SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2008

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 2008


November 5, 2008


Trustees Present: Maggie Shaw, Elaine Brown, Rawlins Young, Judi Short, Phil Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Russ Callister, Derek Payne, Grace Sperry, Ed Sperry, Larry Migliaccio, Benny Keele, Cabot Nelson, Dolores Donohoo, Laurie Bray, Michael G. Kavanagh, Barbara Green, Ray Pugsley, David Mulder, Steve Wilson and Greg Carter.

Absent: Andrea Wargula, Ruth Price, Susan Petheram, Renae Richards.

Call to Order– Maggie Shaw.

Chair’s Report – Maggie Shaw

Mayor’s Breakfast

• Streetcars are coming to Sugar House; ¼ cost of TRAX; preferred to bus; property values improve and surrounding property development increases.

• Mayor’s “Idle” Program – turn off engines while waiting instead of idling– save energy/environment.

• Leaf Pickup in Sugar House on November 13-19 & December 8-11. Leaves and clippings in vegetation pick-up containers – 100% mulching; leaves in orange bags – 50% mulching due to potential for bacteria development rendering contents inappropriate for mulching, i.e., moldy leaves cannot be mulched, mold causes disease in plants, bacteria breaks down leaves.

• Christmas Tree Pickup – January 5-8.

• New liaison to Mayor’s office – Lisa Harrison will speak later in meeting. Currently working on transient problem at 11th East power substation Computers/Internet

Maggie does business via email

• everyone must have Yahoo account.

• SHCC website updated, but Cabot Nelson searching for new web program


Maggie prepared letter of support for Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality; check Salt Lake City website for map of areas affected.

Treasurer’s Report – Dolores Donohoo.

Per Executive Committee discussion, Trustee/Treasurer Donohoo closed Wells Fargo account; cashier’s check issued for $5,101.61 balance. She will open account where she banks (Key Bank in Sugar House), but needs a tax identification number and articles of incorporation to open. Trustee/Secretary Brown will provide.

Crime Report – Officer Smart.

Distributed print out of City Crime Report. Most prevalent type of crime in Sugar House is car prowls – primarily among cars whose owners leave valuable items on seat in both locked and unlocked vehicles that entice break-ins. Also discussed Halloween morning SH liquor store robbery in which female employee opened door to who she thought was co-worker, but robber instead who forced her to open the safe upon which he left with an undisclosed amount of money. He also mentioned the Health Dept. clean up of transient areas in Fairmont Park and power sub-station on 11th East. Officer Smart was reminded that there were also transients in Hidden Hollow. He also stated that there was something new on the Salt Lake City Police Department website – the Chief’s Report. Go to or it can be viewed on the City’s cable station where there is a map showing the crimes have been committed. You can also go to

Public Comments

Sally Barraclough asked that a neighborhood park be considered on a parcel of land at 28th South and Fillmore Street (Wilford Neighborhood). SH master plan calls for a park in every neighborhood; at present there are none in Wilford. There was discussion among the group and Ray Pugsley asked about a parcel of land next to Campos Furniture east of Highland Drive. The lot in question is apparently zoned residential, but owned by Campos who wants to use it for a parking lot. The lot referred to by Ms. Barraclough is listed at $950,000 and is zoned residential for 5-7 homes. Trustee Nelson moved for the SHCC review. Trustee Young offered a friendly amendment to actively pursue the creation of the park. After some discussion, it was decided to refer it to Park and Open Space Committee for more research.

Trustee Comments – (not on agenda)

Motion by Trustee Ed Sperry: The SHCC should re-run the annual election of the officers, questioning the legitimacy of the elections, stating that when Trustee Judi Short, who was in charge of the elections decided to run for office, deferred the responsibility to Trustee Sarah Carlson, it created the potential for conflict of interest since husband and fellow trustee, Trustee Phil Carlson was also running for office. Trustee Carlson left the absentee ballots at home on the night of the election further creating potential for conflict since they were unattended and accessible to Trustee Phil Carlson, and therefore, Trustee Ed Sperry asked that the elections be set aside. A discussion ensued. Trustee S. Carlson stated that the absentee ballots were in signed, sealed envelopes and that when she discovered she had forgotten them, her stepson brought them to the meeting. Trustee P. Carlson offered to resign to resolve the dispute. Trustee S. Carlson was asked how many absentee ballots were received, and she responded four, but one of them, from Ruth Price, was not delivered to the secretary or to her and therefore, was not considered. Apparently the by-laws do not address the situation created when Trustee Short decided to run for office. Trustee E. Sperry reiterated that the elections be set aside. There was a discussion of how many votes were actually cast and received, but since data was now gone, except the number of absentee ballots. Discussion ensued over the issue that this was not on the agenda, but it was agreed that a new business agenda item be added in the future so that last minute items can be addressed. There was a motion to the previous discussion regarding rerunning the election, resulting in a vote of 11 against and 8, failing to garner the needed 2/3 majority. A motion by Trustee Donohoo to postpone the discussion until the end of the meeting passed. Trustee P. Carlson stated that the request to set aside the elections was out of order, and therefore could not be addressed. Chair Shaw stated that the elections were fairly conducted, and the group needed to focus on representing residents.

