SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2003


November 5, 2003


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Mark Holland, Scott Kisling, David Lawver, Andrea Moesser, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Ron Weber, Rawlins Young (20)

Trustees Excused

Martin Smith, Gayen Wharton

City/State Representatives

Lex Traughber, SLC Planning; Alicia Orgill, SLC Police; Ranae Pierce, SLC Library (3)


Derek Payne, Todd Schofield, Lars Boggess, Clark Harris, Corey Cracroft, Meredith Warner, John Holbrook, Gerald Johnson, Emil Kmet, Suzanne Weaver, Jennie Thueson, Tina Ottesen, Lucy Truitt, Maureen Simes, Carolyn Williams, Mia Roth, L. Rex Sears, M. Michelle Gourley, Karen Flynn, Malcolm Campbell, Tom Nitzkowski, Doug White, Mark Webber, Jimmy Honseen, C. Roberts, Jacob, William Ellison, Steve Hale, David Hepworth, Melissa Lichtenstein, Russ Terry, Don Zarkou, Oliver Janke, Kathleen Zeitlin, Kim Cracroft, Stephen Morgan, Cindy Cromer, Gina Crezee, Ann Keddington, Sue Maxwell, Armand Johansen, Kenny Nichols, Dennis Harper, Steve Jensen, Andrew Ramsey (45) TOTAL (68)


Meeting Minutes

Meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report

There was a previous balance of $5,009.11, payment to Paul Heath for $300.00 for the plate and pin design, leaving a balance of $4,709.11.

Chair Report

Helen distributes a written Chair Report for everyone in attendance. She lists public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council that affect our area and other City events of importance in our area. Helen introduced Lex Traughber, the new planner assigned to the Sugar House area.

Merchant’s Meeting Report

Lynne Olson reported that the Christmas lights in the business district are being turned on. The Santa house will be on the plaza the day after Thanksgiving. The businesses will sponsor a Holiday Stroll to local artist studios. They will also sponsor a Turkey Days celebration and Sugar Nights on Nov. 7 and 14th and on every Fri. night in December. The Merchants have a survey they asked people to fill out and return at the end of the meeting.

Sesquicentennial Plate

Lynne Olson showed a sample of a colored plate with the full color design done by Paul Heath and a sample of a plate done by Sugar Post Pottery with a similar design outlined on the plate. We will proceed with the pottery plate. The Sesquicentennial pin will be ready by Christmas.

Public Input

Julie Nitzkowski reported that trees on 9th East and Sugarmont are blocking the yield sign and wondered what can be done about it. Corey Cracroft, a student at Westminster College didn’t wish to speak, but wanted it noted that he is in favor of the development proposals for Westminster College and encouraged us to support these developments. New Trustees: Tina Ottesen of the Wilford neighborhood presented a petition to become a trustee and was accepted by motion with 14 in favor. L. Rex Sears of the Sugar House Park neighborhood presented a petition to become a trustee and was accepted by motion with 15 in favor. Sugar House Bread Company Introduction: They didn’t come.

Handicap Accessibility Information

Mia Roth presented information on ways that the Sugar House area could become more accessible to handicapped persons.

Peer Court Information

Kathleen Zeitlin was not here at time in the meeting, but came in later. Helen noted that the Peer Court is looking for volunteers to help with their program and encouraged anyone interested to contact them.

Share the Road Signs

Malcolm Campbell spoke of the need to consider the bicyclists in traffic. Many of the streets are not wide enough for a separate bike lane. He is proposing signs that suggest that cars share the road with cyclists. They would be mounted on the same arm as the traffic lights. He is asking for a letter of support to Dan Berganthal and Tim Harpst of the Transportation Division to install these signs. Helen summarized a letter from Dan Bergenthal of the Transportation Division regarding this issue. Several trustees felt this could be helpful to make drivers more aware of bikers. The motion to send a letter in support of these signs was passed 11 to 1 with 3 abstentions. Helen suggested that Malcolm draft the letter, specifying locations for these signs.

Sugar House Trolley Update

Doug White noted that the trolley on the UTA Railroad tracks between TRAX and Granite Furniture would be a combination tourist attraction as well as a transportation alternative. He is still working with the SLC Mayor’s office and the Mayor of South Salt Lake. He would like volunteers to work with him. Lynne Olson said the railroad spur is also being looked at as a bicycle/pedestrian trail. A request is being made to put this trail on the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) long range plan. Council members expressed interest in the trolley concept.

TMobile Communication Pole at 19th East and Hollywood Ave.

Clark Harris presented a proposal to replace the existing pole at this location extending, it to 80’. Three new antennas would be located at the top of the pole. New radio equipment would be placed on the pole at the base. The motion was made to deny the request and wait for better technology that doesn’t require this with voting 7 in favor, 9 opposed, and 2 abstentions. A letter of our approval will be sent to Janice Lew of the Planning Dept.

Unit Legalization at 2780-82 Wilshire Drive

Julie Peasley was not at the meeting.

Alley Vacation 1184 Blaine Ave.

