SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1998


November 4, 1998

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscol, Sandy Hiskey, Su Armitage, Phillip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Ray Pugsley, Scott Kisling (14) Excused: Doris Williams City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Dan Andrus, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Diane Olsen, Ron Bruno (6) Others: Mark McGrath, Ammon Nelson, Max Mumford, Claudia Pack, Derek Payne, Bill Cupit, Sharon Cupit, Lynne Olson, Jeff Woodbury, Richard Mendenhall, Chris Weiss, Jennifer Trom (12) Total- 32 Meeting called to order at 7: 1 0 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the October meeting were approved with a couple of corrections in name spellings. Treasurers Report: No activity was posted during the month leaving a balance of $2,202.39 in the account. Chair Report: Helen reported on the Town Meeting that had been held in Dist. 7 a short time ago. She also indicated that the trash bags should have been distributed to the neighborhoods by now. This year there are orange ones and clear ones. The clear ones are an experiment to determine if they will recycle better than the orange ones. If you got the clear ones, be sure and put them out so they will be a part of this evaluation. Helen reported on the Mayor’s meeting with the community council chairs. She also indicated that the skate board ordinance for the Sugar House area will be before the City Council on Nov. 10. Public Input: A question was asked about the status of the cities Recognition Ordinance. Bill Allayaud indicated that the City Council has been reviewing it and the City Attorney is looking at it. It will be discussed at the next Mayor’s meeting. A question was asked regarding where the funding for community councils is coming from. There are several sources, but some of it comes from Federal Grant money. Rawlins Young suggested that a letter be sent to the newly elected candidates expressing our congratulations and informing them of the meeting time for our Community Council as well as a thank you letter to those who will be leaving office. Sugar House Community Council Committee Recruiting: Helen described the proposed committees and asked for volunteers to serve on each of them. She indicated that a person need not be a trustee to be involved with any of the committees. The following committees are being established: 1) Public Safety & Education – Exec. Rep. – Ray Pugsley, Chair. – Dorothy Tuddenham 2) Parks and Recreation – Exec. Rep. Ray Pugsley 3) Historical- Exec. Rep. – Helen Peters, Chair. – Dolores Donohoo 4) Transportation – Exec. Rep. Scott Kisling, Chair. – Rawlins Young, Members – Alice Edvalson, John Richards, Philip Carlson 5) Land Use & Zoning – Exec Rep. – Scott Kisling, Members – Sheila O’Driscoll, Mark McGrath 6) Membership – Exec. Rep – Su Armitage, Chair. – Cheri Carleson, Members – Ammon Nelson. Anyone wishing to be involved with any of these committees, please call one of the executive committee. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham explained a bit about the Community Action Teams (CAT) and indicated they have seen some real success with these teams in the city. Barry also had several handouts of information, including: Resource Books for Dist. 5, 6, and 7, Nuisance Abatement, and a Neighbor Law class. A question was asked regarding the status of the Herzog Station on 21st South. It has broken windows and is in disrepair. Barry indicated that broken windows need to be boarded up. He said he would check and see what he could find out about this. A question was asked regarding trees in the parking areas. Barry indicated that the parking strip belongs to the city, but it is the home owners’ responsibility to care for the trees etc. in the parking strip. To have trees trimmed,call the Urban Forester at 972-7818. Questions were also asked regarding the replacement of bad sidewalks and gutters. Call Barry at 535-7971 for the person to contact. Public Safety Education Update: Diane Olsen reported that car prowls are still high in our area. She had a large map showing the locations of recent crime activities. She also had a pamphlet on Holiday Safety for anyone interested. She invited anyone interested to a monthly meeting with the Community Police representatives. This meeting is held on the 2nd Wed. of each month at the Police Dept. down town at 12:00 PM. Diane asked if anyone had heard anything about the COP office that was supposed to be provided as a part of the McIntyre development. Rumor has it that this is now relegated to the basement of the parking garage. Early plans for this development promised that this office would be a street level easily accessed location, preferably on the Highland Drive side. No one had any information on the current plans for this office. Dan Andrus of the Fire Dept. reported that they had received a contribution of several hundred smoke detectors and are wanting to install them free of charge in homes of persons who are unable to afford to install these themselves. Call the Fire Dept. if you would qualify for one of these. Parks Recreation Report: Ray Pugsley reported that Rita Lund has been chosen as a new member of the Sugar House Park Authority. The city is questioning the appointment because she lives in the county. Sugar House Park is a county facility. A motion was made that we send a letter to the editors of the Tribune and Deseret News with a copy to Keith Christensen asking that the city approve this appointment. The motion was approved unanimously. Planning Dept Issues: Bill Allayaud, of the city, reported that plans for the remodel of the Redman Bldg. and other development in that area by Mendenhall are ready to be presented to the city. There will be a public hearing on the Fairmont Park Swimming Pool at the Planning Dept. on Nov. 19. Bill is still working on the revisions for CB and CN zone changes. There will be an open house for this issue on Nov. 9 from 7-9 PM. Currently small business located in residential areas are considered non-conforming uses. The proposed changes would make some of these CN (neighborhood commercial). They are also looking at providing special conditions in areas where re-zoning isn’t acceptable. It has been found that the small neighborhood commercial businesses are becoming more popular. A letter needs to be written to Bill Wright of the Planning Dept. regarding the flag lot issue and the cumulative impact these have on the surrounding neighborhoods. Bill is also still working on the Sugar House Master Plan rewrite and he had flyers for upcoming meetings regarding this. Bill is still soliciting persons from the area to help in this activity.Park View II Proposal: Lynne Olson reported on a meeting held on this issue. The Sugar House Community Council had written a letter identifying unresolved issues. A subcommittee is working with the developers to try to resolve these issues. It is generally agreed that this proposal would be an economical benefit to the community, but there are still big concerns and objections to the size of the building, the materials that are planned to be used, the view that will be blocked, the increased traffic in the area, and the landscaping on the West and East sides. We are waiting for a response to these issues. Meacham has indicated he is trying to revise the plans to address some of these issues. It was suggested that it would be more desirable if there were more mixed use included in the plans. There was also a concern with a lack of cooperation with adjacent land and building owners. Mendenhall Proposal: Jeff Woodbury and Richard Mendenhall indicated that the plans that are going forward for the Redman Bldg. are basically the same as were presented to us at a previous meeting. They explained conceptual designs for development of other property they own in this same block. This includes the area behind the Redman bldg. and East through to the red brick bldg. on 13th East. The plans they presented were quite well accepted by those in attendance at the meeting. Their purpose in presenting these plans was mainly to hear comments and suggestions before they proceed with more detailed plans. Thanks were expressed to them for their willingness to work with the community in the early phases of their planning. Adjourned at 9: 10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]