SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2000


DATE: WEDNESDAY November 1, 2000


TIME: 7:00 PM

Ty McCartney, Chair. Conducting


7:00 – 7:15 Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval

Chair Report

Treasurers Report

7:15 – 7:25 Public Input

7:25 – 7:35 Crime Prevention Update – Diane Olsen/ Linda Ward

7:35 – 7:45 Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham

7:45 – 7:55 Planning Dept. Update – Planning Dept. Rep.

7:55 – 8:00 New Trustee Petitions – Kevan Adams (Forest Dale)

Todd Slack (Garfield)

8:00 – 8:10 Conditional Use/Demolition Permit 2542-46 So. 13th East

Sub-committee Report – Helen Peters

8:10 – 8:20 Unit Legalization – 2242 So. Texas St. (Duplex) –

Renae Garritson

8:20 – 8:30 Alley Vacation – Between Crandall & Zenith and

12th East and the Jordan/SL Canal Corridor –

Wayne Mills, Planning Dept.

8:30 – 8:40 Cell Antennae on top of old Regency Theatre on Parleys

Way and I-80 Interchange – David Drake

8:40 – 9:00 Organizational Issues

9:00 Adjourn


December Agenda Deadline – November 17, 2000 –

Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664

SHCC Executive Meeting – November 20, 2000 – 7:00 PM –

Contact Alice or Ty for place

Next Community Council Meeting – December 6, 2000 – 7:00 PM


Questions: Call Chair Ty McCartney – 466-3558

Vice Chair Su Armitage – 487-2321

Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170

Vice Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181

Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663

Asst. Sec. Lynne Olson – 484-8352

Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180

See us also on:

*****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************


MINUTES FOR November 1, 2000

Trustees: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rawlins Young, Judi Short, Ruth Price, Sheila O’Driscoll, Philip Carlson, Su Armitage, Robert Marsh, Dolores Donohoo, Rich Bennett, Tiffany Starbuck, Fred Conlon, Helen Peters, Scott Kisling (16)

Excused: Lynne Olson

City/State Representatives: Linda Ward, Police Dept.; Wayne Mills, Planning Dept.; Kathy Daly, Sprague Library (3)

Others: Sarah Carlson, Jan Dennett, David Donohoo, Kevan Adams, Justin Jones, Todd Slack, Jamie Slack, Daren Willden, Jared Barnard, Beverly Takos, RaNae Garretson, Brent Applonie, David Drake, Ricy Gregerson, Larry D. Richardson, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Peter Coles, Glen Lamson, Melissa Lichtenstein, Melissa Anderson, Karin Whitlock, Julie Gregersen, (23) Total Attending – 42

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. The minutes were approved.

CHAIR REPORT: The 24 Hr. Fitness Center is now up and running. We have now been told the Lone Star Steak House will open sometime in February. Ty read a letter and certificate of appreciation to the Sugar House Community Council from the Parleys Crossing Project. We have received information from the Traffic Engineer regarding a PACE car program. They would like volunteers to be involved with this. We will try to have more information in a future meeting. For more information, call 535-6630. Ty encouraged everyone to get out and vote on Nov. 7.

TREASURERS REPORT: Dolores Donohoo reported a beginning balance of $2,080.70. Miscellaneous office expenses were paid in the amount of $55.04 leaving a balance of $2,025.66.


Tiffany Starbuck reported the traffic lights on 6th South don’t seem to be coordinated very well any more. She is also concerned with the large amount of traffic on 9th East.

Fred Conlon reported that the Sugar House Merchants Association are making an effort to provide Christmas lights in the business district from Ramona Ave. to Sugarmont Ave. and 9th East to 13th East. They would also like to work with the Sugar House Community Council in an effort to restore the fountain that once was at the monument. He also reported that Del Brewster is no longer with the East Valley Chamber of Commerce and has been replaced by Maria Soter.

Melissa Anderson reported that Envision Utah is putting information on the WEB and can be accessed at They are also conducting a series of workshops. Anyone interested in these can contact Todd Leon at 973-3218 or EMAIL at [email protected] .

Peter Cole who lives across the street from the Highland Park ward indicated he is interested in what is being proposed for the parking lot at that ward. He doesn’t want to see any changes and feels that there is adequate parking in the adjoining neighborhoods and doesn’t object to them parking there. He is also concerned with the increased traffic on 21st South with the opening of the 24 Hour Fitness Center. He also was concerned with the blocking off of McClelland St. north of the business district. He indicated he used that street quite a bit. He was also concerned with crime in the area and had some questions on the proposal for the cell tower on the UP&L building that we addressed at our last meeting.


