SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2003


October 1, 2003


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Helen Langan, David Lawver, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (17)

Trustees Excused

Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Ron Weber, Gayen Wharton

City/State Representatives

Alicia Orgill, SLC Police; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Janice Lew, SLC Planning; (3)


Tom Nitzkowski, Reed Rowland, Cabot Nelson, Bob Evans, Jennie Thueson, Dennis Harper, Gina Crezee, Gerry Hassler, Steve Jensen, Karen Lloyd, Kenner Kingston, Thomas Q. Bailey, Ty Harrison, Sarah Carlson, Mike Murray, Steve Crane, Derek Payne, Steve Morgan, Boyd Viewweg, Melissa Lichtenstein, Ed Sperry (21) TOTAL (41)


Meeting Minutes

From 6-8 PM, the National Energy Foundation and Envision Utah facilitated a workshop, “Envision Your Future”. All present had an opportunity to experience in a small way what is involved with community planning. Many trustees and members of the community were present to participate. The Community Council meeting began at 8:08 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes of the September meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores Donohoo reported a beginning balance of $5,125.44 with checks for $40.00 for rental of the Fairmont Park bowery for the council picnic and $76.33 for food for the picnic, leaving an ending balance of $5,009.11.

Executive Election

Helen explained that Grace Sperry, one of the candidates for vice chair, is currently the chair of the Land Use Committee. Helen noted that if the new by-laws are approved as presently written, a trustee cannot hold two positions. Grace indicated that if elected and the by-laws are approved, she would choose to be the vice-chair. There were 17 trustees present at 8:17 when the polls were opened. There was a discussion as to whether a candidate needs to have a current petition. The new by-laws state that a candidate must have a current petition. However, those by-laws have not been adopted. Therefore, Helen suggested that trustees were free to consider candidates whose petitions had expired, if they chose to.

Chair Report

Saturday Morning with the Mayor will be held Oct. 11 from 10-11 AM at Parklane Senior Apartments, 680 East 100 South. There will be a Citizen planning seminar on Oct. 4 from 8:30-12 Noon at the Main Library. There will be a Planning Commission hearing regarding the Highland Dental Plaza subdivision on Oct. 8 at 5:50 PM in room 325 of the City/County Building. There will be a Planning Commission hearing regarding a Conditional Use Permit for Smith’s Food on 21st South/9th East on Oct. 8 at 6:40 PM in room 326 of the City/County Building. Each month, Helen has a printed chair report with information regarding issues pertinent to our area. This month’s handout explained the CIP applications that are being submitted for our area as well as notes from the Sugar House Merchants meeting held that morning. Also included in the handout were several flyers and information regarding: 1) A YouthCity Government Future Problem Solving Program, 2) A resolution for the SLC School Board regarding a Weapon, Violence, and Drug Free Environment, 3) Information on the fluoridation of our water supply. There were also flyers available with information on Propositions #1 (Redo the Zoo), #2 (the Leonardo at Library Square), #3 (for Library facilities), #4 (open space), and #5 (Recreational Sports Complex on the northwest),. We discussed support for the Merchants’ Christmas lights and a motion was made that we contribute $250 to help with the cost of the lights. Voting was 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and1 abstention.

Public Input

Ranae Pierce of the Sprague Library had requested to speak on Proposition #3, but felt it had been covered in the chair report.

New Trustee Petitions

Petitions were received from Sarah Carlson of the Grandview neighborhood and Cabot Nelson of the Fairmont neighborhood. Both were accepted unanimously.

Alley Closure west of 2454 So. 7th East

– Reed Rowland indicated the requested closure would be from Warnock Avenue under the freeway and on to the other side. Lynne Olson noted that we have looked very closely at the alley vacation issue in the past. She noted the loss of city property and the lack of compensation for these alleys. She said that it has been suggested that there be parallel trails on each side of I-80 and this alley would be impacted by that. Lynne recommended that we not vacate this alley but keep it as a public right-of-way so that we do not close our options at a later time. Ruth Price asked what the impact would be on the neighborhood if the alley was not closed. Tom Nitzkowski said that this area has been a problem for drug activity. The motion was made that we deny this request with voting 13 in favor of denying, 0 opposed, and 3 abstentions. It was requested that we send a letter to Janice Lew of the Planning Department noting our recommendation.

