SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1998


October 7, 1998

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscol, Sandy Hiskey, Su Armitage, Judi Short, Phillip Carlson, Tree Brown Hayes, Dolores Donohoo, Russ Terry (16) City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Dan Andrus, Kathy Daly, Nancy Tessman, Fire Station #3 Crew, Barry Esham, Mary Carlson, Roger Thompson (7+) Others: C. T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, Chris Weiss, Sarah McCarvil, Kenneth Higgs, Jennifer Trom, Lynne Olson, Craig Mecham, Keith Smith, Leonard Tong, Sheri Some, Jeff Geigle, Fred Babcock, Hugh Judge, Evelyne Judge, Kaye Johnson, Bryan Irving, Ann Lynch, Dan Hooten, John Sabodski, Theresa Sabodski, Melissa Lichtenstein, Kelly Lamoreaux, Shaun Eva, Tyson Carbaugh-Mason, Scott Chaplin, Robin Carbaugh, Christina Athas, Hilary Leonard, Claudia 1. Pack (30)

Total – 53+ Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. Barry Esham representing the Mayor’s office, Bryan Irving, candidate for House Representative in Dist. 30, and several kids from Youth City Government were introduced. The minutes for the September meeting were approved. Treasurers Report: No activity was posted during the month leaving a balance of $2,202.39 in the account. Chair Report: On Oct. 13 the City Council will have a hearing on the proposed Recognition Ordinance. The annual “Big Garbage Pickup” may have revised rules in the future. There have been many that are abusing the present guidelines. If you have input on this issue, contact Rick Graham at the city or councilman Keith Christensen. The City Council will be reviewing this policy on Oct. 13. Public Input: Ruth Robbins complained of excessive weeds and trash along 27th South between 7th and 5th East. Many were concerned because the ingress access to the parking behind the old post office was blocked off when people tried to park there for tonight’s meeting. This had been done because of the demolition of the building just south of the old post office. Kathy Daly, of the library, explained that there had already been reports made on the problems this has caused. There were also concerns with pedestrian safety in this and other areas of the Sugar House business district. Some of this is a result of all the construction that is going on at the present time. Other concerns were safety issues just because of the increased traffic in the area. SHCC Executive Elections: Cheri Carleson of the election committee explained the ballot and election procedures. Those running for office were: Chair – Helen Peters; Vice-Chair – Su Armitage, Scott Kisling, Russ Terry, and Ray Puglsey; Secretary – Alice Edvalson; Treasurer – Sandi Hiskey. The polls were open for the designated one hour and at the conclusion, the results were: Chair – Helen Peters; Vice Chair – Su Armitage, Scott Kisling, Ray Pugsley; Secretary – Alice Edvalson, Treasurer – Sandy Hiskey. Planning Dept. Issues: Bill Allayaud, of the city, reported that the Fairmont Park Swimming Pool will be on the Planning Dept. agenda for Nov. 19 (tentative). There are still some concerns on this issue. Bill reported on a neighborhood meeting that was held recently in the area between 9th and 11th East and 21st So. and Westminster Ave. Some of the neighbors had been concerned with the proposal for expansion made by Albion Financial at the last council meeting. Bill reported that Albion was rethinking their proposal and this was probably not an issue anymore. This neighborhood continues to be concerned with the increased traffic that is coming into the neighborhood. Bill reported that he has now scheduled several neighborhood meetings to discuss the rewrite of the Sugar House Master plan. These will be held at Highland High School in room C110 from 7 – 9 PM on Tues. Oct. 27, Mon. Nov. 2, and Wed. Nov. 11. Anyone interested in this process is encouraged to attend. Bill is still looking for volunteers for the advisory committee for the master plan rewrite. Questions were asked of Bill about trees that have been cut down along Highland Drive and 21st So. in the construction area. He indicated that some had been cut down by accident and some were planned to be removed. Some will be replaced as part of the landscape of the new development. Skate Board Ordinance: Bill Allayaud reported that the proposed ordinance is going to be presented to the City Council in early Nov. It has not been determined if there will be a public hearing for this. The ordinance would impose a $67 fund for violation. The area included would be 21st So. from 6th East to 13th East and Highland Drive from Hollywood Ave. to Sugarmont Dr. The city is looking at creating some public skate board