SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2001


DATE:  WEDNESDAY November 7, 2001    PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting             7:00 – 7:10        Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval,                                    Chair Report, Treasurers Report            7:10 – 7:25         Public Input            7:25 – 7:30         Vote On Letter to City in Support of 17th East                                    Traffic Calming Proposal            7:30 – 7:35         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham            7:35 – 7:50         UTA/TRAX Update – Randy Campbell            7:50 – 8:00         Police Update            8:00 – 8:10         SLC Youth Programs -Janet Wolfe, Mayor’s Office            8:10 – 8:20         Beets N Banners – Lynne Olson & Susan Petheram            8:20 – 8:30        Proposed duplex on vacant lot-2375 Green St. –                                                                                    Tom Duffin           8:30 – 8:40         Zone Change – 15th East/Redondo Ave. –                                                                                     Paul Hanseen            8:40 – 9:00         Unit Legalization Evaluation Discussion –                                                                                    Justin Jones            9:00                  Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:            CDBG Open House – November 5, 2001 – Edison Elementary School                                    (466 So. Cheyenne (1520 West)) – 5:30 – 7:00 PM            City Council Public Hearing on Sugar House Master Plan –                                    November 6, 2001 – Contact the City for time                  December Agenda Deadline – November 16, 2001 -Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            SHCC Executive Meeting – Nov. 19, 2001 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for place            Next Community Council Meeting – December 5, 2001 – 7:00 PM –  Sprague Library            THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library  Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamantarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153           Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on: orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them pleasecall Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for November 7, 2001 Trustees: Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Philip Carlson, Fred Conlon, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Ty McCartney, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Rawlins Young (16) Trustees Excused: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Paul Jackson, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Gayen Wharton City/State Representatives: Howard Brown, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Janet Wolf, Mayor’s Office; Kathy Black, SLC School Board, Randy Campbell, UTA (7) Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Diane Taylor, Bonnie Remington, John Remington, Jean Foulks, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Kaelin Osmun, Joey McCashland, Tyler Ontiveros, Flint Bunch, Drake Bunch, Donnovan Madas, Thomas Murray, Jeremiah Durrant, Cynthia Osmun, Beverly Takos, Beth Bauman, Martin Smith, Elaine S. Harding, Karin Whitlock, Bill Servoss, Deborah Ellis, Gary Findlay, John Hopkins, Ron Hopkins, Janet Hopkins, Rebekah O’Driscoll, Rachel White, Tom Duffin, Jim Duffin (31)   Total Attending: 54 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the October meeting were approved with the addition of Scott Kisling to the candidates for Vice Chair. Chair Report:  Chair Ray Pugsley reported on the results of yesterday’s election: Jill Remington Love, City Council Dist. 5 and Dale Lambert City Council Dist. 7.  He also reported that the Fairmont Pool is still not open because there are still some details that need to be worked out between the contractors and the county. They have offered to give the trustees a “hard hat” tour of the facility. Ray polled the trustees to determine he best time to schedule the tour. Ray congratulated Lynne Olson who has been awarded the “Citizen Planner” of the year award given by the American Planning Association. The public hearing with the City Council for our Sugar House Master Plan was held last night, but since it was Election Day, it was determined by the City Council that they would extend the hearing until next week for those who were unable to attend last night. Ray encouraged those present to purchase the tote bags we had made in an effort to make some much-needed money for our Community Council needs.  These tote bags are a very nice heavy material, navy blue and have the Community Council logo and web site addresses imprinted on them.  We are selling them for $5.  Anyone wishing to purchase these, contact Alice Edvalson, 485-1663. Please help us in our fund raising activity. The Sugar House Merchant’s Association will be expanding the Christmas lights for the holiday season and they are going to have the Santa House on the monument plaza again.  This is a welcome activity since it was a long holiday tradition in our area.  The motion was made that we again contribute $100 to help with the holiday decorations.  