SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1997


October 1, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ruth Robbins, Rich Bennett, Tree Brown Hayes, Helen Peters, Judi Short, Dolores A. Donohoo, Gene Davis (14)City Representatives: Kathy Daly, Michele Hutchins, Rick Graham, Officer Fred Ross, Kathy Black, Diane Stover, Keith Christensen (7)Others: Barbara Clarke, Herbert L. Clarke, R S. Zabriskie, Kent Matthews, Travis Bailey, Matt Ehlret, Matt Maxfield, David Alsop, Dottie Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Robbie Levine, Elliott Levine, Lynne Olson, Phillip Parke, Roger H. Thompson, Milton Braselton, Jerry Hayes, Jeremy Riley, Forest Hansen, Claudia O’Grady, Barbara Miller, Ron Bruno, Gordon Poulson, Karen Nielsen, James Gonzales, Violet Clayton, Leslie Reberg, AmyLynn Bliem, Michelle Christensen, K. Ryan Christensen, Tamara Brune-Wharton, J. D.Keet1ey, Jackie Biskupski, Janet Rose, (34) Total- 55 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. The minutes for the September meeting were approved. Chair Report: A letter of resignation has been received from trustee Becky Nielsen. Many thanks were expressed to Helen Peters, Cheri Carleson, and Lynne Olson for all they did to make the Sugar House Sesquicentennial Celebration a HUGE success. There will be a Livable Communities conference on 14-15 Nov. If anyone is interested in attending, contact Scott Kisling. A renewal of trustee petition was presented by Rich Bennett. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the renewal. There will be a review of the Hidden Hollow Master Plan on·Monday, Oct. 20 from 12-4 PM at the Sprague Library. Fairmont Park Swimming Pool: Rick Graham, Director of Public Services, presented information regarding a proposal to replace the swimming pool park with a larger, covered pool. It is planned that it will have a retractable roof for summer use. The recently approved Zoo-Arts-Parks (ZAP) tax of 1/10 of 1% will help pay for this development. Any comments can be directed to Rick at 535-7774 or Scott Kisling.Treasurer Report: Deposits of $1,200.00, Expenditures of $307.00, Increase of $893.00, for a balance of $2.334.00. Election of Officers for Executive Committee: The election committee presented the names of trustees for election and ballots for all trustees. The polls remained open for voting for one hour. The results of the election were:Chairman – Scott Kisling; 1st Vice Chair – Helen Peters; 2nd Vice Chair – Rawlins Young; 3rd Vice Chair – Sandy Hiskey; Secretary – Alice Edvalson; Treasurer – Rich Bennett.City Council Candidates for Districts 5 & 7:The remainder of the time was spent hearing from the candidates for City Council for the upcoming election. The candidates and the main issues they mentioned include: District 5: Jackie Biskupski – Crime, Traffic, Neighborhood Issues. She would work directly with the Police Dept. and would work to implement traffic calming measures in an effort to slow traffic in the neighborhoods. Forest A. Hansen – He feels government is intrusive. He would encourage the disadvantaged to help themselves help them do better, and teach them how to do better. He would be a conservative force on the council. Claudia O’Grady – She would work on improving the neighborhoods and the city. She would work for providing affordable housing. She recognizes problems in the explosive growth in the city as a major concern. Issues of special concern include open space, bigger and better transportation as well as the integration with the Light Rail. She is also concerned with crime prevention and safe guarding our neighborhoods. Phillip E. Parke– He is concerned that the RDA does not listen very well to the citizens. He would like to see better enforcement of the existing ordinances in an effort to decrease the amount of crime. He is also interested in the Library and Airport expansion. Janet Rose – She has dropped out. Roger H. Thompson – He was born and lived most of his life in Distr. 5 in SLC. He would like to preserve the good things in SLC. He wants to safeguard our common values. He is a lawyer specializing in Real Estate. He wants to see a city that is user friendly. Tamara Brune- Wharton – Her concerns include safe neighborhoods, ethical government, and traffic. She feels we need to make changes now. District 7: Keith Christensen – He feels we need a balance. He wants to foster growth and does not want business to encroach on neighborhoods. Karen Nielsen – She is concerned with Crime, Traffic, and Safe Neighborhoods. Gordon O. Poulson – He is concerned with traffic in the residential areas, problems in the parks, concerns of youth, and low income housing. The remainder of the time was spent with questions from the audience addressed to the candidates. Candidates responded randomly as they had input. Questions included: 1. Ideas to get more revenue for infrastructure improvements including water rates, sidewalks, street lighting. Responses included rate increases, bonding, CDBG, self help grants and other available funding. 2. How do you feel about the improvements proposed for the airport? Most felt the improvements were needed. 3. How can we increase revenues for the city by having those who come into the city to work pay their share instead of only from those who live in the city. 4. What can we do about the homeless? Don’t make regulations on housing so strict that poorer housing is lost.Don’t just concentrate on low cost, we need all kinds.Determine why they are homeless and how to get them skills to help better their situation.5. Why do we have to go to Orem to protest our property taxes? No real answer other than it maybe had something to do with the water district we are in. 6. Concerns with the growth and traffic in the Sugar House area. Most were in favor of keeping the character of the neighborhood and were concerned with the traffic in this area. There was a lot of discussion about the traffic problems in the area. A lot felt there needs to be more traffic calming measures implemented in the area. 7. A specific question was ask how they felt about the zoning ordinance that was changed a few years ago which made an exception to allow a 10 story building in the Granite Furniture block in the Sugar House area. Keith Christensen, who is the current councilman for Distr. 7. and was involved with the zoning changes that were made some 2 years ago stated that he thought it was only 5 story. Comments from the other candidates agreed that 5 stories was plenty high. 8. How can we preserve the little open space we have and not allow developers to buy up the little open space there is left.?Every one agreed we should preserve open space, but no real suggestions were offered. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 8:30 PM.


Landon Clark
[email protected]