SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1999


November 3, 1999

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMinutes for November 3, 1999Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Ty McCartney, Rich Bennett, Sheila O’Driscoll, Robert Marsh, Dolores Donohoo, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Price, Phillip Carlson, Lynne Olson, John Richards (17) Excused: Ruth Robbins, Dorothy Tuddenham City/State Representatives: Bill Al1ayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Officer Ron Bruno, Officer Kirkwood, Senator Paula F. Julander, Diane Olsen, Representative Karen Hale, Representative Afton Bradshaw (9)Others: Peter Minenno, Temis Taylor, Tamera C. J. Baggett, Alan Bradshaw, Ralph & Donna Klenk, Grace Sperry, Jeff Anglesley, Danny Ellis, Winky, Andrew Langi, Jan Roggins, Margaret Murdock, Kevan Adams, Jerry Schmidt, Lilly Van Egmond, Kathleen Anderson, Clinton Jensen, Gale Hendry, David Grow, Carol Walton, Mary Lee Peters, Frank & Jolene Kniffing, Mircia Scott, J_ D_ Sterling, Rob Wilde, Dottie Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Emery Staten, Tyler Egbert, Leslie Hoodes, Jim Platt, Matt Platt, Harvard Foulks, Marguerite Shaw, Derek Payne, Ella Olsen, Rebecca Arrowood, Michael Hanson, Peter F. Pillman, John Cruikshank, Josh Pederson, Lorraine Miller, Steve Morgan, Dick Van Clavern, Farley Eskelson (47) Total-73  Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. Minutes of the October meeting were approved. Chair Report: Ty McCartney, the new chair, introduced himself. Minutes of the October meeting were approved. Ty acknowledged the death of past trustee Hope Hilton and indicated that a card of sympathy had been sent to the family. Applications for CDBG grants have been submitted by the Family Support Center, The Rape Crisis Center, and the Boys & Girls Club from our area. Ty explained that the sub-committee responsible for reviewing Unit Legalizations had -reviewed a request for a legalization at 1731. So. 17th East and because of circumstances felt the need to approve the request prior to this meeting. It was emphasized again that these requests for Unit Legalization are the responsibility of the property owner and they really do have plenty of time to request time on our agenda. If they fail to do so, the responsibility is theirs and not ours. In the future, if a request for a Unit Legalization is not given us in time to be included on our agenda, we will not review the request until the following month. Ty gave the trustees the list of committee assignments for the coming year and indicated that a new committee has been formed, a Trails committee. Members of that committee will be Scott Kisling, Executive liaison, Lynne Olson and Gayen Wharton. Treasurers Report: There has been no activity during the past month. There is a balance of $1,766.98 in our account. Public Input: Cheri Carleson asked about the bike racks that were supposed to be placed in the new Sugar House Commons area. Helen Peters will check on this and report her findings at the next meeting. The question was again asked about the crosswalk in front of the library. This has been addressed several times in past meetings. Since we had Senator Paula Julander and Representatives Afton Bradshaw and Karen Hale in attendance, we asked them if they could do anything to possibly modify the ordinance that limits liquor licenses within a certain distance from a public library since this is the main issue with this crosswalk. It was noted that a dental office, a jewelry store, and Sugar House Glass businesses on 21st So. are not being maintained very well and asked if something could be done to approve the appearance in those areas. It was also noted that 5 street lights North of 21st So. on 11th East are burned out. It was suggested that the City be notified of burned out lights since they often are not aware of this. There was also a question regarding graffiti in the area. The graffiti hotline phone number (972-7885) was again given for persons to call when they see graffiti. Police Update: Officer Bruno indicated they are anxious to get into their new office and explained what the arrangement of the new area would be like. At the present time, not much seems to be happening in that area. If anyone has office furniture,  they would be willing to donate for this new office, it would be appreciated. He indicated they are working on the graffiti problems. The police are working with Mecham on the new development on 13th East.  The police feel-this will be a big asset in that area. Appreciation was expressed to the Police Dept. for the improvement in animal control in Sugar House Park on Sundays. Unit Legalization – 2455 So. 5th East: Since this request did not come until after the agenda had been prepared, this is being postponed until in Dec.Unit Legalization – 2006 So. 13th East: This request did not come until after the agenda was prepared so it is also being postponed until in Dec. Unit Legalization -1888 So. 1100 East: John Sterling is requesting legalization of a triplex at this address. A motion was made to approve this request, but because of several questions, the motion was withdrawn. There was a question regarding adequate parking and also a question if the size of the property fit within the requirements for a triplex. The motion was made that we wait until these issues have been resolved. Voting was 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 6 abstaining. Unit Legalization – 2528 Highland Dr.: Frank Kniffing is requesting legalization of a triplex at this address. He indicated there is plenty of parking, with 9 parking places. He indicated the records verify this