SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2007

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2007


October 3, 2007

From Sugar House


Trustees present

Jan Brittain, Russell D. Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, David Holbrook, Michael G. Kavanagh, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Susan Petheram, Ray Pugsley, Renae Richards, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Andrea Wargula, Steve Wilson, Rawlins Young. (18)

Trustees excused

Art Haddow, Dave Mulder, Emil Kmet (3)

City/State representatives

Officer Fred Ross, SLPD; Michael Stott, SLC Mayor’s Office; Val Pope, SLC Parks Director; Kim Clark, UDOT (4)


Jaelene V. Myrup, Benny Keele, Shelia O’Driscoll, Sharon Odekirk, Chris Skinner, Melissa Lichtenstein, Lex Hemphill, Gary Johnson, John Montoya, Evelyn Tuddenham, Wayne Bowden, Jason Philips, Jim Horrocks, Eric deLeon, Matt McClain, JT Martin (6th dist. candidate), Roger McConkie (6th dist. candidate), Dave Buehler (mayoral candidate), Ralph Becker (mayoral candidate) (19)

Meeting Minutes

Welcome & Introductions, Minutes Approval & Treasurers Report

Call to order, 7:05pm. Phil Carlson, chair. Petition submitted for Gary Johnson of the Country Club neighborhood, a real estate agent who has lived at the end of Wilshire Avenue for 34 years. One issue about his position are the spots available. There are already 2 regular and 2 at-large on Country Club. Whether Mr. Johnson would serve at-large remained to be determined. Acceptance passed unanimous on a voice vote.

The minutes were approved with no objection. The treasurer announced that the balance remains the same: $4797.03.

SHCC officer elections balloting

Dave Holbrook is a 3rd member of elections committee. The chair of that committee is Judi Short. On the ballot for chair is Susie Petheram and Grace Sperry. Running for vice chair are Phil Carlson, Cabot Nelson, and Rawlins Young. Dolores Donohoo agreed to run for treasurer.

Two proxy votes from Dave Mulder and Art Haddow. Emil Kmet’s vote is in doubt. Rawlins served as his proxy for the night, but we can’t sign Emil’s wishes. On the balloting determining the vice chair, the bylaws already prescribes that.

Crime Update

By Officer Fred Ross, SLPD. ph# 799-3669. There was surveillance video on the graffiti artists. Merchant Association offered a reward. Within 12 hours, people at the coffee shop guys got the award. The proprietor of Image Eyes was robbed. As a whole, enforcement has had a good success in SH. Tip: Don’t leave iPods visible in your cars. Ray Pugsley asked about the left turn on 1300 E and 2100 S.

UDOT: soundwalls, canal, and Elizabeth Sherman Park

By Kim Clark of UDOT joined with John Montoya, Evelyn Tuddenham, Wayne Bowden, Jason Philips, Jim Horrocks and Eric deLeon.

The project ranges from State Street to 1300 E. The bridges to repair are at 300 E, 500 E, 600 E, 700 E, 900 E, and Highland Drive, each using a similar quick bridge building technique as 4500 S on I-215. There is no money for State Street yet. The design will continue through Spring of 2008. The design hearings will continue in November, 2007. Construction will continue through the Summer of 2009.

There will be soundwalls on the north side from State to 700 E. There will be walls on the south side from 250 E to 700 E. From 700 E to 900 E, it could be on both sides. There will not be on the south side on Driggs Ave. from Highland Drive to 1300 East.

Val Pope, SLC parks director, spoke to the issue as it affects Fairmont Park. Trees will be removed for the highway construction. There will be a 10 dB increase in sound due to tree loss. We’ll go for the sound walls. UDOT wants a 15′ easement. Some trees will be relocated elsewhere in the park.

There is no evidence that the walls will amplify noise for others further away, as some have accused.

Rawlins moved to support the SLC Park Department’s decision of putting soundwalls on Forest Dale & Fairmont Park. Seconded by Jan Brittain. Ray Pugsley is opposed. He likes to see the park from the highway. Dave Holbrook asked if the wall will be taller than lights on skating park. We don’t know. Sarah Carson is opposed. It’s open from the highway. Rawlins Young supports it because his hearing was damaged from sound. Andrea Wargula likes Fairmont Park, but it’s too loud. The sound walls project should make a difference. Susan Petheram said it won’t improve sound, but it will keep it from getting worse. Cabot Nelson was once opposed, but he changed mind and is now in favor. Motion passed, 8-7.

UDOT favors Driggs Avenue cul-de-sac and trimming Sherman Park. There is not enough funds for landscape improvements at Sherman Park, only topsoil and grass seed. The whole project is overbudget. There is some softscape sought after completion. Phil wanted to know about public meetings. There were 3 meetings, with 3 additional meetings for noise walls. They also met with the city council. The trail will be directed to a 10′ sidewalk. Russ Callister asked about SL public utilities on over canal. Val Pope said there are a number of pipes, incl. what feeds Fairmont. The structures have improved.

