SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2000



Trustees: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Ray Pugsley, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rawlins Young, Judi Short, Ruth Price, Sheila O’Driscoll, Philip Carlson, Su Armitage, Lynne Olson, Robert Marsh, Dolores Donohoo, Rich Bennett, Gayen Wharten (15)

Excused: Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Scott Kisling

City/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Linda Ward, Police Dept. Janice Jardine, Planning Dept. (3)

Others: C.T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, David Drake, Beverly Takos, Diane Taylor, Debra Willardson, Lloyd Willardson, David O. Donohoo, Ginger Blumel-Wilson, Greg Wilson, Melissa Romney, Scott Romney, Milton Braselton, Boyd Seal, Caralee Seal, Wanda Gayle, Michael Hanson, Marc Ellis, Rich Gregersen, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry, Melissa Lichtenstein, Dennis McElroy, Russell Skousen, Tracy Miller, Sarah Carlson, Stan Syphus, Kevan Adams, Edward Glashien, Amy Price, Marv Tuddenham, Bill Servoss, Reva Servoss, Genevieve Atwood, Julie Gregersen, Haken Lovestad, Lily Lovestad, Mike Gobel, Claudia Pack, Tim Wachter, Lorri Wachter, James B. Kennard, Richard Snelgrove, Fred Conlin, Jerry Schmidt, John Sittner, Steve Crain (47) Total Attending – 65

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. Ty thanked everyone for their support during this past year. The minutes were approved.

CHAIR REPORT: The Wasatch Front Regional Council, UDOT, UTA, and Salt Lake City Transportation Department will be holding five open houses to present information on future mass transit plans, pedestrian safety and road construction projects. Dates and locations are as follows:

Mon. Oct. 9 6-8 PM Commons area, East High

Mon. Oct. 16 6-8 PM Commons area, Highland High

Thur. Oct. 19 6-8 PM Parkview Elementary

Mon. Oct. 23 6-8 PM City and County Building-room 315

Thur. Oct. 26 6-8 PM Rose Park Elementary

Johann Jacobs of Ballet West will meet with the sub-committee after the ballet company returns from China probably sometime in November. The Ballet West Conservatory sub-committee consists of Lynne Olson, Edward Glashien, Su Armitage, Alice Edvalson, and Helen Peters.

Claudia O’Grady, Executive Director, of the Multi-Ethnic Development Corp. has filed an application for a conditional use of the house located at 1762 So. 9th East as a transitional home with the Salt Lake City Planning Dept. The application has not been placed on the Planning Commission’s hearing calendar at this time. A letter in behalf of the Sugar House Community Council was sent to the Planning Dept. indicating that we support the application. Included in the letter were the comments and concerns expressed by the Trustees and neighbors regarding this proposal. This included the list of conditions the neighbors would like to see placed on the property if the Multi-Ethnic Corp. purchases the home and is operated by the Travelers Aid Society. Since this home is located within 600 feet of another community council (East Central), the Multi-Ethnic Development Corp. must make a presentation to that Council. This presentation will be made at the Nov. meeting of the East Central Community Council. At the Sept. 7, 2000 meeting, the Planning Commission voted to initiate a petition to amend the text of the zoning ordinance to allow transitional housing on a very limited basis as a conditional use in all residential zones. The text change has not been placed on the Planning Commission’s hearing calendar at this time. Anyone interested in notification of these hearing dates should contact Janice Jardine at the Planning Dept. at 535-6184.

TREASURERS REPORT: Dolores Donohoo reported a beginning balance of $1,510.81. After expenses from the rummage sale were paid, the ending balance is $1,930.07.

RUMMAGE SALE REPORT: Su Armitage thanked all who helped in making the sale a huge success.

TRUSTEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION: Candidates were introduced and given an opportunity to make comments. Candidates are:

Chair – Scott Kisling, Ty McCartney, Helen Peters

Vice Chair – Su Armitage, Scott Kisling, Robert Marsh, Helen M. Peters, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck

Secretary – Alice Edvalson

Asst. Secretary – Lynne Olson

Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo

Polls were opened for voting by the trustees at 7:20 PM. At the conclusion of the meeting the results were announced as follows:

Chair – Ty McCartney

1st Vice Chair – Su Armitage

2nd Vice Chair – Helen Peters

3rd Vice Chair – Ray Pugsley

Secretary – Alice Edvalson

Asst. Sec. – Lynne Olson

Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo


James B. Kennard (At Large) – James is a retired CPA with 28 years of experience. He has owned a lot of commercial property. He has had a lot of financial experience and is especially concerned with conservation. He spoke highly in favor of Steve Harmsen who is also an “at large” candidate who was unable to attend the meeting.

