SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1993


October 6, 1993

Attending: Roger Miller, Anne Menzies, Hope Hilton, Marge Harvey, Jerry Blair, Darrell West, Duane Hill, Jeff Chapman, Nuccio Gulizia, John Mannos, Marghie Mannos, James J. Lund, Del Brewster, Keith Christensen, Amy Christensen, Suzanne Weaver, Kathleen Lusk, Ruth A. Robbins, Everett Joyce, Richard Lauritzen, Ben Burdett, Sid Baucom, Rawlins Young, Francis T–, Ann Waters, Dr. Balakrishna, Melinda Lund, Brian Bellamy, Mona Beckstead, Gene Davis, Paul Record, Patrick Knowlton, Roger Evans, Michael Danielson, Jim Davis, Lynne Olson, Mercedes Johnson, Val Pope, Brian K. Bintz, Mark S. Fetzer, Dorothy Tuddenham, Jan Haug, Marv Tuddenham, Miriam Murphy.The meeting was called to order at 7:05. By Roger Miller, Chair. Congratulations to the. two successful candidates for the District 7 City Council seat: Keith Christensen and Duane Hill. Christensen thanked those who supported him and he encouraged all of us to become involved in the governance of SLC. Promised to represent us well if elected. “The quality of life in our city depends on how we deal with issues today.” Hill commented that he would ask for a recount if he were Jerry Romero, who lost by four votes. He said District 7 is unique because it is a microcosm of SLC. A lot of things in place here that are not present in other areas. He will work hard to solve the concerns of the city wants to be accessible and represent: us well.No September minutes were approved. Judi Short, who took notes in the .absence of a secretary, will submit them as soon as her. word processor is repaired.Motion to accept a trustee petition from Jan Haug passed.Motion to accept revised by-laws. Discussion: Gene Davis asked for a postponement for further consideration. Judi Short indicated that we had done that at the last meeting. Ruth Robbins asked why Articles II and III seemed identical. The Chair explained that Article II addressed the trustees, while Article III addressed the community membership at large. Hope Hilton questioned Section 2.8 regarding proxy vote. Chair: This must be done in writing and the proxy must be a trustee. Davis asked whether the same procedure applied to elections.  Chair: Rules for election allow for an absentee ballot, but not a proxy. Call for question: motion carries.  If necessary to amend. Any portion, consideration will. Be given in a timely way.Motion of the election committee to conduct the annual election presented by Rich Bennett. Ballot was prepared on the basis of a poll of trustees. Jerry Romero was added to the list of candidates for vice chair. Discussion. Rawlins Young suggested that each trustee should have three votes for vice chair, since three positions are to be filled. Ruth Robbins asked why there were three vice chairs now, whereas there had only been one in the past.  Chair: There have been three vice chairs during the tenure of immediate past Chair, Gary Thorup. The new by-laws provide for that number. Gene Davis asked for a clarification of the election procedure …. Bennett: The polls will be open for one hour. Dorothy .Tuddenham asked whether new trustee Jan Haug would be willing to run for secretary. Haug was not inclined to run, but would consider it later. Voting was initiated. Announcements: 1) Panel discussion . led by Gang Task Force, 2p Oct., at Highland H.S. 2}Leaf bags available at end of SHCC meeting.3) School bond election information circulated. 4) “Citizens against capping” petition circulated (re: Sharon’ Steel capping) 5) Hearing re-closing of streets by O. C. Tanner Co. on 19 Oct at City Hall. Report .by Darrell West of Parsons-Brinkerhoff re:. traffic study for several areas of Sugar House. Four areas: 12th East extension south of2lst So.; Highland Drive-13th East cut-through traffic on Parkway; New Post Office; Highland Drive in Central Sugar House. Discussion12th East. West: Nothing gained by extending 12th East under present circumstances, but could change if there is new development. Parkway Ave.’ West: 1) no-right-turn sign not successful, 2) full closure at 13th East, but concerns are emergency access, garbage and snow removal, 3) partial closure , Parkway a one-way street with access to 13th East; propose a trial basis. Sue Green: Doesn’t think people would obey one-way traffic. Jerry Blair, SLC Trans. Dept.: Cut-through traffic is predominantly going west, thus the one-way going east would reduce the most traffic. Melinda Lund: Would partial closure create essentially the. same problems as full closure? West: No, access would be better for emergency and service vehicles, Resident: Those of us who need access to areas South of Parkway’. would then have to go all the way to 27th South, and we’re concerned. West:  Concern is valid. Full closure would require some land acquisition.  