Committee Reports

Parley’s/Foothill Development

Phil Carlson, Committee Chair, stated that there was no meeting this month, but that the goal was to put together arguments against the zoning change, stating that Economic Development (Salt Lake City) appears to favor rezoning. Ed Sperry asked for clarification of the zoning issue to which Phil Carlson stated the Wal-Mart rezoning. Grace Sperry asked when the meeting would be held since she is a member of the committee, and was told that when a meeting was scheduled, he would notify the Council and the committee members.


Rawlins Young, Trustee/Committee Chair, handed out an information sheet about the proposed changes to 1300 East now that the city has acquired it from the State. He stated that a public meeting was held at Uintah Elementary school on October 30 with about 150 in attendance. One of the first goals is to grade off abut 1inch of surface and repave and re-stripe with the new goals in mind as outlined on the flyer. The first phase will only include 600 South to 1700 South. He stated that if any trustee or the public had comments they could fax those to: 535-6019 or go online to Trustee Grace Sperry stated that when she was Chair, she had requested that Trustee Ray Pugsley study this issue, and as a result he had prepared a letter. Elaine was asked if she had a copy to which she replied she had not received records from previous secretary Trustee, Andrea Wargula. Trustee Sperry also mentioned that committee chairs should be voted upon by committee members. Ray Puglsey stated that 1300 East is already busy, and questioned how traffic will be managed with further restrictions as planned by this group. Trustee Sarah Carlson stated that she had spoken to many families on 13th East and not that many attended the meeting. Chair Shaw asked about the big plan. Trustee Pugsley stated that 13th East at 6:00 p.m. is bumper to bumper and the UofU is getting ride of parking, which may create an even bigger problem. Chair Shaw asked if we could have the transportation committee present at one of the upcoming meetings. Trustee Sarah Carlson said it will impact many community councils.

Land Use and Planning Committee

Committee Chair/Trustee Judi Short distributed a written summary for her committee for November, 2008. She also made a motion that SHCC approve separate signage for AutoZone in the Brickyard Commercial area until such time as the 33rd south signage is updated to reflect current usage, which the group approved. She also discussed plans that Rinaldo Hunt has for the Sugar House Village west of the DoDo restaurant. Mr. Hunt will be attending the December SHCC meeting and will provide more details but in summary wants to rezone the area to one parcel instead of the three that it currently is.

Sugar House Merchants’ Report

Committee Chair/Trustee Barbara Green stated that they had an excellent meeting. Annalise Steggell, Community Liaison from Westminster attended and is excited about the Sugar House Village proposal. Westminster is always looking for opportunities for the student to be involved in the business community, and feels that many students will look to this development for housing and others for necessary internships. Officer Smart and Brandon White, former but now rehabilitated convict/criminal also attended with pointers on how to keep business safe and prevent crime and break-ins. Barbara stated that turkey days will be coming up and we can expect newspaper advertisements on dates but through Thanksgiving. Santa will arrive the Saturday after Thanksgiving with picture opportunities for children visiting him. The Turkey Trot will be held at Fairmont Park and more details can be obtained from Glen McIntyre. She encouraged trustees to attend the meetings, held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

Arts and Culture Committee

Committee Chair/Trustee Laurie Bray, stated that the Sugar House stroll held on October 3 was a tremendous success—1500 people attended. She said it was largely due to Brolly Arts who secured a grant to help with the event. By walking through Sugar House, attendees obtained a better feel for what was available in Sugar House. There was lots of music, including by Laurie’s son. She would like to do this again next year.

Spotlight on Business

Trustee Michael G. introduced us to business owner of Dog Show located in the 15h East/15tth South business area. The owner highlighted his services which include on-site grooming and trimming for dogs and cats. They also offer off-site boarding in West Valley City. He cited the cooperation between larger chain merchants and independent business owners at that site.

Mayor’s Office

Frank Gray – Community and Economic Development.