Genevieve Atwood (Dist. 1) – Genevieve has served in the state legislature and was there at the time the change was made to move to a council form of government for the county.

Richard Snelgrove (At Large) – Richard grew up in the Sugar House area and attended the U of U. He has 4 children. He works with Merrill Cook and also has a travel agency. He was the state chair for the Republican party during the Bush administration. He is especially concerned with quality of life issues.

Russell Skousen (Dist. 4) – Russell is a member of the Millcreek Community Council. He considers himself conservative and is especially interested in preserving open space.


Fred Conlon, with the Sugar Post Pottery business submitted a petition to become a trustee. The motion was made to accept his petition. He will serve in an “at large” designation.


Scott Romney (legislature dist. 31) – Scott grew up in this area and attended the U of U in political science. He has been a commercial pilot and a substitute teacher in the SLC school dist. He currently has the Signs Now business. He has 3 children, twin boys and an 8 month old girl. He is concerned about his children’s education and government regulations on small businesses. He would be working to get more funding for education and is concerned with the growing economy. When asked about gun control, he responded that he supported the 2nd amendment and feels that guns should not be government regulated. He responded to other questions from the audience.


Jerry Schmidt registered a complaint about garbage that was put out earlier than allowed for the big garbage pickup. He feels that the public process to deal with this is not workable.

Lynne Olson commented on the July 4th summer activity that was held in the business district this past summer and indicated that the owner of Salt Lake Pizza and Pasta wants to do another similar activity next summer and wanted to know if the community council would like to be involved.

Amy Price asked about how many trustees were allowed and how many there were.


Linda Ward indicated that crime statistics for the previous month were available for those that were interested. There are still quite a lot of burglaries in Dist. 7. She again encouraged people to keep their doors locked and garages closed. Car prowls are still high in this area. She also indicated that license plates are being stolen.


Barry Esham reported that the traffic study on 17th East is going to start next week. He indicated there will be a Mayor’s meeting on Oct. 25 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at the Sugar House Boys and Girls Club. The Hollywood traffic temporary calming devices are now in place. There is a pie island at 9th East and Hollywood, a circle at 10th East and Hollywood, “bulb outs” at McClelland and Hollywood, and traffic is blocked off at the south end of McClelland St. just prior to the business area. It is hoped that this will prove helpful in calming the traffic in this area and that permanent devices will be able to be installed soon.


Janice Jardine reported that the update of the Sugar House Master Plan should have a final draft ready for review by the advisory committee by January. A question was asked about the proposed Walgreen’s store that was planned for 9th East and 21st South. This is still in litigation at the present time.


Rawlins Young reported that the sub-committee has met. The several community councils along 9th East are trying to get a consensus on suggested solutions to the traffic problems on 9th East from South Temple to 33rd South. The part in the Sugar House area is rather a “bottle neck” with the parts to the North and the South being wider than in our area. It has been suggested that we support the option that would allow parking along each side with a designated bike path inside the parking and then one lane of traffic each way. It is noted that this is only a temporary solution and that there is a need for a major overhaul of the road between 13th and 21st South. It seemed that the majority were supportive of this alternative.


John Sittner spoke about what we could do on a small scale community or personal level in support of the Olympics. He presented a list of suggestions that have been compiled by the Joint Avenues – Capitol Hill community councils. Some of the activities included:

Historic homes tour(s)

Quince Street Lights festival

Church tours

Utah Capitol Building open house and tour with expert interpretation

Local music festival

Chorus presentations

Tour Utah with a “native”

Federal Heights based evening parties

“Table for eight” dinners with locals and visitors

Host-Home program for athletes families

Event car pools

Neighborhood large screen TV watching sites

Before & after school child & youth activities

Promote a “no-drive” program

Encourage after school activities to take a 3 week holiday during this period

“Know a Utahn” program

Flower grower at home to donate for venue decorations

Genealogy host for visitors

Impromptu group greeting parties near venues and transit hubs

Persons interested in getting involved with activities such as this in our area, call a member of the community council with your suggestions. If you would be interested in getting involved with these avenue activities, call John at 359-9787.