Voting was unanimous approval.  Ray read a letter from Kathy Daly thanking us for our letter to her in appreciation for her time with us as Librarian at the Sprague Library. She is now working for the Ypsilanti, Michigan Library System which is close to her former Michigan home in Ann Arbor. She thanked us again for her time working with us. Ray acknowledged the Mountain View, 3rd and 2nd Ward Webelo Scouts who were attending our meeting working for their merit badge. Ray explained a new procedure he would like to try for presentations of items on our agenda. He is proposing that the person making the proposal be allowed 2 minutes to explain the proposal, followed with 3 minutes for comments from the audience, followed by a 1 minute response from the presenter after which a motion regarding the proposal would be made by a trustee, followed by 4 minutes for trustee discussion.  This would allow for a 10-minute time period for proposals that would, hopefully, help to keep us better on schedule.  If additional time is needed after ten minutes, a motion must be made and approved to extend the time. Treasurer’s Report:  The October statement balance was $2,087.05, with expenses of $95.74 from the rummage sale, leaving a balance of $1,991.31. Public Input:  Ron Hopkins – 1950 So. 17th East – The speed is excessive along this street.  It is a “straight shot” from Highland High clear to 17th South.  They have had traffic counters that measured 5,240 cars in 2 hours.  The neighborhood has tried clocking the traffic speed using the radar guns.  They have not been successful in getting the help they need from the City and ask that we do what we can to help them.   Jean Foulks – 1452 E. Redondo Ave. – Jean presented a letter and petition signed by their neighborhood in opposition to the proposed development at 15th East and Redondo Ave.   Joyce & Robert Cheney – 1452 Hollywood Ave. – They introduced themselves as the new Mobil Watch coordinators in our area and indicated there is a real need for more volunteers for this program and encouraged all present to consider getting involved.   Howard Brown – Sprague Library – Explained that the SLC Library system was interested in learning what we, as citizens, want and need from our libraries.  He handed out questionnaires for everyone to fill out with our comments.   Lynne Olson – 1878 Lincoln St. – Reported on the CDBG open house that had been held on Monday evening, explaining that our area had three requests: 1) Sugar House Historic Survey, 2) Sugar House Business District Small Area Plan, 3) Master Plan for the Sugar House segment of the Parley’s Creek Corridor Trail.  She encouraged those present to contact the CDAC committee with any comments that would help us to receive the funding for these projects. Letters may be sent to Greg Johnson, SLC Housing & Neighborhood Dev., 451 S. State St. #406, SLC, UT 84111 or [email protected] .   Paddy Campos – 1403 Westminster Ave. – Asked if there was anything further we needed to do with the proposal for 15th East and Redondo Ave. since this was pulled from our agenda again tonight and the indications were that they were going to drop the request.  We did receive the petitions from the neighborhood on this matter and will file them in our files for any future consideration and it was felt that we need to do nothing more.   Lynne Olson – 1878 Lincoln St. – Reminded us that we had previously voted to send letters of thanks to Roger Thompson and Keith Christensen as our outgoing City Councilmen and indicated that since the election was now over, she would send these letters. 17th East Traffic Calming Proposal:  Last month the neighborhood presented us with a letter and petition they had prepared to request help from the City in their efforts to calm the traffic in this area.  They are again asking for our help in getting the support of the City in this issue.  A motion was made that we send a letter to the City in support of the neighborhood in their efforts to calm the traffic on 17th East. It passed unanimously. Mayor’s Office update – Barry Esham:  Barry indicated that the city has received some 240+ requests for traffic calming and only about 10 per year are being funded. Barry complimented us on our process for dealing with unit legalizations, that we are getting information regarding the legalization prior to the meeting so the information can be presented at our meeting when the legalization is requested. He reminded us that, as a community council, we do not have approval or veto rights in these requests, but that this is the place to hear public comments regarding these issues and to present recommendations to the City in the actual granting of the legalization of additional units. School District Update – Kathy Black:  Kathy reported that she and others from the school district have had a tour of the new Fairmont Swimming Pool and said it is a beautiful showpiece facility. Highland High School will hold their regional meets there.  