SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1995


October 4, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Keith Christensen, Sam Piazza, B.L. Smith, Ruth A. Robbins, Dolores A. Donohoo, Cheri Carleson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Tree Hayes, Kathy Daly, Russ Terry, Gene Davis, Veronica Crandall, Del Brewster, Katina Ventura, John Richards, Leland Myers, Wendy Merrill, Rich Bennett, Brett & Lisa Palmer, Allen Johnson, Roger Miller, Andrew Sheets, David Larsen, David Borsos, Nathan Lane, Liani Pearce, Louis Owen, Sandy Hiskey, Richard Lauritzen Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the September meeting were approved. Rawlins announced that the City Planning Dept. will hold a hearing at their meeting tomorrow evening, 5:20 PM in room 126 of the City/County bldg. regarding the Planned Unit Development at 2880 So. 9th East. The developer has reduced the number of units from 8 to 6. Sprague Librarian, Kathy Daly announced that the library is planning on doing a display on the Irving School- Past and Present. This is planned for Feb. and March. Anyone having old photos or other items of interest are invited to submit to Kathy at the Library. The display will include the plans for the new Irving Apartment complex. Rawlins reminded those that are interested in getting the minutes and agenda for the community council meeting should indicate so in the designated box on the roll that is passed around at each meeting. Other interested persons could call Alice Edvalson at 485-1663. City Council Update: Keith Christensen reported that the City Council have passed (5 to 2) a Parental Responsibility law. This law stipulates that the parents are responsible for minor children who are caught in a criminal offense after the second offense. There are some exceptions, such as if the parents are currently in counseling with a licensed family councilor for problems or if the offense is against the parents. Keith indicated he is sponsoring a project for a transitional facility for battered women. This facility would provide a place for these women to stay between the time they first go to the YWCA facility until they can be provided a better situation. The facility would provide training and other help to allow them to live in a better situation in the community. The RDA would supply some of the funds as well as other sources of funding. The women would have to provide service to the community as partial payment. The facility would accept those that the YWCA accepts for such problems and would be located east of the YWCA. The YWCA would operate the facility. The facility would consist of 36 units, 24 3 bedroom and 12 2 bedroom. A question was asked regarding the sound walls on 23rd East. Keith assured us they are still in line to be done, but just haven’t been started yet. Keith also indicated he is asking the RDA to look at improvement of downtown upper story space. Suggesting making it into nice apartments or other facilities that would improve the appearance of the downtown area. He is also suggesting the downtown area businesses get involved in a new discussion of a light rail loop of the downtown area. Later other spurs would be added to other areas. There needs to be something to eliminate the traffic congestion in the downtown area. Election Committee Report: The election committee reported the following candidates for election for the Sugar House Community Council: Chairman – Rawlins Young; Vice Chair: – Sharon Ashcraft, Tree Brown Hayes, Russ Terry, Scott Kisling; Secretary – Alice Edvalson; Treasurer – Jan Haug. Results of the election were: Chairman – Rawlins Young; Vice Chair – Sharon Ashcraft, Russ Terry, Scott Kisling; Secretary – Alice Edvalson; Treasurer – Jan Haug. Rawlins suggested we have a Treasurers report at the November meeting. New Trustee Petition: A petition for trustee has been received from John Richards of the Highland Park neighborhood. The petition was approved. Grant Proposals: Rawlins reported the deadline for the Neighborhood Matching grant program has passed. The only proposal from our area was the one presented in the Sept. meeting for improved street lighting on Westminster Ave. between 12th and 15th East. Proposals for CDBG funds can still be accepted for a few weeks. Rawlins suggested the following as possibilities: 1) Upgrade of the tennis courts, install sidewalks along Sugarmont Ave. for Public Safety, and improvement of lighting at the NW Corner of Fairmont Park, 2) Upgrade of the Sugar House Master Plan, excluding the business district portion which has already been

done, 3) Update the Historic Architectural Reconnaissance Surveys, specifically adding the Kimball/Richards area from Elizabeth St. to 15th East and 27th So. to 1-80 and the Yalecrest, Allen Park, Westmorland, Westminster area from 9th So. to 21st So. and 13th East to 17th East. A motion was made and approved to submit a proposal for the upgrade of the tennis court in Fairmont Park. A motion was also made and approved to support the city’s proposal on the Upgrade of the Sugar House Master plan and the Historic Architectural Surveys. Discussion of City- Community-Neighborhoods: Rawlins explained that in 1967 when the city adopted a master plan, 7 communities were set up, they were the Northwest, West Salt Lake, Capitol Hill, Avenues, East Bench, Central City, and Sugar House communities. Within each of these communities were smaller neighborhoods. The neighborhoods were set up based on the census tracks. This makes it easier to monitor growth etc. in the city by locality. This information is valuable in updating master plans and other areas of planning. Master plans are goal setting plans for the city. Rawlins gave each trustee a handout showing the map of the city with the communities outlined as well as census information on the neighborhoods within each community. Rawlins explained somewhat of the new City Recognition ordinance that the city is proposing. This ordinance has eliminated funding and recognition of SLACC which was the umbrella organization coordinating the community organizations. This has created several problems for the community councils, 1) the 501 C3 (non-profit) belongs to SLACC and not to the community councils, thus eliminating the ability of the community councils to benefit from the non-profit status, 2) the forum for coordination among the community councils is no longer there, thus making it difficult for coordination with other community councils. The City Council meeting on Oct. 10 will be discussing the City Recognition Ordinance. Committee Reports: Sustainable Communities – Crime update was given by Dorothy Tuddenham. She indicated there will be Mobil Watch training on Oct. 10-12-17. Anyone interested contact Dorothy. She indicated that burglaries are up in the area. We need to promote the Neighborhood watch program. They are trying to get a daytime Mobil watch going. She reported that incidents have been found where during Realtor open houses, one person talks to the Realtor while the other is looking around the house and has stolen things. The CAT team is working with the business district problems. They will have a meeting on Oct. 18 at 9:30 am in the city council chambers regarding these issues. Parks and Recreation – The Jewish Synagogue on Heritage Way is in the process of moving their recreation center on Foothill to their synagogue location. They are asking the city to donate the west 30 feet of Tanner Park to them for use in building the recreation center. The Mayor has written a letter of consent to them. The recreation center would serve the entire community, not just the Jewish congregation. They will still maintain the old facility on Foothill. Traffic – no report. Housing, Land Use, Zoning – There were no issues for this meeting. There are 2 unit legalizations for next month. The sub-committee will hold their meeting in a couple of weeks. Ruth Robbins felt the community council’s letter to the Planning Dept. regarding the development at 2880 So. 9th East had not gotten to them or they had not correctly interpreted it. Ruth also had questions regarding the development at the US West property on 27th So. This development proposal had been presented to the community council several months ago and had been given approval by the council. No one at the meeting was familiar with what was actually being done at that site at the present time. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]