SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2002


WEDNESDAY Nov. 6, 2002


PLACE: Sprague Library 2131 South 1100 East

TIME: 7:00 PM


Helen Peters, Chair. Conducting

7:00 – 7:10 Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Treasurers Report
7:10 – 7:15 Chair Report
7:15 – 7:20 Public Input
7:20 – 7:30 SH Public Arts Fund – Mack MacDonald
7:30 – 7:50 Wasatch Front Regional Council Update on Long Range
Transportation Plan & TRAX to SH – Sam Klem (WFRC),  Hal Johnson (UTA)
7:50 – 8:00 Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson
8:00 – 8:05 Mayor’s Update
8:05 – 8:25 Conditional Use Permit/Redevelopment at 1701 So. 11th E.
Retail on 1st floor/2nd & 3rd floors for Westminster rooming facilities – Larry Stepp
8:25 – 8:40 Fluoridation Buildings – Bob Sperling (SLC Pub. Util.)
Well Sites at:1280 E. 27th So. & 9th E. 27th So.
8:40 – 9:00 Organizational Issues
Distribution of Minutes & Agenda
By-Law Update Approval – view update at:
Committee Update

9:00 Adjourn

December Agenda Deadline – November 15, 2002 –
Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663
SHCC Executive Meeting – Contact Alice for date,time, & place
CDBG Open House – November 18, 2002 – 5:30-7:00 PM, Liberty Senior
Center (251 East 700 South)
Next Community Council Meeting – December 4, 2002 – 7:00 PM –
Sprague Library


Call Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170
Vice Chair Susan Petheram – 467-7657
Vice Chair Kevan Adams – 484-9153
Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708
Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663
Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180

See us also on: or hhtp:// or  hhtp://

Sugar House Community Council

Minutes for November 6, 2002

Trustees: Kevan Adams, Rich Bennett, Chris Bowler, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Justin Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Gina Thompson, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (20)

Trustees Excused: Claudia Holm

City/State Representatives: Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Barry Esham, SLC Mayor’s Office; Dale Lambert, SLC Council; Bob Sperling, SLC Public Utilities; Hal Johnson, UTA; Mack MacDonald, RDA, Sam Klem, Wasatch Front Regional Council (8)

Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Tom Nitzkowski, Craig Fuller, Maureen Simes, Donna Mirabelli, Nate Jeppson, Susan Jeppson, Bill Servoss, Reva Servoss, Milton Braselton, Agnes Greenhall, Don Zarkou, Tom Harvey, Mukesh Patel, Mike Rogers, Mike Vela, Michael Lane, Joel Macy, David Shapiro (19) Total Attending: 47

Meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes from the October meeting were approved.

TREASURERS REPORT: Beginning balance of $6,078.61. Expenditures of $209.00 for the speaking system. Deposit of $39.50 from the sale of bags. Ending balance of $5,909.11

CHAIR REPORT: Graffiti Removal Hotline – 972-7885; Grocery Cart Removal Hotline – 446-7984; Barry Esham, Community Affairs Analyst, SLC Mayor’s Office – 535-7971.
Sugar House Community Council January meeting will be 2 Jan. 2003 instead of the first Wed. which is New Years Day.
Barry Esham has requested volunteer help with the mailing of our minutes and agenda. A sign up sheet was circulated for volunteers to help with this.
The minutes and agenda will no longer be distributed to individual e-mail addresses. These are available on the internet at three different addresses:
Minutes will be posted on these sites at least 10 days prior to the first Wednesday of each month. If there are problems, contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663. If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the Internet and are no longer interested in receiving them via US Mail, call Alice Edvalson at 485-1663 and you will be removed from the mailing list.
Bill Rutherford, the SLC Forester will be removing five trees from around the east side of the children’s playground area (east of the old swimming pool) in Fairmont Park. These trees have been severely damaged or partially dead. Lynne Olson will be taking pictures of the trees to be removed and the pictures will be on our web site for your review. Bill has provided us with a selection of trees we can choose from to replace the trees that will be removed. Agnes Greenhall (484-9831) will coordinate any comments regarding these trees. Bill will also be working with Dell Cook who is working on the development of the Fairmont Park Master Plan. It is our hope that the urban forest in Fairmont Park can be renewed over a period of approximately eight years.
Fred Conlon is the SHCC Liaison to the Sugar House Merchants Association. Fred cannot attend our meetings as he teaches a class on Wed. evening, but he attends the Merchant’s meeting each month. Fred reported that he is working on getting a new Santa House built for placement on the Monument plaza by Dec 1, 2002 if they can raise $2,000 by Sunday, Nov. 10 to take advantage of supplier discounts. Helen asked if the Sugar House Community Council would approve a $2,000 expenditure to provide the seed money to construct the Santa House. We could recoup the funds once the merchants have been approached and asked for their support. The motion was made that we approve up to $2,000 seed money to construct the Santa House. Voting was 16 in favor, 1 opposed, 2 abstaining. Scott Kisling asked if those attending the meeting would be willing to donate money to help with this project and indicated he would pledge $100 towards this fund. A hat was passed around the room and $1,075 was pleged. Fred also reported that Shamrock contractors have been secured to instal the holiday lighting on the poles in the business district. They have agreed to store the lights from year-to year- rather than dispose of them after a single use. The lights will be placed on the poles 6 feet from the ground to discourage vandalism. At our Sept. meeting we had voted to contribute $250 towards the cost of these lights if they could be kept from year-to-year.
Lynn Rasmussen has sold the Salt Lake Pizza & Pasta and Fiddler’s Elbow. Lynn has been the chair of the Merchant’s Association so the association is looking for new leadership. Thanks to Lynn for his many years of committment to the Sugar House area. The Blue Boutique has also been sold to Dave Berg and his partner. Dave has been very generous in providing free coffe service at our Community Council meetings the past few months. Thanks to Dave!!
The Wasatch Front Regional Council wil hold a workshop on the Open Space Master Plan, Thurs. Nov. 7 from 6 – 9 PM at the SL County Complex, North building, first floor. For more information see
The SL Community Development Block Grant open house will be held Mon. Nov. 18 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at the Liberty Senior Center, 251 East 700 South. We have applied for funding for three projects: National Register Historic District Nomination for the Sugar House Community; Sidewalk Replacement Project; Fairmont Park Master Plan. It is important for everyone to attend this open house because everyone has the opportunity to vote for those projects they feel are the most important. This voting has a large impact on the projects that are chosen for funding.

