SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2001


MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY October 3, 2001    

PLACE:                      SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:              7:00 PM                         6:00 – 7:00     Sugar House Historical Society Meeting AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10     Welcome & Introductions, Minute approval, Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20     Public Input7:20 – 7:30     Election – nominations, instructions and voting                        TRUSTEES- If you want an absentee ballot-contact                        Fred Conlon at least 1 week prior to the meeting.                        Fred Conlon – 474-1699 or [email protected] 7:30 – 7:35     Rummage Sale Update – Su Armitage7:35 – 7:40     Historical Society Update – Susan Petheram7:40 – 7:45     Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:45 – 7:50     Police Update7:50 – 7:55    17th East Traffic Calming Plans – Stacey Cole7:55 – 8:05     Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson8:05 – 8:15     Zoning Change – 15th East/Redondo Ave. – Paul Hanseen8:15 – 8:25     Unit Legalization – 923 East Hollywood Ave. – John Tuttle8:25 – 8:35     QWest Antenna – Inside Flag Pole by Maintenance Shed in Sugar House Park – Glen Nelson8:35 – 8:55     Proposed Street Lighting for Business and Residential in Sugar House8:55 – 9:05     Ideas on Beets & Banners – Susan Petheram & Melissa Anderson9:05 – 9:10     Election Results 9:10    Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:November Agenda Deadline: October 19, 2001. Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting: October 22, 2001, 7:00 PM. – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – November 7, 2001 – 7:00 PM – Sprague Library            THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library      Questions: Call    Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708           Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352           Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on: orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************ Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for October 3, 2001 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Paul Jackson, Justin Jones, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Todd Slack, Gayen Wharton (20) Trustees Excused: Fred Conlon, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Rawlins Young City/State Representatives: Debra Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Senator Karen Hale, State Senate (6) Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Tom Nitzkowski, Dale Lambert, Edward Glashien, Diane Taylor, Jeff Marble, Charles T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, Alan Rice, Kim Rice, Gary Findlay, Hollie Jones, Brett Hull, Bonnie Remington, John Remington, Jean Foulks, John Tuttle, Shawn Graff, Bill Chapman, Stacey Cole, Ron Solstad, Don Zarkou (22)   Total Attending: 48 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the September meeting were approved. Chair Report:  Ray thanked all who helped in any way with the rummage sale.  The agenda item for a zone change at 15th East and Redondo Ave. will be postponed until next month.  There is a proposed change in a City ordinance that would change the zoning in the light rail areas.  The change would require a zero set back with parking in the rear and would allow high density housing.  If you have any comments regarding this, contact the City Council. Tomorrow night the City is going to be addressing a request for a zoning variance to place an electronic light representing the Olympic rings on the North Foothills.  If you have comments regarding that issue, attend the City Council meeting tomorrow night. Public Input:  Jean Foulks – 1452 E. Redondo Ave. – Jean spoke regarding the 15th East/Redondo Ave. re-zone issue. She indicated that a dozen or so neighbors were in attendance at the meeting tonight in opposition to the re-zone request at 15th East and Redondo Ave.  She also indicated that the sidewalks, curbs, and gutters are badly in need of attention in this area and that snow removal in the winter is not being done.   Diane Taylor – 2011 Imperial St. – Diane spoke regarding the 15th East/Redondo Ave. re-zone issue. She maintained that none of the neighbors were in favor of the zone change at 15th East and Redondo Ave. She felt that Mr. Hanseen had not contacted any of the neighbors as he had indicated he had at last months meeting.   Gary Findlay – 1411 Redondo Ave. – Gary spoke regarding the 15th East/Redondo Ave. re-zone issue. He indicated that there is already a beauty shop on 21st South near this area and clients from the beauty shop use Redondo Ave. coming to and from this shop. This causes a lot of problems in the neighborhood and he feels the proposed beauty shop in this new location would only add to that problem.   Dottie Bintz – 2550 Elizabeth St. #8 – Dottie reported that the side streets in her area are in real bad shape and asked if there was anything that could be done to resurface them.   Bonnie Remington and John Remington – 1444 Redondo Ave. – This couple  but did not wish to speak but wanted to be recognized as being in opposition to the re-zone at 15th East and Redondo Ave.   Gayen Wharton – 1024 Ramona Ave. – Gayen is a member of the Sugar House Park Authority and indicated that there has been no agreement signed to use the park for the Olympics.  She also indicated that if it is, the neighboring streets would not be blocked off during that time. Elections: The nominating committee indicated that some persons listed on the ballot had indicated that they would not be able to run for office.  They asked if there were any further nominations. Nominations were as follows:Chair – Ray Pugsley, Helen PetersVice Chair – Justin Jones, Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Kevin AdamsSecretary – Alice Edvalson, Lynne OlsonTreasurer – Dolores Donohoo, Tiffany StarbuckBallots were passed to all trustees with results to be reported at the end of the meeting. Rummage Sale Update – Su Armitage  Su reported that the rummage sale took in $934.02 and expenses were approximately $300.  She felt there was a lot of competition that Saturday which had an effect on our sale.  She suggested that next year we consider finding another name rather than a rummage sale and that we do more advertising outside the Sugar House area. She also indicated a possibility of getting furniture, appliances, etc. from some of the stores that would be willing to donate merchandise that was not selling. Historical Update – Susan Petheram  They have received grant money to proceed with the oral history project.  