Dennis McElroy presented a hand out that described the long range plan for Wasatch Front transportation. The trustees voted in favor of accepting the plan as presented in the handout. Dennis indicated the light rail spur to the University is scheduled to be completed by next Nov. It will go from downtown to the Rice Stadium parking lot. There will be a bonus for the contractors if finished prior to that time. He encouraged all to attend the transportation open houses that have been scheduled (see chair report).


Steve Craine presented two more locations for their centralized power supply boxes. These are 1968 View St. and 2627 So. Green St. Ray Pugsley made a motion that we accept these proposals, but there was no second so the motion failed. Since we have already given the Planning Commission a list of our overall concerns with these power boxes and had previously elected to defer approval to the Planning Commission, we signed the AT&T form indicating the sites were NOT approved by us as we have done with all the previous requests. John Sittner of the Avenues community council who was in attendance at our meeting read us a motion that their council had made. It was very similar to the letters we have sent to the Planning Commission. The motion was made that we endorse the avenue’s motion and was approved with 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining.


David Drake of Crickett Communications presented a proposal to put a cell-phone antennae on the roof of the UPL substation at Highland Drive and I-80. A motion was made that we accept the proposal. The voting was 6 in favor, 3 opposed, and 1 abstaining. During the discussion, Rawlins Young indicated that the UPL substation is a historic structure, and is located near the Elizabeth Sherman Park, a community open space amenity. Because of its prominence in the Sugar House Business District, it is important to preserve the aesthetic integrity of the site. For that reason, Rawlins recommended that the City require an exaction from Crickett Communications in exchange for allowing them to locate their antennae at the substation.


Ty read a letter and information from the sub-committee set up to review this issue. It was noted that the LDS Church was going to table this proposal until they were able to identify a coordinator to work with neighborhoods surrounding not only this proposed site, but other sites identified for similar proposals in the city. The sub-committee had several questions they felt need to be answered regarding this proposal. They include:

1) the real estate history of the homes that are proposed to be demolished;

2) whether or not Salt Lake City would undertake a survey of the neighborhood on the proposed project;

3) the time frame for purchase of the homes

Lynne Olson researched the status of these homes and found that two (2542 and 2546) have paperwork on file that designates the homes as eligible historic sites as well as contributing to the character of the Highland Park Historic District. The other home is marked on a map as a home eligible as a historic site, but there is no paperwork to back up the designation on the map. Kirk Huffaker, Community Services Director, at the Utah Heritage Foundation is going to look at the homes being proposed for demolition.

The church is now looking at some of the alternative suggested by the sub-committee. These suggestions included:

1) A representative from the contract architect’s office will be meeting with UTA to explore what options might be available to transport people to the Ward on Sundays.

2) Look at carpooling options

3) Possible change of meeting schedules

4) Senior designated parking spaces

The church is also considering the two following options:

1) A multi-level parking lot on the present parking lot site

2) Turning the turf on the north side of the church into parking stalls

The church would like to evaluate the possible solutions for 30 days and to have this item on our Nov. agenda to report the results. The sub-committee had discussed a 6 month period to try some of the alternatives.

A lady living across the street from the church indicated she had watched to see how many cars were parking on the street and she had counted 34 on the street during the meeting time.

The motion was made that we support keeping the green space. That motion was withdrawn. The motion was made that the 30 days was too short. The voting was 10 in favor, 1 opposed, and 0 abstaining. The motion was made that we include this item on our Nov. agenda for a report of the progress that has been made and a possible vote depending on the report. That vote was 11 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstaining.


Lynne Olson indicated that we had been made aware that our minutes and agenda are not getting on the Internet as had been assured by the city. Secretary Alice Edvalson, is working with the person in the city responsible for getting items on the internet and it is hoped that this will be resolved in the next month or so. See bottom of the agenda for the Internet Website address.

It was also noted that trustees should contact Alice to be excused if they are unable to attend the council meetings. The by-laws also provide that a trustee can vote absentee on issues that are on the agenda. Notify Alice of these votes.

There has been an effort over the past few years to compile a Trustee Manual to help the trustees better understand their responsibilities. This is still in draft form but is hoped to be finished before Christmas for examination and comments by each Trustee.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]