The leisure pool is also a great family oriented facility. There continue to be problems with the contractors, but it is now scheduled to be open the middle of December. A question was asked of her if there would be any additional consideration of closing schools for the Olympics. They were especially concerned about Highland High since it is next to Sugar House Park which will be one of the “Park N Ride” facilities. Kathy indicated that West High and Washington Elementary will by closed because of their proximity to Olympic activities, but that none of the others will be closed. She said they have talked with the Olympic people about Highland High and the parking lot, and have been assured that there will be proper and adequate security etc. in that area. A private parking company will be monitoring the parking there. UTA/TRAX Update – Randy Campbell:  Randy reported that when TRAX begins going to the University only south bound trains will turn east to go to the University. The transfer point to the east bound train will be the Gallivan Plaza stop. The trains will be coordinated for ease in transfer. The trains will run on a 15 minute schedule. They will also coordinate the bus schedules with the train. Some routes will be changed due to the new TRAX line and the coming Olympics. Contact UTA for information. Police Update – Officer Brendon Kirkwood: Officer Kirkwood reported that car prowls were way up again, even higher than last year at this time. He said that February, during the Olympics is going to be a HUGE test of patience and encouraged everyone to be as patient as possible during this time. Parking in the area and especially around Sugar House Park will be difficult, but he encouraged everyone to live with it as much as possible because the Police will be concentrating on things other than parking problems during this time. Streets in that area will not be closed during the Olympics. SLC Youth Programs – Janet Wolf, Mayor’s Office & Elaine Harding, Global Artways Program  The youth programs are designed to create a positive influence for young people in our neighborhoods. The Global Artways program is currently being conducted in the Fairmont Park cottage with other programs planned to be held there in the future. Plans are to start an afternoon and summer program for 5th through 8th grade students. There is an “Imagination Celebration” project, which is part of the Cultural Olympiad for kids. This is a Legacy project so we will see it happen every year. Beets N Banners – Lynne Olson & Susan Petheram:  This sub-committee is working with the Global Artways program in a program for our young people where they will learn how to create historical art and other projects that are unique to our area. They will have a historic walking tour or the area and will hear stories of the Sugar House area. There will also be programs where the parents will be involved with their children. These activities will be held on the three Saturdays during the Olympics at the Sprague Library. Some of the artwork that will be created by the kids will be used for creating banners that will be displayed in the Sugar House area. We are making an effort to capitalize on the sugar beet symbol for our area since our Sugar House name comes from the early attempt at creating sugar from the sugar beets. We are encouraging everyone to be creative in ways to use the sugar beet. We are creating an Olympic pin that will represent the Sugar House area and will have the sugar beet on it. Anyone interested in purchasing these pins needs to contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663 for order forms. The pins will sell for $7 and we are pre-selling them in order to have the funds to make the pins. Proposed duplex on vacant lot – 2275 Green Street – Tom Duffin:  This area is zoned for single family homes. The proposal is to build a duplex on this vacant lot. There is a 4-plex to the south of this lot and a home that has been converted to apartments on the north. Most of the homes across the street are single-family homes. It was pointed out by Rawlins Young that this was zoned single family during the last zone change because the majority of homes in the general area were single family homes. There was much discussion on this issue, which resulted in two motions to extend the discussion by 5 minutes each time. Finally a motion was made to reject the proposed zone change in order to build a duplex on this property with voting 5 in favor, 5 opposed, 1 abstaining. Chairman Ray Pugsley broke the tie by voting in opposition. Another motion was made to approve the petitioner’s request to build a duplex at this site.  The Community Council was divided, with voting 4 in favor, 4 opposed, and 3 abstaining. Again Chairman Pugsley broke the tie by voting in favor. Another motion was made that we table this request until next month to give us time to do more investigation into what is really required. Voting was 6 in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Ruth Price feels that the motion to table this issue is not in order according to Robert’s Rules. Ray indicated he would check into that. Unit Legalization Evaluation Discussion – Justin Jones:  Justin discussed the proposed forms that the sub-committee has developed in an effort to better evaluate each unit legalization that comes to us. The purpose of one is to be used by the sub-committee in evaluating the request and the other is to be sent to adjoining neighbors in an effort to get their feedback. Justin encouraged any comments or suggestions from the trustees. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]