Linda Ward reported on a meeting they had with the business owners to discuss problems with skate boards and bicycles on the sidewalks in the business area. The meeting was not well attended and she is wondering if this is really a problem. She also mentioned graffiti in the area again. Kathy Daly suggested a need to work with the kids on getting a skate board park in the area. Linda said they are still working on the problems at the bus stops on 21st South and 17th East. Sheila O’Driscoll reported on problems with parking around the Dilworth school and indicated they are working with Scott Vaterlaus of the Transportation Dept. in an effort to resolve them. Jan Dennett asked if the “NO LEFT TURN” sign on 21st South on the North side of Highland High could be moved to the right side where it could be more easily seen. Helen Peters asked about junk that is stored North of the Conoco station on 21st South and also behind the old popcorn shop. She indicated that the garbage area at Smith’s on 21st South still is not very good. Melissa Lichtenstein reported traffic blocking the North bound intersection at 17th South and 7th East when turning left.


Barry Esham was out of town so there was no report.


Janice Jardine has gone back to the City Council office so they are looking for another planner for our area. Wayne Mills from the Planning Dept. was in attendance for another issue and had nothing else to report.


A petition to become a trustee was presented by Kevan Adams of the Forest Dale neighborhood. This was unanimously approved.

A petition to become a trustee was presented by Todd Slack of the Garfield neighborhood. We are allowed 3 trustees from this neighborhood and we currently have 3 trustees, however, Rich Bennett’s petition expired in October and as yet he has not presented a new one. Rich indicated he still has a desire to be a trustee and that he would have a new petition. Ruth Price, also of the Garfield neighborhood, indicated she would like to be a Trustee At Large. We will make that change with Ruth and Todd will become the third trustee for the Garfield neighborhood. This was unanimously approved.


This was canceled as nothing has changed since the last meeting.


RaNae Garritson reported that the original legalization request had been lost so this is an effort to redo that request and make the duplex legal. Trustee, Su Armitage reported that she and Sheila O’Driscoll had reviewed this request and felt everything was in order as required by the city. They recommended approval of the request. A motion was made that we accept the request. The voting was 10 in favor, 2 opposed and 3 abstaining.


Wayne Mills, from the Planning Dept. indicated the City Council had received a request for this vacation from Justin Jones. The City asked that this request be presented to our community council. There was concern expressed with the City giving away open space property as well as a concern for an irrigation ditch in this area. It was suggested that the City develop some guidelines for future use in addressing vacation of alley properties. Wayne indicated that in many cases, each request is a different situation and probably needs to be evaluated on an individual basis. After much discussion, a motion was made to reject the proposal. Voting was 4 in favor, 8 opposed, and 4 abstaining. Another motion was made to approve the request with voting 7 in favor, 6 opposed, and 2 abstaining.


David Drake of Cricket Communications presented a proposal to put a cell-phone antennae on the roof of the Regency Theater on Parleys Way and I-80. He indicated this would provide access for those living in the Foothill Village area. The antenna is 10 ft. high and needs to be this high to reach the required area. This request was first presented to the Arcadia Heights Community Council and they approved it. The motion was made that we accept the proposal with 8 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstaining.


Helen Peters described the new large map that we have made representing the Sugar House Community Council area. It shows the neighborhood boundaries and lists, for each neighborhood, the number of trustees allowed and lists by name, the trustees that are currently serving in each neighborhood with the date their petition expires. She also indicated that the following trustees petitions have expired and could be removed if challenged by someone else in the same neighborhood:

Rich Bennett – Oct. 2000

Gene Davis – Feb. 1992

Dolores Donohoo – May 2000

Scott Kisling – Dec. 1997

Sheila O’Driscoll – May 2000

Judi Short – May 1997

Dorothy Tuddenham – June 2000

Rawlins Young – Mar. 1998

It was suggested that we clarify exactly what is included in the small external areas located on the southern boundaries.

Helen suggested a need for a parliamentarian to help in our meetings. Robert Marsh has volunteered to act in this capacity. A vote was taken to approve this action and was approved with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstaining. Robert will be an additional Assistant Secretary with the function as Parliamentarian. Helen suggested we need a separate meeting with just trustees to review the by-laws. Helen is still working on job descriptions for trustee responsibilities. She is planning on having these ready for our review by the next meeting. Next month we will spend more time in organizing the various committees and assigning trustees to each committee.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]