SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2005


November 2, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees present

Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, Michael G. Kavanagh, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Steve Wilson, Rawlins Young (17) Trustees excused: Ray Pugsley, Scott Kisling, Janice Anderl, Tina Ottesen, Su Armitage, Sarah Carlson (6)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office; Jason Hathaway, SLPD (2)


Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Jennie Thueson, Kristie Thompson, Mack McDonald, Matt Dahl, Sean Perkins, Tami Perkins, Elizabeth Giraud, Brad Busath, Dirk Linderman, Jaelene V. Myrup, Sheila O’Driscoll, Cynthia Osmun, Katie McDonald, Walt Zwierzycki, Judith Zwierzycki, Stephanie Duer, Ranae Pierce (19)


Call to order, 7:03

Mark Holland conducting. Minutes of the October meeting were amended to excuse David Mulder. Also, the last sentance with “Brookside Builder” should read “Brookside Broiler.” Dave Mulder moved with Art Haddow seconding. Passed unanimously on a voice vote.

Secretary Cabot Nelson made the following points: 1) the “counselor-elect” for five minutes in the agenda could not happen because, in fact, the election is next week. 2) David Lawver and Bill Habel have resigned as trustees. 3) Renewed petitions with Michael G. Kavanagh’s in October and Grace Sperry’s unianimously accepted at this meeting. Lynne Olson’s petition expires next month. She indicated that she might step down as a trustee.

Cabot Nelson made a motion to recognize Michael G. Kavanagh’s petition as being a successful challenge to Ronald Weber’s petition and that Ronald Weber would be hereby removed as a trustee of the SHCC, reasoning that with the SHCC Bylaws, Article III, Section 3.5, the petition of a trustee with absences can be challenged. Grace Sperry seconded. With discussion, Cabot Nelson withdrew the motion with the suggestion by Helen Peters and consideration by the chair that the chair should contact Mr. Weber.

Chair Announcements

Grace Sperry has renewed her petition. Unanimously accepted on a voice vote. The SLTrib or the Deseret News wrote about Hidden Hollow in its gardening section and refered to trustee Lynne Olson as the “Godmother of Hidden Hollow.” On November 9, 5:45PM, the SL Planning Commission will address infill development, refered to the “Monster House” ordinace, discussing it as incompatible development. There will be an open house, Wed., 16 Nov. The goal is to create a high-performance building ordinance. For city-funded buildings, there will be sound environmental building practices. For publicity for the SHCC, the SLTrib is willing to do article and even print the agenda. Helen Peters pointed out that the SHCC and the city planning dept. needs to have a timely contact. Thus, Helen moved to amend the agenda to accommodate a discussion about a telephone pole with Elizabeth Giraud. T-Mobile seeks comments from the SHCC and wants to be allowed to increase a phone-pole height by 10 feet, which requires a conditional use permit. Motion passed by the required two-thirds. The SHCC will consider this.

Public Input


Crime Update

By Jason Hathaway. There is a rise in auto thefts and car prowls. For four years, Officer Hathaway observed that neighborhood watches have reduced crime. Also, neighborhood watches can be used for emergency preparedness. Auto thefts increased citywide, but with a higher rate increase in district 7. Most often, the car was stolen as it sat unattended and idling. Hondas, esp. street racer for aftermarket car jewelry, are highly sought. Typically, thefts occur on streets. Lighting helps, but sometimes it illuminates above the trees. Judi Short added information about graffiti help. She distributed a checklist/form that one may call or fax to the helpline.

Mayor’s Office Report

Annette Daley hadn’t arrived yet.

City Council update

Dale Lambert did not attend.

Sugar House Merchants Association

By Lynne Olson & Barbara Green: Turkey Days is happening, with 16 stores with bright yellow banners.

There will be a drawing for 10 turkeys. The Turkey Trot–a 5K walk or run–will be on Saturday, the 19th at SH Park. Participants may sign up at the Fairmont Aquatic Center. Winners will get prizes. Call Terry Swim at the aquatic center at 468-5867. On Saturday after Thanksgiving, Santa will arrive via a fire truck. There have been discussions of pack of coupons to local merchants. It might happen for next month. Halloween was a success. There were 10,000 letters sent to publicize for kids. The Trick or Treat zone was popular and merchants want to do it again. The association wants to decorate, but funds are limited. Helen Peters moved to give $250 of SHCC money to the Merchants Association. Judi Short seconded. Passed, 12-0-0.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Sugar House Glass by Grace Sperry. The glass company is too busy to participate. Phil Carlson was to present a spotlight, but the business people had not arrived yet. RDA Strategic Planning and Goals, by Valda Tarbet: Mack McDonald filled in for Ms. Tarbet. The SH Merchants Association had priorly given their input. The RDA seeks comments from the SHCC. Mr. McDonald distributed a handout listing the goals of the RDA. Key points: The Wilmington Ave. property is still expecting Ballet West to lease or buy it. However, it is widely known that Ballet West wants to locate downtown. Helen Peters asked if RDA funds could subsidize local businesses that can’t afford higher rents. One attendee said the Urban Land Institute is a good resource for that concern. David Mulder disdained that the SHCC had seen these RDA goals before, but the RDA was expecting comments. Phil Carlson expressed that the RDA funds had been used to subsidize national brands, such as Bed Bath & Beyond, yet not a local brand such as Spoons & Spice. The RDA money that went to the parking structure of Sugar House Commons helped the national brands, but it was noted that it wasn’t explicitly meant to do so.

