SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 1999


October 6, 1999

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for October 6, 1999 Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Ty McCartney, Rich Bennett, Sheila O’Driscoll, Robert Marsh, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck, Scott Kisling (16) Excused: Ruth Robbins City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Officer Ron Bruno, Officer ??? (5) Others: Kelly Hannah, Connie Romboy, Don Green, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Malcolm Campbell, Lowell Geddes, Heather Tritten, Jason Youngstrom, Kevan Adams, Milton Braselton, Steven Dwyer, Terry Chatwin, Jerry Schmidt, Ella Olsen, Jeff Davis, Felice Leone, David Eaby, Wanda Eaby, Tony L. Martinez, Neal Scattery, Bryan Meenen, Jeff Collard, Alfredo M. Gonzalez, Ruth Popescu, Donna Mirabelli, Kevin Brown, Rocky Anderson, Ruth Price, Peter Pillman, Marsha Bousquet, Jan Yeckes, Kathleen Stoddard, Beth Bowman, Peter Yerwell (35) Total- 56 Meeting called to order at 7 :00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. Minutes of the September meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen reminded us that we can report traffic problems by calling 700-3104 and giving the date, time and nature of the problem. We can also report problems to the CAT team at 535-7971. To report drug problems call the narcotics hot line at 799-3784. We can also report problems in our neighborhood by calling Officer Ron Bruno at 799-3000. We can report graffiti by calling the graffiti hot line at 972-7885. Officer Bruno reported that the signs are now posted noting no skateboarding, jaywalking, or blocking the sidewalks in the Sugar House business district. The posting of this ordinance will now allow the police to enforce these violations. The leaf bags are supposed to be delivered during the weeks of Oct. 18 – 31. The water bill is supposed to contain information regarding the pickup of these leaf bags. Helen mentioned a problem that had been brought to her attention of trees blocking the view on exiting the SL Credit Union building. She also indicated that the Hollywood neighborhood had met with the city regarding the traffic calming issues on that street. The city has agreed to put out the counters again in the next 3 weeks. Much of the traffic calming activity has been put on hold by the city. The neighbors in that area are still trying to work with the city on the traffic problems on that street. Helen reported that the proposed development at 2725-2733 So. 7th East has been approved by the Planning Commission. Public Input: A question was asked when they were going to start on the traffic light at 13th East and Wilmington Ave. It was reported that they had started on it today. Helen indicated that Rocky Anderson had called requesting time on our agenda. She indicated that he had been given an opportunity to meet with the community council prior to the election, but he had chosen not do to do that.  It was agreed that we would give him 5 minutes tonight, but no more. Sugar House Community Council Executive Board Elections: Helen gave a background on what was required and expected of members of the executive committee. She gave a summary of the activities we have accomplished during the past year. She also identified areas of need for the coming year. Ballots for the election were passed to all trustees present. The results of the voting were reported at the end of the meeting with the following results: Chair – Ty McCartney, 1st Vice Chair – Scott Kisling, 2nd Vice Chair – Su Armitage, 3rd Vice Chair – Ray Pugsley, Secretary – Alice Edvalson, Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo. New Trustee Petitions: Petitions for becoming a trustee of the Sugar House Community Council were presented by Lynne Olson (trustee at large), Gayen Wharton (Westminster), Ruth Price (Garfield). A motion was made and approved to accept all these petitions. AT&T/TCI Conditional Use Permit to Operate as a Public/Private Utility Building: Peter Pillman and Marsha Bousquet presented plans for redevelopment of the TCI building on Wilmington Ave. This requires a Conditional Use Permit because it is in the Sugar House Business District. This building would be a 2 story building in the same place as the current TCI building.  The building would be 34 1/2 ft. high. The front of the building would be used for office space and the back portion would house communication equipment. Satellite dishes would be located to the rear of the building. The current building does not meet seismic standards. They would plant trees along the West boundary dividing their property and Hidden Hollow. The access on the West of the building into Hidden Hollow would be maintained. The building would be done in two phases with the front being done first and then the back. It is important that they maintain current communication access at all times. Their plans are in compliance with all the cities requirements. Peter Yerwell also represented this group and explained additional requirements of the development. Some of the trustees asked for more discussion on the wall on the West side and the design of the building. A sub-committee composed of trustees Ray Pugsley, Rawlins Young, Robert Marsh, Tiffany Starbuck, Ty McCartney, Su Armitage, Scott Kisling, Lynne Olson, Rich Bennett and neighborhood representative Kelly Hannah was formed to work with them and try to work out some of the concerns. Some of the concerns included: 1) a question whether this is an appropriate use in Sugar House, 2) a question regarding a