plan intersecting the East-West corridor from Parley’s Canyon to the Jordan parkway with a trail going North·South along the Salt Lake/Jordan Canal which flows along McClelland St. Previously obtained CDBG funds have been used to build paths and stabilize the creek bank as well as security lights in the Hidden Hollow area. There is still $15,000 to be used next spring to install a drip irrigation system along the South bank. Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reported that 20% of cars that are stolen have the motor running and the keys in the ignition. She urged everyone to lock their car at all times. She also encouraged us to call Capt. Folsom at 799-3306 requesting a bike patrol in the Sugar House business area. Officer Ross indicated this would help a lot in cutting down crime in the area. The Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is soliciting funds from businesses in the area to help finance this. Shane Jones presented the Crime Report and also promoted the bike patrol. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: The McIntyre and Hygiea developers met with the executive committee prior to the council meeting to discuss their proposals and remained at the council meeting to answer questions from the public. There are 3 master plans that need to be considered in this development: 1) the Sugar House Master Plan developed in 1985, 2) the Sugar House Business District Strategies and Recommendations Update, and 3) the Open Space Master Plan as it applies to the Hidden Hollow area. These plans are very specific in the use of mixed use (retail/office/residential) in this area as well as the Town Center concept. The Hygiea developers are desirous to have the city buy the north side of Hidden Hollow from them or some trade that would be acceptable to all concerned. They own from the center of the creek north. Rawlins Young suggested that the Redevelopment Agency could be brought in to help the developer build a parking plaza rather than all the surface parking that is planned. There is a great desire to allow for future development of the Parleys – Jordan River Trail system. The McIntyre developers also own part of the Parleys creek and indicated they would be willing to donate this to the city. They would like to do something similar to the City Creek parks downtown in bringing Parleys Creek to the surface. They also want to work with the Library to allow them to expand their children’s section as well as provide parking access for the library. They would like to landscape the stream area. Traffic: The next CLS (Coalition for Livable Streets) meeting will be Nov. 18 at 6:00 PM at the Foothill COP station. Rich Bennett encouraged all of us to be more aware of our driving habits in an effort to cut down traffic and speeding in our neighborhoods. A group of U of U students made a report on a study they have made on traffic calming measures that could be used on 1500 East. This group was asked by the SLC transportation engineers to provide possible solutions to calm traffic along 1500 East between 2100 South and Sunnyside Ave. The students were under the direction of Dr. Peter Martin. Some of the options they presented included: 1) Road surface change such as brick crosswalks, areas of cobbles, color changes, 2) Cul-de-sac Diestel Road at Sunnyside Ave., 3) Leave things as they are, 4) Traffic diverter on 1500 East at 1700 So., allowing vehicles to go either East or West on 1700 So., but not straight through the intersection, 5) Soft separation between lanes, 6) Speed humps, 7) Roundabouts, 8) Pinch Points (Chokers). They indicated that according to a study made by the city regarding the speed and volume of traffic on 15th East, some improvement has been made. Most of the traffic is local. Most of the traffic travels above the speed limit. It currently takes approx. 4.2 seconds to make a left turn from 21st So. onto 15th East. After the light at 15th East has been installed, the number of cars that can turn left onto 15th East during a light cycle will be 1/2 of what it is now. If 15th East were to be closed at any point, it would have a major impact on 13th, 16th, etc. Robin Carbaugh showed a video on “Mechanics of Making Great Community Places” for those that wanted to stay and watch it. Others talked with the McIntyre and Hygiea developers regarding their plans. Meeting finally broke up approximately 10:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]