Cited his love of Sugar House; wrote first Sugar House Master Plan in 1985.

1300 East Study on the City’s website – 15,000 invited to attend, but only 100 showed up for first meeting. Discussion will continue.

Mecham Development Site Discussed the “hole,” stating that it would take 300-500 truckloads of dirt to fill – didn’t think this was good for other merchants/business during the upcoming holiday season, so developer has been given an extension to January 1 to come up with a plan and June 1 to implement. Cited financial problems – residential financing lost because the parking had to go in first. The tentative plan is to erect one building with street front business, offices, and a model of a residential condominium unit. Developer must pre-sell 40% of the residential before he can obtain financing and a model will help him do that. Stated there is renewed collaboration between Mecham and Red Mountain Development. Paths will link development to planned trolley tracks. City’s goal toward the development is one of compromise – practical vs. punitive. Trustee Migliaccio asked if the Redevelopment Agency would be assisting in any way, and Mr. Gray said he didn’t know, but it would not be a primary financer. Trustee Mulder asked for clarification on what would be built, and Mr. Gray responded that there would be 3 parts – offices, street level retail and 12 residential units in the first phase. Trustee Young asked for clarification and assistance regarding canal/trail that will be blocked by the development, and asked if there can be a hold on development while that issue is resolved and/or be sure to incorporate the canal/trails into the plan? Mr. Gray stated responded that at present there is already a set of approved plans, and while there has been discussion with the developer, the canal/trails are not part of the approved plan. Trustee Bray stated that there is a somewhat unaddressed middle space behind her building and between the two other developments, and asked what would happen with that. Mr. Gray stated that the property owner must make that decision, not the city.

Wal-Mart Status

Mr. Gray stated that the best thing anyone can do is to review the City’s Staff report, which recommends rezoning. However, the Planning Commission rejected that proposal. They probably won’t go before the City Council until after the first of the year. At present, Wal-Mart still has three options: remodel existing store; rebuild via approved rezoning; look at a different application reflecting resident needs and wants. Trustee Grace Sperry reminded the group of the comment made by the Dog Show proprietor, e.g., that big business like Starbucks and Einstein’s work with surrounding merchants and customers, and therefore, it is likely that Wal-Mart would do the same.

Trustee Comments:

Trustee Callister commented that Frank Gray was like a breath of fresh air at the city – easy to work with. Trustee Ed Sperry stated that apparently Frank understood private property rights. Trustee Rawlins Young asked about the viability of the trolley into Sugar House on residential and retail business. Frank discussed the concept of transit-oriented development; development stimulated by transportation – very convenient – stimulates development, e.g. Portland and Seattle. Mr. Gray went on to explain that people are often reluctant to ride a bus – a stigma leftover from riding a school bus—but will ride a trolley. In response to a question about trolley funding, Mr. Gray said if will be a combination of public and private funding. Trustee Mulder asked about the significance of the old tracks and ties being pulled up to which Mr. Gray responded that the old tracks are not compatible with what the trolley will require, hence the removal. He reminded everyone that trolley implementation is still 2-3 years away.

Lisa Harrison – new liaison to the Mayor’s Office.

Distributed a flyer on a five-part discrimination dialogue series open to the public. Results will be used to develop the City’s discrimination policy. Announced Tom Swanson’s appointment as the City’s new fire chief. Trustee Ed Sperry questioned why when there were qualified and diverse applicants among the fire department staff, the City would recruit outside. Lisa said she will research that issue. Generated laughter by referring to the “Sugar House Hole” as the “Sugar Hole.” Distributed windshield discs advertising the Mayor’s idling campaign – turn engines off instead of idling your car and save fuel and the environment. It was suggested that the Mayor look at drive-in food establishments and drive-up banks to implement signs regarding the idling campaign. The airport was also cited as an environment that could utilize signage to remind drivers of the idling campaign. Responded to trustee questions about the viability of the main street theater, i.e., a country study concluded that they could not be profitable because the community was already saturated with theaters. Trustee Phil Carlson asked if the result would be three unsuccessful theaters. Frank Gray stated that both Kingsbury Hall and the Capital Theater are too small for “Broadway” road shows. Having a theater like the one proposed for Main Street will open a whole new market which can be supported by culturally active community like Salt Lake. Trustee Dave Mulder stated that consultants came to a different conclusion.

Petition for New Trustee

Pattie DeNunzio presented a petition for at large trustee status for the Forest Dale Neighborhood. She works for ITS Title south of the overpass in the Reid Building. She was approved.


Landon Clark
[email protected]