gated area, 3) crime prevention issues, 4) the landscape buffer, 5) encroachment on city property. The sub-committee will report back on this issue in the Nov. meeting. AT&T/TCI Placing Equipment Cabinets in Parking Strips, City Owned Property and Private Property: Steve Dwyer presented a proposal for installing cable power supply boxes in parking strips, city owned property and private property. These boxes are used for a backup power supply for cable and other communication systems in cases of prolonged power outages. There are two units side by side. The dimensions are 26″ wide X 44 ” high X 26″ deep. One side is for the equipment and one side for the power supply. The power supply can use natural gas or propane. The unit runs a self test once a month and there is a remote status monitoring and alarm monitoring. The access panels are locked and have an alarm with access security. The units are placed on a concrete pad. The generator meets all city codes. There were questions asked regarding crime issues. They appear to be a good place to hide and a good place for graffiti. They have started in the North area of the city placing these units and are working their way South. They have not put any in the Sugar House are as yet. When they are placed on private property, the home owner would be compensated. A motion was made that we forward this issue to the Planning Commission requesting that they evaluate these requests and formulate general guidelines. Some of the questions that were asked were: 1) how many will be allowed per square mile, 2) can they be placed on private property, 3) who can approve the placement of these units. The vote was 12 in favor and 2 opposed. Mayor Candidate – Rocky Anderson: He indicated he felt a need to bring life back into the downtown area. He feels a greater need to support locally owned businesses. He believes in supporting local businesses and neighborhoods. He feels there is a need for a city wide master plan. He supports more bike lanes and would encourage a grade separated lane. Unit Legalization -1995/97 Lincoln St: This is the third time we have addressed this issue. Terry Chatwin (a partner in the ownership of this building) indicated he has changed his request from a 6-plex to a 4-plex. There are 6 bathrooms and 4 kitchens in the building. It was mentioned by someone in attendance that Carol’s Bakery has a dumpster behind this building that is placed in an illegal place. One of the renters, Kevin Brown indicated that one of the apartments is being rented to 4 different persons, creating an undesirable situation. Mr. Chatwin was informed that the 4 apartments must be rented as single rentals and not rented as a boarding house environment. No action was taken on this request. Unit Legalization ­1551 East 2700 So.: Jeff Davis presented a request to legalize a duplex at 1551 East 2700 So. He indicated it had been a duplex since 1960. He had completed the paperwork as required. He had a very impressive presentation. We expressed our appreciation for his preparation. The motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was 11 in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Trails in Sugar House: Jan Yeckes, Kathleen Stoddard, and Beth Bowman presented information regarding the Bonneville Shoreline trail and the connection to Sugar House. The Bonneville Resource Conservation & Development Council is trying to coordinate trails across several counties. It was recommended that we stay involved with this organization. They can help in our planning and funding of the trail from Parley’s Canyon down through the Sugar House railroad corridor as well as the McClelland canal trail. The motion was made that we continue our membership in the Bonneville Resource Conservation & Development Council and pay the $40 annual dues. The voting was 15 in favor. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that the Sugar House Master Planning process is still going on. They are now working on the urban design portion. They still have to address the commercial development and historic preservation. He reported on a walk to look at the area of the trail through Sugar House. He said that the Preston Place issue is still being looked at. The main issue yet to be resolved is the loss of city owned property. We need to plan to have this on the Nov. agenda. Rich Bennett has met one time with the Westminster neighborhood in an effort to work out some of the concerns. Some of these concerns are the lighting in the parking area, the noise from the generator, the underground parking. They are suggesting a possibility of a turn signal on 17th and 13th. They are also looking at a cul-de-sac at the East end of Blaine Ave. They are still looking at a 13th East only entrance/exit to the south-west parking lot. There are still questions on the addition of another level to the North-west parking lot. Bill reported that there have been a few modifications made to the library expansion. This has delayed the start of this project which means that we will be able to hold our November Council meeting at the library. They have started on the footings for the Fairmont Pool. They have not found any fault lines and no ground water problems yet. Bill indicated that some the “U” students may do a mini plan for the Granite Furniture block and also for the Woodbury/Mendenhall development on 21st So. by the Chevron station. NOTE: The proposal for the dinner theatre at 20th East & 27th So. and the zone change at Preston place cancelled prior to the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.


Landon Clark
[email protected]