Westminster College Presentation

Steve Morgan, Derek Payne, Boyd Viewweg, Steve Crane, and Ty Harrison presented comments that had been received from two open houses that were held for the neighbors to give them an opportunity to see the plans for the Alumni House, Health and Wellness building and Soccer Field. There were no real concerns about the Health and Wellness building, but neighbors asked if they would be allowed to use the facilities. Steve indicated they would look into that possibility. The concerns for the Soccer field were centered around the close proximity to Emigration Creek and the concern for the riparian corridor. They will actually extend that corridor to the south edge of the parking structure under the elevated soccer field. Steve assured us that the parking structure will not be within 25 ft. of the creek. Ty Harrison, a biology professor at the college, is an expert in the area of preserving natural open lands and would be looking at these issues very closely. There was also a concern with the drainage from the playing field area. It was noted that drainage from the playing field will be used to water the riparian corridor and runoff from the parking area will go into the storm drain. Ty is excited about using the water from the playing field to help raise the water level in the riparian area. He noted that this area is used a lot in their teaching classes. There were concerns with the field lighting and we were assured that the field lighting would be shielded from the neighborhood. The lighting is security lighting since there are no games played at night. There was a concern with noise generated from activities at the Alumni House and we were assured that the only activities held in this building would be small intimate events that would not interfere with the neighborhood. There will be a fence installed on the west of the property that will block the view of the patio area from the adjoining property. The entrance to the Alumni House is oriented to the parking structure and visitors would be encouraged to use college parking. There were concerns with removing green space and we were told they are actually increasing the green space. The playing field will have artificial turf. There were complaints of litter on Wilson and Blaine Avenues. Steve indicated they will work on more policing of these areas. There were also complaints of noise from the library coolers and the college is working on this problem. David Lawver reported that the residents are mostly in favor of these developments and are generally in favor of what the college is doing. He feels the college has listened to the concerns of the neighbors and has done what they could to resolve them. Susan Petheram has met with Westminster representatives and has taken a look at the property and hopes that they will be especially aware of safety issues along the trail and suggested that more improvements along the trail would be nice. She feels that the rest of the plans are a real addition to the college. Susan feels we should be supportive of their proposals. The college is working on a CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) study on the safety issues. The motion was made that we approve the zone change from Residential (R1-5000) to Institutional for the alumni house with voting 13 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions. The motion was made that we approve the conditional use permit required for the elevated field with parking below and for the height increase of the Health, Wellness and Athletic Facility. Voting was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Helen suggested that Westminster College have a permanent Trustee on the Community Council and Steve Morgan felt that was a good idea.

Election Polls Closed

The polls were closed at 9:13 and ballots counted with results as follows: Helen Peters, Chair; Dolores Donohoo, Treasurer; Alice Edvalson, Secretary by write in vote (accepted with some limiting conditions); Vice Chairs: Mark Holland, Susan Petheram, and Ray Pugsley.

Sesquicentennial Plate

Helen noted the sample of the proposed plate that has been designed for the 150 year celebration. It was suggested that we have them completed for Christmas. It will cost $850 to start the plate and we will probably need to sell them for $30-$35. She also showed a proposed pin design. The motion was made that we pay the artist the $300 for the design of the plate and pin with voting unanimously in favor.

Alley Closure at the UP&L substation on Highland Drive

Gina Crizee explained what needs to be done with that station to improve the quality of power in this area. Most of the business area is being serviced by this station. There are 3 houses directly south on Highland Drive on that property that are vacant and need to be taken down. Helen suggested that it would be good to see actual drawings of what would be done with the building. The building has been allowed to deteriorate as well as the landscape around the building. Grace Sperry suggested that the issue of the building and the landscape need to be addressed. Helen suggested a motion that this issue be taken to the land use sub committee to look at in more detail and come back again at our next meeting. Helen suggested that UP&L work with Grace and Lynne and the sub-committee. Any comments regarding this issue need to be addressed to Grace. The motion was made as Helen suggested with voting 14 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions. Included in this proposal is an alley vacation behind the building. The alley is 170 ft. in length and 12 ½ ft. wide. It has been fenced off for about the last 20 years. Grace asked if about 10th feet on the west could be allocated for the proposed trail. UP&L does not feel this is possible. The sub-committee will look at the alley vacation issue along with the other parts of this request. The next meeting of the land use/zoning sub-committee will be Tues. the 14th, from 6-7:30 PM at the main library and any one is invited to attend.

By-law discussion and vote

Scott Kisling is out of town and wants to wait until the November meeting to address this issue.



Meeting Adjourned 10:03 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]