SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1996


October 2, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edva1son, Veronica Crandall, Julina P. Parker, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, Elizabeth S. Braymen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Becky Nielsen, Diane Stover, Kathy Daly, Doris Williams, John Richards, Joan Proctor, Scott Kisling, Tree Hayes, Sam Piazza, Brooke Archuletta, Lori Archuletta, Paul Wiseman, Andy Stringfellow, Connor Pascoe, Shane Jones, Grace sperry, Ed Sperry, Christine Thompson, Mary Carlson, Sandy Hisky, Daniel Anderson, Nathon Anderson, Tim Stringfellow, Mike Berry, Laurie Stringfellow, Jamie Lund, Dolores A. Donohoo, R Fred Ross, Judi Short, Tracy Pierce, Ivana Thomas, Laurel Wilkinson, Ruth C. Jensen, Barbara Hutchinson, Cheri Carleson, Neil Olsen Excused:Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. The minutes for the September meeting were approved with a correction to the date of the minutes from August 7 to September 4. Cheri Carleson also made a correction to the August 7 minutes. On the second page near the bottom changing “The money for this project is coming from the Mayor’s office.” to “The Mayor’s office will be approached to provide funding for this project.” Boy Scout Troop 451 from the Highland Park area were welcomed. Sprague Library director, Kathy Daly introduced the new director of the SLC Libraries, Nancy Tessman. City Council Update: Rawlins announced that Keith Christensen has been in the hospital. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to send him a get-well card. Committee for elections: The election committee announced the candidates for next years executives and gave all trustees present a ballot. The polls remained open for 1 hour. Candidates for Chair were Scott Kisling; for Vice Chair – Rawlins Young, Sandy Hiskey, and Rich Bennett; for Secretary, Alice Edvalson; for Treasurer, Cheri Carleson. At the close of the meeting, the results were announced as follows: Chair – Scott Kisling, Vice Chairs – Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, and Sandy Hiskey, Secretary – Alice Edvalson, Treasurer – Cheri Carleson. SLC Budget: Neil Olsen of the SLC Office of Policy and Budget told us about the SLC Operating and Capital Budget document. Copies of the budget were available for those interested. This document contains: a city organization chart, introduction and community profile, mayor’s budget message, city council’s message, notable changes, policy issues, budget policies and process, revenue, capital improvement, department programs and budgets, staffing document, financial schedules, glossary, appendix, and an index There is also a summary document that was much smaller and summarizes the contents of the complete document. Rawlins asked “How do we get SLC budget money spent in Sugar House?” Neil answered that we need to get involved with the CDBG grant program, the Capital Improvement program and in general get involved in the community. Task Forces for the Sugar House Master Plan: Rawlins handed out additional material that will help in our understanding of the processes to follow in the master plan updating process. He is desirous that all trustees become familiar with what is required of the task forces that will be involved in this process. Community Action Program (CAP): Sam Piazza reported that this group meets once a month. They are in the process of building a low income home on 4th West and 925 So. This home will sell for approx. $72,000. They are looking for vacant lots to build other low income homes on. They are trying to get a food pantry in the Sugar House area. Not because we have a large low income population, but because we have a large population of older persons. Funding for this program comes from the Federal Government, City and County funds, and private donations. Committee Reports: Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham introduced Shane Jones who is our other new Community Support Specialist. Diane Stover was introduced last month. Shane indicated he wants to keep us all informed and is eager .to get involved in our area. Officer Fred Ross who is replacing Joe Clark in the COP office was also introduced. He wants to use bike patrols in our area. He is trying to get the merchants in the area to sell beer in cans instead of bottles (bottles break! – cans can be recycled!). Shane encouraged everyone to call them whenever there are problems. Even if the response is not always quick, it does make a record of a problem. Dorothy announced that as part of the Boy Scout Round Table for this month the leaders are going to discuss ways the boys can be involved in crime prevention programs. Veronica Crandall announced that the YWCA “Week Without Violence” starts this week. They have created a “Wall of Remembrance” located on the City & County block. This wall will be in remembrance of those that have been killed in violent crimes in the city. This coming Sat. at 1 0:30 AM, the Snarr family will be there at the wall in remembrance of their son who was recently killed. Veronica also reported that the Gang Workshop previously scheduled in Oct. is being rescheduled. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: The McIntyre proposal will probably be presented to the Planning Commission for their Nov. meeting. The Hygiea proposal is still on hold. A proposal for a phone antenna is being requested for the 7-21 Center on 7th East & 21st So. Rawlins explained that the buildings in that shopping center were designed such that they never cast a shadow on adjacent properties. He is wondering if the antenna would also be able to make that claim. There is also a proposed development at 2161 Dalin St. There was a suggestion of the possibility of moving the existing home at that location to another spot.Parks Recreation: Construction has begun on the North side of Sugar House Park for the installation of the traffic light on 15th East. The Park Authority meeting discussed special upcoming events to be held in the Park, among them was the Assistance League Snowball Slide on Nov. 2. They were concerned about the many banners that are being placed on the fence in the South West comer of the park. They will discuss this issue at future meetings, but for now park employees have been instructed to remove the banners. Plans for the rose garden are still being discussed in an effort to see how this fits in with the park’s long range plans. Security in the park is still a concern. Signs have been posted indicating park closure times and No Parking signs have been installed on the 17th East border of the park. Mobil Watch is still working in the area. The Park Authority Articles of Incorporation are being amended in the area of selection of board members as well as other terms in the document. The next Park Authority meeting is Nov. 21st. Cheri also indicated that Hale Bakery on the comer of 13th South and 9th East gives away free duck bread for the ducks at Sugar House or Liberty Park. Cheri also suggested that the Sugar House Community Council get involved with a special project for the upcoming Sesquicentennial celebration. She is suggesting that perhaps we could adopt the Hidden Hollow area since the KOPE KIDS are no longer being involved with this project. Any other ideas, call Cheri at 521-4444 (work) or 485-0525 (home). A question was asked about what has happened with the lighting that was proposed for Hidden Hollow. The answer was not know and we need to follow up on that. Traffic: There will be a CLS (Coalition for Livable Streets) meeting Monday Oct. 7. at 6:00 PM at the Foothill COP station. Grant Proposals: Rawlins reported that CDBG grant proposals are due this week. We need to support the proposal for additional money for the updating of the Sugar House Master Plan as well as support for those proposals that we supported last year which were not funded. Rawlins will see that this is taken care o£ Contact Rawlins for any other questions on grant money. Sugar House Community Magazine: Rawlins indicated that an organization is interested in publishing a magazine for this area. They have previously gone to the Chamber of Commerce, but they were not interested. Rawlins is asking if there is an interest on our part. It was suggested that we first find out the impact on us and more of the details regarding the magazine before we make any commitments. Boys &Girls Club: Laurel Wilkinson, the director of the Sugar House Boys & Girls club spoke of the programs that are available there. They are a licensed child care facility and have an after school program which costs $10 per year. They have a “Leaders in Training” program and a program for girls at risk. They accommodate children from 4 – 18 years of age. They also have an “Adults Link Up With a Kid” program and need volunteers for this. Their hours are 6 AM to 9 PM. She also reported that the addition that has been under construction has now been completed. A motion was made, seconded, and approved with a big round of applause to give special thanks to Rawlins for all he has done this past year as Chairman of the Community Council. Meeting adjourned approximately 9:10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]