Several other residents asked for clarification and· offered concerns. Post Office. West: Left’ turn traffic into causing traffic to back up, causing circulation problems for Hollywood Ave and all the way to Ramona. We recommend widening street, providing left turn lanes into Hollywood Ave. and P.O. This would require removing the bus stop at the P.O. An alternative would be to remove some parking just north of Hollywood Ave. Another alternative would be to have one lane. each for north bound southbound traffic, with a center turn lane. Highland Drive. West: We suggest widening lanes, adding a center turn lane. Future possibility: bicycle lanes. . Jerry Blair: Any action will involve City Council, Traffic Advisory Committee, Planning Commission public hearing. Final report will be brought back to SHCC for citizen input. Further Discussion. Rawlins young:  Please consider: the pedestrian in these traffic·studies. Presently no pedestrian crossings on 13th East from 21st South to. 27th South, and thus no access to new shopping center. Brian Bellamy: Did the problem at Parkway begin:after ShopKo Development and the closing of severa1 streets? Blair: Definitely. John Mannos: How will new development affect future traffic problems? We object to anything that will increase traffic in area. Blair: That will be studied as a part of any new development. SLC  Mayor DeeDee Corradinireviewed action on Gang issues. Gang violence with guns has escalated at a steady rate until lastyear, when we had a 100% increase–a dramatic and worrisome shift. Past efforts in State Legislature have been fruitless; recent incidents have focused public attention. Other cities have lost control; we still have a chance but must get it fixed in next 6 months. Must. deal with violence, hard-core~ criminals; then long-term solutions. Recent sting operation (27 kids), nine kids, taken to DC; only one booked, for lack of space. One of the juveniles already had 138″ offences on the books and was still on the streets. Kids are laughing; they know nothing will happen. . Emergency session of legislature must focus on immediate problem of guns and beds. Guns. City Council passed a gun law in face of stiff opposition from gun lobby. City asking legislature for statewide ordinance and county­wide support for SLC ordinance, 1) no possession of firearms under age 18 2)prohibit sale of firearms to anyone under age 18 3)waiting period of five days for 18 to 25 year olds 4)forfeiture provision; keep the guns that are taken from kids Beds. We would like to use two pods at Oxbow; County has offered land for a new facility. What else to do: Write officials, especially the governor, contact legislators, drivers license revocation, confiscate cars, refer violent offenders (16-17 year olds) to adult courts. Also, rally.Discussion. Brian Bellamy: Will the waiting period reduce violent acts? Mayor: Many acts are retaliatory. Bellamy: Has South SL been approached about using facilities at Oxbow? Mayor: Need is so clear that people may be: more willing than six months ago. Gary Thorup: 1) Won’t the forfeiture provision cause kids to steal more cars? 2) Has the Intermountain Indian School been suggested as a detention facility? Mayor: I have made that suggestion, but no one has acted on it yet. Gene Davis, please bring it up again. “Heck, I’ve even mentioned Antelope Island!” (laughter) On the car issue, we just have to try and see how things go. Jeff Chapman: How can we get more police visibility in neighborhoods? Mayor: It all comes down to money. Gangs are costing us $1 million. Police more active in some neighborhoods than others. Partial solution: training neighborhoods through Neighborhood Watch committees. Pam Grimes: (passed out information with various suggestions.) We have to come up with the money now. Must fight gangs on three levels: intervention, rehab, incarceration. Each level is essential. Neighborhood mobilization;  personal and home security;  rallying. Gene Davis: Locking kids up isn’t the solution in the long term. Jails take resources from other vital programs, such as education. Need to open up the court system, also have: to have programs in place to rehabilitate. Mayor: On an emergency basis, we have to get them off the streets, but we must target kids up to age 6 for proper start, support gang prevention program in schools, keep schools open so that kids have somewhere to go.· Volunteers help, but must have money to coordinate; we must save the next generation. Hope Hilton: Kids shouldn’t get driver’s license without good school record; penalize dropouts and those who won’t learn. John Mannos: What are parents doing to control their own children? Perhaps we should penalize parents. Mayor: Civil Vicarious Liability is part of the overall package. Mannos: Are there work programs which use punishment to undo results of crime? Mayor: Yes, but we need to do a better job. Juvenile court is working on such solutions. Marv Tuddenham: There are individuals in community who would respond to a coordinated drive for funds for specific programs. Mayor: We are looking for corporate support. Tuddenham: Not corporations, citizens. Mayor: Good idea, who will volunteer? Dale Chalmers: Since money is a problem, why not use revenues from SL Airport? Mayor: Airport is a separate enterprise fund, but we are looking at some possibilities there. Resident: Could we use Fort Douglas or Tooele facility? Mayor: Fort Douglas has been turned over to the U. of U.  