Anyone knowing persons that would be willing to be interviewed for this project, please contact Susan at 467-7657. There is a need to raise matching funds for the grant. A nice picture of the Sugar House monument intersection is available and they are looking at doing a historical homes walking tour on the first Saturday in December. Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham  Barry handed out information on the Mayor’s Youth Program and indicated someone would be in attendance at the next meeting with more information on this program.  He indicated that the Global Artways program is going to be using the senior house in Fairmont Park. He reported that construction on the swimming pool in Fairmont Park is scheduled for completion Oct. 15 with an opening date of Oct. 31.  He said that picnic tables have been moved onto the berm area in Fairmont Park in an effort to discourage undesirable activities in that area.  Starting in November, the gate will be locked in that area. Barry suggested that next year we note our rummage sale on the City Web Site. Police Update – Brendon Kirkwood & Diane Olsen  Brendon reported that when people are in Fairmont Park and using the park, undesirable activities go away and he encouraged everyone to use the park as much as possible. They are beginning to see a lot of transients in the area and they encouraged us to not give them money.  There are plenty of legitimate places for them to get help. They are especially living in the area of the I-80 corridor in Fairmont Park and behind Shop-Ko. They indicated that if you are approached by a transient and are threatened or intimidated in any way, call the police and also let the stores know that you are being bothered in their area. 17th East Traffic Calming Plans – Stacey Cole  There were 6-7 neighbors in attendance supporting Stacey in this issue. They are trying to make their neighborhood a more pleasant place to live.  They have contacted the City with their concerns and the City has done testing of the traffic in this area. The tests found that the average speed was 37 mph in a 30 mph zone and 5,100 cars a day were logged. The City has added this area to their list of areas to do traffic calming.  The neighborhood has participated in a speed watch program using both the speed watch board and radar guns. They clocked cars as fast as 48-50 mph. They have also adopted a crosswalk in the area with the warning flags. They have a signed petition requesting the speed be lowered to 25 mph and the addition of a crosswalk at Garfield Ave. They gave us a copy of the petition and the letter sent to the City and asked if we would send a letter to the City in support of their request. Chairman Ray indicated that we would vote on this issue at our next meeting. Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson  Melissa reported that Smith’s on 9th East and 21st South is considering rebuilding their building. They had presented their proposed plans to a group from the neighborhood a week or so ago. They have now presented their plans to the Planning Dept. They want to build the building with the back on Wilmington Ave. and facing 21st South with the parking lot in front bordering on 21st South. The Planning Dept. has asked that they consider making the building more pedestrian friendly and that they comply with the proposed Sugar House Business zone requirements that have been submitted to the City for approval. This zone requires that buildings in this zone have a zero setback from the street with the parking in the rear, which would require the building to abut 21st South with the parking in the rear. Smith’s has indicated that if they can’t develop the building as they want, they may not do it. Unit Legalization – 923 East Hollywood Ave. – John Tuttle  This home has an apartment in the rear of the house. Justin Jones presented the trustees with a sample of a unit legalization evaluation sheet he is suggesting we use to evaluate these requests.  He had evaluated this request using this sheet. His evaluation scored a total of 71 points out of 100. Gayen Wharton presented another questionnaire she had given to the adjoining neighbors for their comments. From the comments given, the neighbors all felt good about Mr. Tuttle and the apartment that has been there for many years, but there was concern over what might happen if the home were sold and someone else bought it. After much discussion, a motion was made to approve this request. The motion died for lack of a second. Another motion was made and seconded that we deny approval of the request with voting 10 in favor, 4 opposed, 2 abstaining. QWest Antenna – Inside flag Pole in Sugar House Park – Shawn Graff  The proposed antenna would be in the flag pole on the south side of the park by the maintenance shed. The existing flag pole will be replaced with a new pole that will be 14″ in diameter and 60′ tall. The antenna is inside the pole. Additional equipment would be located inside the chain link fence in the maintenance area. The Sugar House Park Authority has voted to approve this request. The motion was made to approve the request with voting 10 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstaining. A question was asked if the antenna would make any noise and we were told it would not. Ray signed the consent form for Shawn. Proposed Street Lighting – Melissa Anderson  Melissa indicated that money is available in a fund that has been paid into by the merchants and is matched with funds from the RDA. Lights would be put along 21st south, Highland Dr., Wilmington Ave., and west of Highland Dr. in the business district. Pictures of various lights and poles were shown and comments were given to Melissa. Beets & Banners Ideas – Melissa Anderson and Susan Petheram  Melissa and Susan presented ideas of using the sugar beet as a unique symbol to identify our area. Some suggestions included beet poetry, beet crafts, and beet banners. It is felt that this could be a fun idea to use during the Olympics and even continue after. They asked for any suggestions. Some felt that the beet wasn’t the best symbol since the sugar beet industry did not really succeed. Some suggested we show more the spirit of the area, the furniture capitol, an industrious neighborhood, etc. A motion was made that a sub-committee be formed to look at these ideas and to prepare the grant application for funding as an Olympic activity to promote Sugar House. Voting was 11 in favor, 0 opposed, 3 abstaining. Election Results:            Chair – Ray Pugsley            Vice Chair – Justin Jones, Su Armitage, Scott Kisling            Secretary – Alice Edvalson            Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]