SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1994


October 5, 1994

 Present: Roger Miller, Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Rawlins B. Young, Kate Deiss, Ruth A. Robbins, Hugh Brinkes, Joe Baldwin, Kim Tanner, Steve Tanner, Del Brewster, Doug Adams, Dave Harmon, Ralph Shino. Judi Short, Richard Brimhall, Jared Doat, Christian Orse, Wendy Merrill, Scott L. Kisling, Jim Powell, Craig Bolin, Mark S.Fetzer, John Huttquist, Rich Bennett, Dolores A .. Donohoo, Dorothy Tuddenham, Dave Buhler, Pam Grimes, Wes Groesbeck, Richard Lauritzen, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia Bellamy, Brian Bellamy, Jan Haug, Leland J. Myers, Ron Snarr,. Allen C. Johnson, Jeff Chapman, Tree Brown Hayes, Bonnie A. Sell, John Davis, Forest Hansen, Bob Steiner, James J. Lund, Gene Davis, Mary Carlson, Bonnie Nel, Judy Fisher, Mr. Strasser, Bill Peperone .Excused: Sharon AshcraftMeeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Roger Miller. Minutes of the September meeting were approved .. Boy Scout Troop 78 was welcomed as visitors.  The boys are working on a merit badge. Election of officers was conducted by election committee member Rich Bennett. Candidates were introduced and given an opportunity to say a few words of introduction. Candidates are: Chairman: Del Brewster and Jerry RomeroVice Chairman: Sharon Ashcraft, Craig Bohn, Allen Johnson, and Rawlins Young Secretary: Alice EdvalsonTreasurer: Jan Haug The polls were opened for one hour for trustees to vote. The new officers are: Chairman: Jerry Romero Vice Chairman: Allen Johnson, Craig Bohn, and Rawlins Young Secretary: Alice EdvalsonTreasurer: Jan Haug Unit Legalizations: Forest Hansen – a basement apartment at 1542 So. 1600 East. A motion was made and accepted to approve the application. Bonnie Nel – a duplex at 545 East 2700 South. Motion  was made and accepted to approve the application. Steve Tanner – a home with a basement apartment at 2474 Alden St. One neighbor had not been willing to sign the petition because of a concern with the parking. There is adequate off street parking provided. A motion was made and accepted to approve the application. Judy Fisher – a basement apartment at 547 East 2700 South. The were several concerns regarding the condition of the apartment. A motion was made and approved to table this application to allow us time to get more information this building.Strasser Investment Company – application to demolish three houses at 1143, 1155: and 1157 East Garfi.eld Ave. Motion was made and approved to allow demolition and to also suggest the property be used to rebuild single family dwellings instead of apartments. Information Items: Bill Peperone, a Development Consultant, and Christian Orse presented a proposed plan for a formal dining restaurant in the historic home at 2700 South and 700 East. The plans include Mediterranean food, casual elegance, and a fair price. Gene Davis expressed a concern in creating more business in a basica1ly residential neighborhood. It was suggested that trustees take opportunities to look at this property and be prepared to consider this issue in more detail at a future time. Doug Adams presented a proposed plan for a planned unit development at 968 East 2700 South. The development would consist of 22 single family dwellings with natural landscaping of the surrounding area that would retain the natural spring in the area. Several expressed concern in taking away  of the now existing open space. Trustees were encouraged to look at the property and be prepared to discuss this issue in more detail at a later time. John Hultquist presented information concerning Radon Awareness… A few homes in the Sugar House area have been tested for Radon and only a small number have cause for concern. He made available information regarding a test kit that is available for a self test of the home. Committee Reports: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that 4 persons in her neighborhood are now involved in the Mobil Watch program. There is still a need for more volunteers for this program. Pam Grimes showed a poster with pictures she had taken of the “Night Out Against Crime” activities in the Sugar House area. November Election Candidates: Several of the candidates running for the November election were present and introduced themselves. These included: Mary Carlson – Representative for District 31, Gene Davis – Representative for District 30, Brian Belamy – Candidate for Representative for District 31, Bob Steiner- Senator for District 1. Dave Buhler – Candidate for Senate Dist. 3 A motion was made and everyone agreed to give special thanks to Roger Miller for all his efforts as Chairman of the SHCC for the past year and a half. The SHCC needs to have a representative to serve on the CDGB board. Anyone interested in this, contact Rawlins young. Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]