With constant time-consuming questions, answers, and comments, Cabot Nelson moved to end discussion and to only allow Mr. McDonald to finish, then end the presentation. Phil Carlson seconded the motion. Barbara Green suggested that Mr. McDonald finish the remaining bullet points. Phil withdrew his second, and Cabot withdrew his motion with the understanding that Mr. McDonald would finish his presentation, and then quickly address the bullet points.

Helen Peters said that she was willing to host a deeper discussion at another time. Barbara Green concurred with the RDA’s work on TRAX. Emil Kmet wanted to address the design standards. Rawlins Young opined that Elm Avenue be extended through Granite Block and reminded the council of the canal and its right of way. He also considered the cost of TRAX. Lynne Olson suggested adding a goal to offer information on benefits of historic preservation and creative ways of reusing historic building rather than knocking them down. Mr. McDonald admitted that is not a part of RDA and might be difficult. Cabot Nelson wants a bus lane and trail in lieu of TRAX on the rail spur corridor. Grace Sperry concurred with Cabot: Bus lane in lieu of TRAX. Rex Sears sought a clarification on land use near the possible TRAX line. Phil Carlson echoed the sentiment by saying the RDA needs be flexible mass transit and other alternatives, not just TRAX.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Green Building Center of 2000E 2700S, by Phil Carlson. Phil introduced proprietor Ashley Patterson. The Green Building Center sells recycled products, reclaimed or sustainably harvested lumber, and plant-based paints.

Mayor’s Office Update

By Annette Daley: There is an exhibit at the Leonardo Center. There will be a Spanish film festival at the Main Library. On Friday, Nov. 18, the Gallivan Center ice rink will open. On Friday, Nov. 25, holiday lights will be turned on.

Compatible Infill , by Rex Sears

The “monster house” problem can be addressed in 2 steps: 1) long term in neighborhood standards (cf. Yalecrest), and 2) in the interim, with options including a) prohibition on teardowns, b) doing nothing, and c) across the board design review with a hearing officer.

Some designs are specific to the Avenues. The design issues generally state that 1) setbacks must be an average of setbacks for all of the block face, 2) garages cannot protrude beyond the front door and the garage door can’t be 50% of width of the house, and 3) house height must not exceed 50% of average height of the block face. As it stands now, lots zoned R-1-5000 permit a dwelling to cover 50% of the lot. This could be reduced to 40%. One main question: What do we want to allow with an over the counter permit? For more information, attend the meeting on Nov. 9.

Rex Sears moved that the SHCC submit a letter to the Planning Commission stating that: 1) We see that neighborhoods are being damaged by incompatible construction, 2) What concerns a lot of folks is preventing neighborhood renewal, and 3) We understand renewal, but the harm from an improvident over-the-counter approval is permanent. Helen Peters seconded.

Grace Sperry asserted that property rights are paramount. This process becomes a takings. She stood totally opposed. Rex countered with the interests of the the city and neighborhood also deserves protection.

Rawlins Young moved to call question, seconded by Cabot Nelson, passed 13-0-3. To the main motion of writing the letter: 12-3-1, passed.

Westminster Park update

By Del Cook: He could not attend.

Friends of Hidden Hollow

By Stephanie Duer: She asked that the SHCC support signs in HH enforcing leashes for dogs and stations with bags to clean up after dogs. Rex Sears so moved, Helen Peters seconded. It passed, 16-0-0.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters: Helen provided a handout. The main point was the motion for the extended pole so that T-Mobile can expand its mobile phone service. Grace Sperry made the motion, Ruth Price seconded. David Mulder and Grace Sperry agreed that cell service is needed especially in that area. Grace and Ruth called the question, 14-0-1. The main motion passed, 13-1-1.

For the I-80 rebuild, Horrocks Construction will lead the project. LW Locklear is the public relations firm for the project.

Parliamentary Post Mortem

By Ray Pugsley: He could not attend


Adjourned: 8:50pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]