has been a triplex for the past 20 years. The motion was made that we approve this request. Voting was l0 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstaining. Conditional Use Permit to Create a lot at 2534 Wilshire Circle (Beverly Hills Subdivision): Allen Bradshaw had met with the executive committee prior to this meeting and explained in detail his request. The lot in question was defined as it currently is in 1950. The lot is almost 1 acre of land (.98). Part of the property is a hill sloping down to the freeway. The purpose of this request is to create a buildable lot on this property. This same issue was presented to the Sugar House Community Council in Oct. of 1993 and the council approved the request at that time, but nothing further was done. The motion was made that we approve this request. The voting was 11 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstaining. Railroad Cleanup at 2210 So. 8th East: Josh Pederson presented his plans for improving the appearance of this area. He is proposing to fill the tracks with redwood bark or some other acceptable material. He would like to add benches and other items to provide a nice environment. He is working on getting grant moneys to help finance this effort and is asking for our support in this effort. He would like to have this completed by early spring next year. It was suggested that this be extended to 5th East as well. The motion was made that Josh meet with and work with our new trail committee and that they come back with any recommendations necessary. The voting was unanimous with 15 in favor. Vest Pocket Coalition Report: Lorraine Miller of Cactus and Tropicals explained that this coalition was formed as a means for small, locally owned businesses, located in a neighborhood to work together in an effort to keep these small businesses as a viable part of our communities. She indicated that many of these small businesses are sponsoring an open house on Dec. 1. Look for this activity in your neighborhood business. Westminster College Master Plan Update: Steve Morgan and Dick van Clavern reviewed the Master Plan for the college. It is basically the same plan as presented to us a couple of months ago. They are trying to preserve what open space they have on the campus and are also making every effort to provide adequate parking on the campus so students will not park in the adjoining neighborhoods. Tillie Van Egmond living at 1858 So. 1200 E. presented a Citizen Master Plan that was stated as representing the neighborhood from 17th So. to 21st So. and from 11th East to 13th East. This described 13 issues and concerns with the proposed plans for the college. One of the residents from Blaine Aye. indicated that he had not seen this document and felt that it did not accurately represent the area as described. There were quite a number of residents from both the North/West area and the South/West area adjacent to the college. It appears that the main concern with the neighbors is still concerns with the traffic and with the proposed parking structures. A resident from Blaine Ave. suggested we approve the master plan but note that there are still issues to be resolved with the parking structures. A motion was made that we approve the proposed facilities part of the master plan and only the proposed traffic and parking improvements that proposes the discontinued parking on the Burma Road and replacing it with a landscaped pedestrian mall. There was much discussion following this motion. The motion was amended to include the list of concerns that the neighbors have. The motion was again amended to propose that we approve the master plan as it was presented and that we attach the minutes from the two meetings that were held with the neighbors and the Citizen Master Plan presented tonight. The voting on that motion was 7 in favor, 3 opposed, and 3 abstaining. AT&T/TCI Conditional Use Permit to Operate as a Public/Private Utility Building – 1251 East Wilmington Ave.: Peter Pillman and John Cruikshank presented modified plans for the proposed building. Following this proposal at our last meeting, there were several concerns raised. A sub-committee had been formed to work with the developer. The sub-committee had met with the developer and feel that the concerns from the previous meeting have been worked out and recommended that we accept the proposal as modified. The motion was made that we accept the proposal. The voting was l0 in favor, 2 opposed, and 1 abstaining. McDonald’s on 21st So – rezone from CC (commercial corridor) to CSHBD (commercial Sugar House Business District): The reason for the request is so they can build a covered, enclosed playground. The CC zoning requires a greater setback than would be required to build the proposed playground. There was some concern with the height of the proposed structure (25 ft. high). This height is needed because of the current safe play equipment now being installed in McDonald’s). A motion was made that we favor the zone change from CC to CSHBD from Lincoln to 9th East. This motion was withdrawn because it was felt that there had not been adequate notification to the surrounding area. A second motion was made that we deny the proposal. The voting was 6 in favor, 4 opposed, 4 abstaining. A motion was made that we look at a second option, but due to the lateness of the hour, that motion was withdrawn. Ty appointed a sub-committee made up of Ray Pugsley and Phillip Carlson to work with Mr. Eskelson in an effort to resolve some of the concerns. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. NOTE: The report on Gilgal Gardens was postponed due to the lateness of the hour.

Landon Clark
[email protected]