Donna Mirabelli asked if a “No Trespassing/Dumping” sign could be posted at 17th East and 2321 So. There was a question if this was public or private property. If it is private property, we would have to have approval from owners. There was a motion made that if it was public property we would take appropriate action to get a “No Trespassing/Dumping” sign posted. Voting was 7 in favor, 8 opposed. A motion was then made that we study this issue and also include the area south of the freeway as well. Voting was 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining. Ray Pugsley will check into this.
Maureen Simes was concerned about the proposed Smith’s Food Store on 9th East and 21st South. She wanted to know why we had taken the position of locating the building on 21st So. Helen suggested she talk with Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept.
Dale Lambert of the City Council reported that the City Council has proposed that the $700,00 one-time Olympic money be given to each of the 7 city districts ($100,000 each) to use as they want. Dale indicated he would rather see the entire $700,000 be put into a fund to be used for open space projects. He reported that the Flag Lot ordinance was passed at the council meeting last night. The Walkable Community Ordinance will have a public hearing on the 19th. It was determined that we should schedule a time for Dale to report on council activities at each of our community council meetings.

Sugar House Public Arts Fund – Mac MacDonald (RDA)
Mac indicated he is working in our area coordinating the RDA funded public art activities. In 1990 guidelines were set up for public art. There is $50,000 set aside to be used in the Sugar House area for the 2003-2004 period. Suggested use of these funds are: The monument restoration study, art in front of the library, at Park View Plaza II, and the Sugar House Commons area. Kevan Adams suggested llooking at the Brickyard area. It was noted that the area must be in an RDA approved area.

Sam indicated that the Federal Government gives us transportation dollars based on a long range plan. The Wasatch Front Regional long range plan is looking forward to the year 2030. It is anticipated that most of the growth in the Salt Lake area will be in the south west quadrant of the valley. They are not expecting to widen roads in our area, but are looking at more emphasis on mass transit, more bus routes and more light rail lines. UTA has purchased the right of way on the old rail line to Sugar House, but money is not available for the constructin of the Sugar House light rail line. The WFRC would like to have our input on the Sugar House line. Rawlins Young was concerned with maintenance of property on this right-of-way until the line is built. It was wondered if a trail could be created along this area. Hal said they have been working with trails groups in these areas. Kevan wondered if a private company could be used to create a trail on a lease basis. Hal indicated that UTA has a maintenance program for rights-of-way areas. Sam also indicated that $400,000 has been allocated to extend a trail from the tunnel under I-215 at the mouth of Parleys Canyon. A motion was made that we send a letter to the WFRC asking that the Sugar House spur be added to the prospective light rail lines listed in the WFRC long range plan and that we also send a letter to our Congressional delegation asking them to support listing the Sugar House spur on the TEA-03 Reauthorization proposal. Voting was 15 in favor and 3 opposed.

MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER 2000 So. 9th East – Joel Macy (IHC), Mike Vela (HKS Architects)
The proposed new building would be built on the open lawn area in front of and to the north of the present building. The new building would be a two story building. Following the completion of the new building, the old one would be demolished and landscaping would be completed. The existing creek would be an important part of the new landscape. There would be parking below the building as well as on street level. The old building is 30,000 sq. ft. and the new building would be 38,500 sq. ft. The number of physicians using the facility would increase a little and a few new services would be added including an adult emergency care. The motion was made that we accept this conceptual design. Voting was 9 in favor, 6 opposed and 2 abstaining. Gayen Wharton had a concern for a conflict regarding the open space design of their plan and the Westminster Small Area Master Plan that has not yet been completed and approved. Justin Jones felt the plan presented to us tonight was a big improvement over what some of the executive committee had seen earlier in the year. Scott Kisling felt the creek needs to be a major focus from the building. Rawlins Young was opposed to paving over the open stream that currently passes through the building when the old building is demolished.

Melissa gave an update on a revised plan for a development on 33rd South and the Brickyard Plaza. The old proposal had the building fronting on 33rd So. and the new one has the parking fronting on 33rd So. The motion was made that because of the major change in the proposal, we send a letter to the Planning Dept. asking them to disregard the letter we had sent in August regarding the original proposal and that we request that the developers come back to the Community Council for further discussion. The motion was amended to include an emphasis on a pedestrian friendly connection between this development and the existing Brickyard. Voting on the amendment was 11 in favor, 0 opposed, 6 abstaining. Voting on the original motion including the amendment was a unanimous 17 in favor. Discussion included comments from Rawlins who feels the developer needs to look at a better pedestrian connection between this and the other businesses in the area. Kevan said the old plan had a patio and the new one doesn’t and he felt suggestions included in the original letter to the Planning Dept. were somewhat ignored.
Melissa reported that the sidewalk study maps have been updated, more pictures have been taken, and new charts have been made to support the CDBG request that has been submitted.
The Planned Unit Development at 3027 So. 11th East that we reviewed last month has been presented to the Planning Dept. and Ray McCandless has been assigned to work on it. The Sugar House Business District Rezone proposal is ready to be submitted to the City Council. Smith’s has officially resubmitted their proposal to the City. It is basically the same as was presented to us. It will possibly go to a sub-committee prior to going to the Planning Commission. The Planning Dept. still does not favor the proposal.

MAYOR’S UPDATE – Barry Esham
Barry had to leave before we got to this part of the meeting so no report this month.

CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT/REDEVELOPMENT AT 1701 SO. 11TH EAST: Larry Stepp: Larry was not at the meeting.

FLUORIDATION BUILDINGS – Bob Sperling (SLC Public Utilities_
These buildings need to built in order to provide the fluoridated water that was approved by the voters at a previous election. The buildings will house the fluoridation equipment. These are necessary at two existing well sites (1295 E. 27th So. and NE Corner of 19th E. and 27th So.) as these sites provide water directly to the customer from the well. The well sites are underground. The buildings would be 12 X 24 ft. and 12 ft. tall. These facilities are regulated by the Dept. of Health and the Fire Dept. The motion was made that we approve the buildings at the two sites as described. The motion was amended to specify that the buildings be brick and that the roof be designed to blend in with the surrounding buildings. Voting on the amendment was 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining. voting on the original motion including the amendment was 13 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstaining. It was suggested that they be sensitive to landscape around the buildings so that they don’t stick out. A motion to end the debate on this issue was approved 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining.

The motion to renew the petition of Gayen Wharton and Lynne Olson was approved by a vote of 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.
The next neighborhood recognition awards will be given in the neighborhoods of Sugar House Park, Beacon Heights, Country Club, Grandview, Highland Park, Wilford, and Forest Dale. Nomination will be accepted during Nov. and Dec. with awards being presented in Feb. 2003. Award criteria includes: 1) Home/yard gives something back to street/community, 2) Clean/well kept, 3) Readily recognized by neighbors as a caring neighbor and an asset to the community. Send nominations to Kevan Adams 1117 Hudson Ave., S.L.C., UT 84106. Questions call 484-9153 or visit
David Shapiro presented a proposal for neighborhood lighting for the 1800 – 1900 Kensington Ave. neighborhood. This uses the Neighborhood Matching Grant funds. A motion to approve the proposal was unanimously approved.
Helen discussed the new committee structure and asked that everyone volunteer to serve on one committee. Chris Bowler will be working to get our 501(c)(3) designation. Judi Short will be working with Performance Zoning and Agnes Greenhall will be working with the new trees in Fairmont Project.
A proposal for election rules were distributed to trustees for their review. Comments need to be given to Helen. It is anticipated that these will be added to our by-laws.
Helen noted that the recently approved update to the by-laws is on the web site. This includes the new sections that were added stating our purpose and goals.

Adjourned at 9:26 PM


Landon Clark
[email protected]