SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1997


November 5, 1997

Trustees: Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rich Bennett, Helen Peters, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Doris Williams (11)          Excused: Scott Kisling, Judi Short, Doloros Donohoo, Ruth Robbins City Representatives~ Kathy Daly, Officer Fred Ross, Keith Christensen, Everett Joyce (4) Others: Amy Irvine, Scott Maddox, Ruth Popescu, Maggie Lacy, Denise Hamilton, Mary Sjoberg, Loraine Judd, Dorothy Weber, Ronald Weber, Dee Costley, G. Paxon MacGavin, Russell Harris, David Holt, Ray Pugsley, Yuka Jenkins, Suzanne Tronier, Jeremy Riley, ?, Jeff MacFarlane, Connie C. Madsen, Mark Hamilton, Stephen Hamilton, Walt May, Mary May, Jaime May, N. France, Heather Smith, Mike Gleason, Shelly Powell, Steve Morgan, Arloa Aplanalp (31) Total – 46  Meeting called to order at 7 :00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the October meeting were approved with a couple of spelling corrections Chair Report: Helen reported the bond had passed in last night’s election and extended congratulations to Keith Christensen for re-election to the City Council. Helen reported that Lynne Olson will be receiving one of the “Good Neighbor” awards presented by Key Bank. She also indicated that the Mayor’s office is going to be awarding a new “Citizen of the Month” award. If anyone has nominations for this, call the Mayor’s office or Scott Kisling. The leafbags should have been distributed to all neighborhoods by now. Anyone with comments regarding campaign reform should contact the Mayor’s or City Council office. There is still a need for more school crossing guards. There are many SLC boards that have citizen participation. Anyone interested in being involved in this way, contact Scott Kisling. Treasurers Report: Income of $969, Expenditures of $1,065, Balance of $2,237. This includes $880 received from the Sesquicentennial activity. Mayor’s Office Update: Pauline Zvonkovic is ill so no report tonight. City Council Update: Keith Christensen reported on some of the activity that is going on in the gateway area of the city and indicated that the City Council supports what is going on. UDOT made a request that the City pay 3 million dollars toward rebuilding the viaducts in that area. The City Council agreed to do this. Because of the expenditure in this area, maintenance of streets in some other areas will be delayed. There has been a 15% increase in traffic accidents since the I-15 construction began. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that Officer Fred Ross will also be receiving a “Good Neighbor” award. These awards will be presented at the City Council meeting on Nov. 18. Officer Ross has also been awarded a Shared Vision award, 1 of 2 awarded in the whole country. Officer Ross reported he did not have the crime report this month, but reported that the rate of crime had gone down 47% in the first 6 months of this year, but was beginning to climb back up again. He attributed this, at least somewhat, to complacency of the citizens. He also reported that Congressman Cook and Del Brewster will be speakers at the upcoming Business meeting. Linda Ward is the new officer in our area replacing Michele Rendon-Van Rosendaal. School Board Update: None.  Westminster College Update: Steve Morgan described some of the things that have been done on the campus recently. The greatest accomplishment is the completion of the new library. Enrollment at the college is increasing with 30% of the new students coming from out of state. In the past, there have been about 50% traditional students (18-22 out of High School) and 50% non-traditional (older working persons). They feel that the trend is moving back to the more traditional student. As a result, there is a need for more on-campus housing. They are going to build new residence halls with the plans calling for 3 buildings built in3 phases spread out over the-next5 years. Each of the 3 halls will house 100 students. The plan is to build these halls in the South East corner of the campus. They have started on the North West parking plaza with completion scheduled for next fall. This will have 300 parking places. During the construction of the parking plaza and the 1st of the residence halls, the athletic field will be used for parking in an effort to keep students from parking in the neighborhoods. The South West parking plaza will not be started for at least 2 years. The neighbors are still very concerned about the traffic problems on 12th East and other adjoining streets. Helen asked Westminster College to set up a minimum of 6 meetings in the next few weeks to meet with the neighbors to see what can be done to address some of their concerns. Shelly Powell was asked to represent the neighborhood and Sandy Hiskey to represent the community council. The first meeting will be held next Monday night at 6:00 PM at Malouf Ha11, Room 201. Unit Legalization -1988 So. 1800 East: Jeff MacFarlane presented this request, indicating the building has been listed as a duplex at least since 1959. The city had previously informed them that it was a legal duplex, but later found that it was not. Sheila O’Driscoll, a trustee who lives in that neighborhood felt there were no problems with this request. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend to the city approval of this request. Unit Legalization – 1985-89 So. 7th East: Mike Gleason presented a request to legalize a basement apartment in the home at this address as well as the 2 additional apartments in the building at the back of this lot. There have been 3 apartments in the house, but Mike’s plans are to change the home back to just the two apartments and create a parking area at the rear of the house for those two apartments. Parking for the 2 rear apartments will still remain on the front of the lot to the South of the House. A motion was made and seconded that we postpone the decision until we have additional information. This motion was voted down with 3 in favor and 5 opposed. Another motion was made and seconded that we approve the request. This was approved with 8 in favor and 1 opposed. Unit Legalization at 2191-93 East Crystal Ave.: Arloa Aplanalp presented the request to legalize the basement apartment as well as asking for approval for a parking pad on the small strip of property on the side of the home. There were suggestions made that a right of way be provided for a possible future bike trail along the freeway behind the house, but it was felt that there is not enough known about the future plans for the redo of 1-80 to pursue this request. The motion was made, seconded, and approved with 8 in favor and 2 abstaining to approve this request. Communication Antenna Requests: Yuka Jenkins & David Holt from Sprint PCS presented plans for two antennas. The first was to add additional antennas to an existing tower at 680 East Wilmington and the other was the addition of 2 antennas and a dish on the top of the building at 1245 East Brickyard Road. Motions were made, seconded and passed with 8 in favor for the approval of both of these requests. Fairmont Park: Motion was made to request that SLC update the Master Plan for Fairmont Park to include, but no limited to a feasibility study regarding the replacement and possible relocation of the swimming pool. This was seconded and approved with 8 in favor. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 9:10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]