Gene [Davis], look into these suggestions. (Mayor Corradini left at this point, and the discussion was turned over to various city representatives.) Discussion of other City matters. Steve Lester: Please address business and residential development in SH: old P.O., Irving, central business area, etc. Mike Danielson, Community and Economic Development: P.O. sale not yet consummated. RFP (Request for Proposal) brought four proposals, winning proposal not yet negotiated. Historic preservation assured. Hope Hilton: What happened to the stone facade on Irving? Lester: Fell of its own accord. Dorothy Tuddenham: Who· is responsible for maintaining the Old P. O.? Danielson: Until we get the deed, the Federal Gov’t. “Check is in the mail.” Resident: Why does the city want to get involved at all? Why not just put a preservation easement on it and then sell it to the highest bidder? Danielson: We want to make sure that the use is appropriate, and that what happens is what the neighborhood wants to have happen there. Another resident: What about the police substation that was supposed to go in there? Danielson: That’s still part of the plan. Jim Davis, Community and Econ. Dev.: As soon as we get the deed, all of these things will be taken care of immediately. Rawlins Young: City gets about $5 million in Community Development Block Grant money each year. Traditionally, about one-fifth has been used to deal with infrastructure needs. Wouldn’t it be better to use that money for social needs? [No audible response.] Lester: Back to Irving and master plan, What’s happening there? Davis: Bldg. tied up, city wants to find a practical use, preserve historic interest. Still working on it. Lester: Why was power of eminent domain under RDA (Redevelopment Agency) allowed to expire? Davis: City has limited power of eminent domain without money to buy the property at fair market value. Lester: What about transferring money from SLC RDA into Sugar House RDA, as has been discussed, for rehab of Irving, because of the write-down on the ShopKo complex? Davis: A valid question. Lester: How can we get something done? Since l980, business community, Heritage Foundation, Friends of Irving, SHCC, all have tried. Now the building will sit through another winter. Davis: Money is at the heart of the problem. Whether the property owner wants to hold or sell, I can’t say. Chair: Given the failure of past initiatives, could the mayor appoint a blue-ribbon commission to address the problem? Davis. That is. a plausible suggestion, The community must make priorities for public expenditures, and Irving must take its place on that list. A blue-ribbon committee might help to get Irving higher on the list. Chair: It is not necessarily a question of how public money would be spent, so much as finding all the possible users — public and private– who might be partners in some kind of solution. Davis: Wasn’t that the intent of the Friends of Irving? Lester: Yes. but we need the city as an active partner. Danielson: Has the owner ever specified a dollar figure? Lester: Before the fire, $1.8 million, after -$3.2 million. There was at one point an apparently viable $10 million proposal, but developer and owner could not come to terms.  Keith Christensen: Is there a way to force the issue somehow? Danielson: Perhaps, but you need a reasonably willing seller. Hope Hilton: The building has disintegrated to the point that it should be taken off the Historical Register, torn down, so that something new could be put in its place. Lester: Engineers have assured that it can still be restored. Lynne Olson, KOPE Kids. Re: a plan for recreational facilities to replace facilities that used to be here (ice rink, swimming pools, etc.). They would like to invite everyone to a meeting on Oct. 7 to consider their proposal. They would like to do a need assessment, market analysis, funding, etc., for the redevelopment of central Sugar House. Roger Evans, Zoning. Re: Stringham Ave., sidewalks. Notice has been served on property owners re: encroachment. Five out of ten property owners have responded. May end ·up in court. Will report in next meeting. Jerry Blair, Transportation Dept. Re: noise barriers along I-80. UDOT has put together ea request for funds to examine the entire length of I-80. They will apply next summer for funds to take care of entire area. Ruth Robbins: Back in 1982 UDOT promised to put in a planter between the freeway and Driggs Avenue, but never did it. Blair: Maybe I can look into it and report back. Dale Chalmers: What became of the $180,000 renovation for Fairmont· Park? Nothing has happened for two years, Val Pope, Parks Dept.: Changes in structure of Parks Dept. resulted in delays, but now bids are being let for new restrooms, new paths, playgrounds, other equipment. Chair: We invite the Parks Dept. back again next month to discuss other projects. Blair, Re: freeway telephones. UDOT has found that freeway phones are vandalized and has eliminated them in urban areas.Other business. Dorothy Tuddenham reported that she and others proposed some time ago that speed limit on 9th East .be reduced to .30 mph. Traffic Dept. has agreed to this on a test basis from So. Temple to City limits. Resident Jim Henderson requested a variance for a “flagpole” property in the Country Club area. Rawlins Young stated that historically the city had been opposed to this kind of lot. Everett Joyce indicated that this is not a typical “flag” lot and there shouldn’t be any opposition to this particular case. Motion passed to draft a memorandum of support; Sid Baucom will write it. Report of election committee.                       Election results: Chair: Roger Miller 1st Vice Chair: Jerry Romero 2nd and 3rd Vice Chair: tie between John Mannos and David Buhler. Vote to adjourn:  9:00 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]