Steve Morgan of Westminster College (and Derek Payne representing the architects) indicated that the City is requesting this vacation as a part of their Alumni House proposal. The reasons for vacation are: 1) The alley is currently not well kept and SLC Corp. is interested in Westminster College taking ownership of the alley and maintaining this property. 2) With the proposed change of the properties on Blaine to institutional zone the alley vacation would make zoning of the entire Westminster campus consistent. 3) This portion of the alley is not currently being considered for use as a trail in SLC’s Open Space master plan and would not likely be used as such. The alley vacation would not affect the usability of the alley as a trail corridor. 4) The utility easement will still be enforced for utility access. The motion was made that we allow Westminster to have the alley vacation and that there be a public access easement to allow the possibility of a trail over it at some future time. There was an amendment to the motion that a fair market value be paid into the City open space fund in exchange for this property. Grace Sperry made a second amendment that future vacations of other parts of this same alley also be charged a fair market value. The 2nd amendment failed. The 1st amendment passed. Voting on the original motion to vacate the alley and to include a perpetual public access easement was 14 in favor, 3 opposed, 2 abstentions. Susan Petheram will write a letter on this.

Rezone at Elm & Lincoln

Judi Short referred to a letter from First Equity Holdings Corporation which owns this property at 2157 Lincoln St.. This property was proposed to be rezoned to Residential Business (RB) as part of the Sugar House Business District Master Plan. Since the approval of that plan has been delayed it is creating a problem for this business because they had been told by the Planning Commission that it was ok to move into their new offices before the rezone was done. Now there are difficulties as they try to renew their business license. Judi recommended that we support this proposal as it is consistent with our business district master plan. Cindy Cromer is concerned that this will not protect this historic structure. Rawlins Young feels we are spot zoning. Judi assured him that this is what is specified in the master plan. Maurine Simes, who lives across the street from this home, indicated that huge sums of money were invested in the home and there is no danger that it would be demolished. Grace Sperry moved to postpone this issue until we get more information. Voting on the motion was 16 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention.

New development for Retail at 10th East & 21st So.

Armand Johansen presented a proposal to build a mirror image of the building in process on McClelland St. and 21st South. Johansen/Thackery has not yet acquired the property yet nor have they signed any leases for this building. He is asking for our approval of the conceptual idea so he can go to the Planning Commission. He is also asking for approval to vacate the alley between McClelland and 10th East. This alley would intersect a future trail on McClelland. Rawlins Young objected feeling that this is directly in opposition to the Sugar House Master Plan. Ruth Price moved to send a letter stating that the proposal does comply with the master plan. The motion failed. Another motion was made that we support the conceptual plan for this development. Voting on the motion was 11 in favor, 6 opposed, and 1 abstention. The issue of the alley vacation was postponed until the Dec. meeting.

UP&L Sub Station report

Grace Sperry reported that UP&L people have met with the neighbors and the sub committee to research this issue. Gina Crezee, representing UP&L. showed an architects drawing of what is being proposed for the wall around the property. Emil Kmet, a neighbor, is concerned with what this would look like for those living across the street. Lars Boggess lives across the street and suggested some landscaping issues. Lynne Olson talked about the alley vacation issues. Rawlins Young spoke to the historic value of the building and property. Grace made a motion as follows: “UP&L will build an architecturally designed screening wall in keeping with the historic nature of both the Highland Park neighborhood and the Historic UP&L Substation. This wall will screen the Substation grounds on the west side of Highland Drive from the edge of the existing wall continuing on a 45 degree angle around the corner to Parkway Avenue, ending at the west lot or line of the southern-most home owned by UP&L but now including new gate east of existing gate. From thence the wall meets the existing fence. Further, UP&L agrees to include landscaping with three inch caliper trees included and sprinkler systems sufficient to properly maintain said landscaping in keeping with the residential aspect of the neighborhood. UP&L will trim and/or remove existing junk shrubbery and trees. Further, UP&L agrees to repair the existing historic building and replace the broken windows so as to maintain the building’s structural integrity into the future. Further, UP&L agrees to provide a plaque with the history of the McClelland Canal and install same. Further, UP&L agrees to hire an architect to make historic floor plans of the three homes to be removed with photos of the front and back elevations and significant interior features of each. Said historical surveys and photos are to be given jointly to the Sugar House Community Council Historical Subcommittee and the Library Archives of the Utah State Historical Commission at the Rio Grande Building. In recognition of UP&L’s good faith in dealing with our Sugar House Community, as chair of the Land Use and Zoning subcommittee, I move to approve the alley vacation crossing the UP&L Substation property subject to the above concessions by UP&L being approved by UP&L.” Discussion included: 1) Russ Terry commented on the chain link fence at the back and indicated it allows full vision into the facility. 2) Gerald Johnson wondered why we would think UP&L will do any better in the future than what they have done in the past. 3) It was noted that UP&L is working very hard with the neighbors to make it a nice facility. 4) Andrew Ramsey asked to take away some of the unfriendly appearance of the wall. 5) Ruth Price feels we need to especially work with the neighbors and their feelings. She is also concerned with future trail issues and private property. An amendment to the motion was made to require additional compensation for fair market value of the property. Grace feels the additional landscaping is adequate compensation for the value of the land. The voting failed on the amendment asking for money to be put into a trust fund to compensate for the vacation of the alley. Voting on Grace’s motion was 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention.

Land Use & Zoning Committee Report

Grace felt this has been taken care of with the other business during the evening. By-Law Vote: Scott Kisling is suggesting we postpone this to another meeting and put it earlier in the meeting. Scott has given out a copy of the 1993 version of the by-laws where he has indicated what he feels are the changes that have been made. Mark Holland, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young, and Ray Pugsley were working with Scott during the past month or so looking at the by-laws in an effort to get them approved. After much discussion regarding what it will take to get the by-laws approved it was finally decided that we would put the final vote on the January agenda from 8:30 – 10:00.



Adjourn at 11:08 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]