parks. Robin Carbaugh with representatives from Youth City Government (Ann Lynch, Hillary Leonard, Tyson Carbaugh, Scott Chaplin, Dan Hooten, and Christina Athas) spoke concerning this issue. They recommended the building of skate board parks. They feel there are already existing laws for defacing public property and feel that this should be enforced for those who are defacing public property with the skateboards etc. They also suggested that there be a distinction made between skateboards used for transportation and sport or vandalism. A vote was called for from the audience for a feel of the general support or non-support of what had been presented as being included in this ordinance. Only 3 were in favor of it. It was indicated that the city council may choose not to have a public hearing when this is presented to them. Most felt that the public need to be given the opportunity to give input at a public hearing when this is presented to the city council. The motion was made that we send a letter to Roger Thompson, Keith Christensen, and Bryce Jolley requesting that a public hearing be given on this issue. The voting was all in favor except one abstaining. Election Bond Issue Information: Helen Peters reported that there were 6 constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot in the November election. They are: 1) Amended residency requirements for state senators and state representatives, 2) Repealing the provision regarding real and personal estate and property of married women, 3) Clarifying the status, purposes, and beneficiaries of school and institutional lands held in trust by the state, 4) Eliminating voting rights of convicted felons, 5) Establishing wildlife numbers, 6) Review of tax commission cases. There will be 3 additional issues relating to Salt Lake County. They include: 1) The burial of power lines, 2) a change in the form of county government from a county commission to a county executive-council form, 3) The library bond. Helen encouraged everyone to get involved and informed on these issues and to vote. Information can be obtained from the Elections Division of the Lieutenant Governor’s Office. Sprague Library Expansion: A part of the library bond is for a proposed addition to our Sprague Library and would be a much needed facility in our area. Nancy Tessman, of the main library, explained the proposed plans for the library block down town and the proposed expansion for the Sprague Library. If you need more detailed information on this, contact Kathy Daly at the Sprague Library. Conditional Use Permit for Bread & Breakfast at 720 Ashton Ave.: Kelly Lameraux presented plans to restore the “Cannon Home” to its original state. The home was built in 1890. He indicated that the home has fallen into disrepair and will take quite a bit of work to bring it back to the original state. He indicated it is on the National/State/City historic registers. One neighbor spoke favorably for this proposal. A motion was made that we approve this proposal. The voting was 12 in favor, 3 abstaining. Park View Plaza II Proposal: Craig Mecham, owner of this property, and Fred Babcock, architect are trying again to make a proposal for this building. A group of the SHCC executive committee and other interested persons met with Craig and Fred the day before to discuss this proposal. Helen explained what was learned from that meeting. The building is the same size as the previous proposal. The stairway between Hidden Hollow and the Plaza has been improved. There are still concerns for the preservation of Hidden Hollow. The proposed parking on 13th East would be very limited, mainly for delivery vehicles. There is still a great need and desire for a traffic light at 13th East and Wilmington Ave. There is a desire for some kind of retail or restaurant on the plaza level. There has been more attention paid to the berm/landscape between this development and Hidden Hollow. The traffic circulation from 21st South is still undefined through the Woodbury and hotel property. The building size and building materials are still a great concern. The master plan recommends a max. size of 50,000 sq. ft. and this building is 125-127,000 sq. ft. The master plan recommends the materials be in character with the rest of the area. This plan calls for mostly glass. Traffic is still a big concern. Craig emphasized the asset this could be to the community as an economical issue as well as an environmental improvement in the gully area. This presentation was for the purpose of information only and it is hoped that the developers will be willing to work with the community to resolve the issues of concern. Adjourned at 9: 15 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]