SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2002


WEDNESDAY October 2, 2002


PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:  6:00 PM     NOTE: TIME CHANGE AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 6:00 – 6:10       Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair Report, Treasurers Report6:10 – 6:30       Conditional Use Permit with intent to build 3 duplexes – 3027 So. 11th East – Nathan Anderson6:30 – 6:45      Unit Legalization – 860 East Kensington Ave.- Tom Nay6:45 – 7:00       Meet Political Candidates7:00 – 7:05       SHCC Executive Elections Open for Trustee Voting7:05 – 7:15       Public Input7:15 – 8:55       Meet Policical Candidates                        As time permits during this time we will hear:                                    Honorary Street Name Update – Susan Petheram                                    New Trustee Petitions:                                      Grace Sperry – Forest Dale Neighborhood                                      Deedra Lambert – Highland Park Neighborhood                                     Claudia Holm – At Large/Westminster8:55 – 9:00       Election Results9:00                 Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:November Agenda Deadline – October 18, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson –                    485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – October 21 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – November 6, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague Library  THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library  Questions: Call     Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352           Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  or orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************

Sugar House Community Council
Minutes for October 2, 2002

Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Gene Davis, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Michael G. Kavanagh, Ty McCartney, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Gina Thompson, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (22)

Trustees Excused:

City/State Representatives: Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Gene Davis, Karen Hale, State Senate; Ty McCartney, State Representative; Lee Gardner, SL County Assessor; Larry Richardson, SL County Treasurer; Garry Ott, SL County Recorder; Vaughn Butler, SL County Surveyor; Aaron Kennard, SL County Sherrif; Kathy Black, Laurel Young, SLC School Board; Randy Horiuchi, SL County Council (12)

Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, J. Bruce Reading, Tom Nitzkowski, Claudia Holm, Grace Sperry, David Berg, Frank Milar, Ed Moyer, Patrick Diehl, Patrick Beecroft, Lohra Miller, Roz McKee, Liz Fehrmann, Jim McCrae, Sean Thomas, Kim Lundberg, Nick Flores, Diana Lee Hirshey, Dave Hansen, Mike Zuhl, Barbara Eubanks, Nathan Anderson, Tom Nay, Deedra Hansen-Lambert (24)  Total Attending: 56

Meeting began at 6:12 PM with Chair Ray Pugsley conducting. Ray noted that the meeting was starting one hour earlier in order to give political candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves. There are 43 candidates running for office in the area covered by the Sugar House Community Council. Ray excused Jan Johnson, the Democratic candidate for SL County Recorder.

CHAIR REPORT: There have been a string of auto thefts and house burglaries since school opened this year. The police advise residents around the high school to keep their houses locked, garage doors closed and watch their neighbors house. The favorite vehicle targeted for theft by the kids are Jeep products, particularly the Wagoneers and Cherokees. Police are advising all automobile owners to purchase and use the clubs, which can be found in auto part stores. Should you see kids which should be in school, call Highland High resource officer, Scott Peck, at 484-4343.
The Federal Aviation Administration wants to improve air traffic in and out of the SL International Airport. They believe the way to do this is to open the skies on the Eastside of the valley to planes flying south over the valley and then turning around to the north and lining up with the runways as they do now on the Westside of the valley. Doing this would allow for additional flights to use the airport. The FAA is taking comments to establish the need for an Environmental Impact Study. Those wishing to comment can contact the FAA at: Carla Mawhorter, Federal Aviation Administration Manager, 1601 Lind Ave. S.W., Renton, Virginia 98055-4056.

The minutes were approved with the following corrections: (1) the 12th line of the Chair Report should have read, “but if that person is not (instead of now) willing to run,” (2) the Treasurer’s Report should have read: Begin balance of $5,788.11, check for $37.00 for postage, deposit of $317.50 made but not recorded, check #1026 not clearing the bank for $10.00, leaving a balance of $6,078.61.

TREASURER’S REPORT: No activity during the month leaving a balance of $6,078.61

MEET THE CANDIDATES: Ray indicated the candidates would be heard on a “first come, first served” order. Each candidate was allowed 7 minutes. The following candidates were heard: Frank Mylar, Republican candidate for State Senate Dist. 7; Ed Moyer spoke in behalf of Beau Babka, Democratic candidate for SL County Sheriff; Patrick Diehl, Green candidate for US Congress House Dist. 2; Patrick Beecroft, Green candidate for SL County Council Dist. 1; Lohra Miller, Republican candidate for SL County District Attorney; Roz McGee, Democratic candidate for State House Representative Dist. 28; Gene Davis, Democratic candidate for State Senate Dist. 3; Liz Fehrmann, Democratic candidate for SL County Assessor.

At 7:00 PM the candidate introductions were interrupted for the opening of the poll for the election of Sugar House Community Council Executive Committee members. Candidates were: CHAIR – Helen Peters and Justin Jones; VICE CHAIR – Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Chris Bowler, and Susan Petheram; SECRETARY – None; TREASURER – Dolores Donohoo. Ray instructed trustees to vote for one chair, up to three vice chairs, write in for secretary, and one for treasurer. Polls were closed at 7:05 and the nominating committee collected the ballots and left the room to count them. Justin Jones, 1st Vice Chair, conducted the meeting while they were out since Ray was one of those counting ballots. Candidates for the upcoming election continued as follows: Jim McCrae, SL School Board Dist. 6; Ty McCartney, Democratic candidate for State House Representative Dist. 31; Laurel Young, SL School Board Dist. 6; Sean Thomas, Republican candidate for SL County Council Dist. 1; Lee Gardner, Republican candidate for SL County Assessor; Larry Richardson, Republican candidate for SL County Treasurer; Gary Ott, Republican candidate for SL County Recorder; Vaughn Butler, Republican candidate for SL County Surveyor; Kim Lundeberg, Democratic candidate for SL County Surveyor; Nick Floros spoke in behalf of Sherrie Swensen, Democratic candidate for SL County Clerk; Diana Lee Hirschi, Green candidate for SL County Council At-Large A; Bruce Reading, Republican candidate for SL County Council At-Large A; Dave Hansen spok in behalf of John Swallow, Republican candidate for US Congress Dist. 2; Mike Zuhl spoke in behalf of Jim Mattheson, Democratic candidate for US Congress Dist. 2; Aaron Kennard, Republican candidate for SL County Sheriff; Karen Hale, Democratic candidate for State Senate Dist. 7; Kathy Black, Republican candidate for State House Representative Dist. 28; Barbara Eubanks spoke in behalf of David Yocum, Democratic candidate for SL District Attorney; Randy Horiuchi, Democratic candidate for SL County Council At-Large A.

CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH INTENT TO BUILD 3 DUPLEXES – 3027 So. 11th East – Nathan Anderson: Nathan has made a preliminary presentation of these plans to the Planning Commission and he has reviewed them with the Fire Dept. and the public Utilities Dept. There was a lot of discussion regarding the access into and out of the property from 11th East and Elgin Ave. An initial motion was made that this go to a sub-committee if Susan Petheram would head it up because there are so many issues that need to be addressed. When it was determined that there had already been meetings with a sub-committee and the executive committee, the motion was withdrawn. Kevan Adams was concerned that this parcel is an isolated piece of property and suggested a CEPTED study be done to assure the safety of the neighborhood. He feels the City has made a major mistake in how they have dealt with the layout of the streets in this area and that the City has made some poor decisions in the past regarding the development in this area, but he also feels that the rights of the property owners to do this project ought to be respected. Rawlins Young doesn’t feel it fits in with the principles of the Sugar House Master Plan. Justin Jones felt this a reasonable project that is not only a major improvement to the neighborhood, but a major improvement to the last proposal on this property. After much discussion, the motion was made that we accept the proposal for the conditional use permit with the recommendation of a 43 ft. back yard to the fence. Voting was 8 in favor, 7 opposed, 0 abstaining.

UNIT LEGALIZATION – 860 Kensington Ave. – Tom Nay: Tom indicated this home has had a basement Mother-in-law apartment since 1975. He has completed the necessary paper work for the legalization and has received the approval from Sheri Rich, the Housing/Zoning officer. Judi Short, who lives in this neighborhood felt ok with the request. Gayen Wharten felt that the Sugar House Master Plan discourages the breaking up of the single family homes as this tends to discourage the larger families from living in the area, which in turn has an impact on the schools in the area. She suggested that our goal is to do more to encourage returning the older homes to single family dwellings. Justin Jones wished we could place the stipulation on the legalization, that it only be allowed if the home is owner occupied. The motion was made to deny this request with voting 9 in favor (to deny), 4 opposed (to approve), and 2 abstaining.

MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS: Justin Jones made the motion that we purchase the speaking system and the current accessories for a cost of $209 and donate them to the Library for our use and others that use the library. He noted that 5 additional microphones could be added as need. The taping of the meetings is at least as good, if not better than what has previously been done. He also felt the ability to create 2 copies of the tape was not worth the additional cost of doing it. Voting on the motion was 12 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining.
Judi Short was concerned with the election process and the fact that the polls were closed 5 minutes after they were opened. After much discussion of the election process, a motion was made to re-open the polls to allow those that came in after 7:05 to vote. The motion was amended that we give those that were not given the opportunity to vote to do so prior to the Nov. meeting. The amendment died because of lack of a second. The vote on the original motion was 14 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining. Those who had not voted were given a ballot and their vote was added to the original totals.

NEW TRUSTEE PETITIONS: A petition has been received from Grace Sperry of the Forest Dale neighborhood. This neighborhood can have a maximum of 3 trustees and at present there are 3 trustees, but the petition of Ty McCartney expired in May 2002. Since that is now being challenged, he can be replaced by Grace Sperry. The motion was made to accept Grace’s petition with voting 11 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstaining. The petition from Deedra Hansen-Lambert of the Highland Park neighborhood was received with a motion to accept it with unanimous approval. The petition from Claudia Holm for an At-Large member was approved by a vote of 11 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.

HONORARY STREET NAME UPDATE – Susan Petheram: Susan reported that the legal address would still be 21st South and they could add Sugar Ave. if they wanted to. The 21st South would be the prominent name with Sugar Ave. in smaller letters under or maybe even an additional sign. This will apply to 21st South from 7th to 13th East. Someone suggested it be extended to 17th East. The cost for this will be $250 with the Community Council paying half and the Merchant’s Association paying the other half.

ELECTION RESULTS: Chair – Helen Peters; Vice Chairs – Susan Petheram, Kevan Adams, Su Armitage; Secretary – Alice agreed to continue; Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo.

Adjourned at 9:55 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]