Rawlins Young said the size will reduce from 1.5 acre to .5 acre. Val Pope said that the agreement for city and UDOT was for 20 years, from 1984-2004, and it has expired. The agreement was for some area, not all. Rawlins said there are alternative uses.

Rawlins moved that SHCC petition SLC Corp to design and construct that portion of the canal/McClelland corridor trail from Parkway Avenue to the south to Hollywood Avenue to the north as recommended by the open space master plan of 1992 and the SH master plan of 2001 and amended December, 2005. Grace seconded.

Rawlins read from master plan of ’92 and the open space plan of ’91. Property would have to be acquired. Russ said he was confused how city can create a trail system with buildings on there. Think Granite Block. Grace said that only in favor of the increment from parkway to the liquor store. Ray wants to amend for only the Sherman Park area. “From Sherman park to the Liquor Store?” Parkway to Ashton, said Rawlins. It was agreed to be a friendly amendment. Voting on amendment. Passed on a voice vote.

Andrea Wargula said that with the spending money on 45th at I-215, why not make this a showcase project? It costs 5 million. It divides the north from the south. Jan Brittain supports this motion supports what UDOT wants to do. Phil Carlson offered his opinion. Sarah Carlson agreed that it can divide the north from the south.

Cabot moved to end debate. No challenge. Main motion passed, 12-2.

Cabot moved to hear from candidates now, and push items later. No objection.

Mayoral and city council candidates for general election

Council district 6 and Mayor with a 5-minute limit for each candidate. The chair asked one question: “what do you see as the biggest problem for SH and what would you do to address it?”

6th District Candidate JT Martin: Grandfather has business started Apex Electric in SH. SH is important to his family. He owns Emigration Market. He wants Trax in SH. He supports displaced businesses. He gave 250 kids their first jobs. Redevelopment is the biggest issue.

6th District Candidate Roger McConkie: He lived on the Each Bench his whole life, but one and a half years in Tokyo and law school in Little Rock. He ice skated at Hygeia. He fears we’ll lose character in area with box stores. Favors bond proposal for new public services building. We need a public safety facility east of the fault line. He works in alternative dispute resolution. He represents Hogle Zoo.

Mayor Candidate Dave Buehler: The biggest challenge is SH success. It brings conflicts, contention, etc. Supports historic survey. Supports master plan work and zoning amendments later.

Mayor Candidate Ralph Becker: The challenge is compatible development. Need to follow plans. Need to be consistent. Monster homes interfere with neighbors ability to work their homes. We need enforcement.

Utilities boxes explanation of ordinances

Rawlins Young will present on this next month.

City Council Update

Soren Simonsen could not attend. Phil read his email: The proposed development mortorium in for the SHBD was not supported. The claims that buildings are unsafe are wrong. The buildings could be addressed with conventional upgrades with reasonable cost.

The bond discussions were held recently. Garfield School is not a location for the PD/FD precincts. The southeast section of of Fairmont Park is under consideration. Funding is pending for the Fairmont Park plan, Parley’s Historic Nature Preserve plan, and lights at Fairmont skate park. The transit corridor is still under review. The RDA property on Wilmington will be back on market soon. The city council’s number is 535-7600.

Mayor’s Office Update

By Michael Stott. Phil Carlson told Mr. Stott about the trail at Elizabeth Sherman Park. Mr. Stott brought city resource guides. One member of the public asked about the process for speed bumps, especially on Douglas Street, to which Mr. Stott said that the traffic goes elsewhere. There are speed sign boards that indicate drives speeds. The city rotates locations.

Steve Wilson asked about sidewalk repair for those with obstructions, roots, and buckling. The cost of the repair is shared 50-50 between the property owner and the city. Steve talked about a neighbor with rentals.

(SHCC officer elections poll closed)

Parks Committee

By Grace Sperry. There is a proposal for 4 or more acres of Fairmont Park to be used for a FD/PD precinct. They would use the SE corner, coming from Ashton Avenue. The PD would have K9 training in the park. Some have asked if the PD/FD would like the area on Wilmington. Lynne Olson said earlier that a study on the Wilmington location was that the shade would affect Hidden Hollow if a building was more that two stories. Cabot Nelson mentioned his concerns about the southeast of Fairmont Park. Russ Callister, Ray Pugsley, and Susan Petherham asked about size and area that it would take in the parks. Rawlins Young said the national standard is 5-8 acres per 1000 people. We are short some park space.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

Judi Short presented in Derek Payne’s stead. At the Sept 26th meeting, the city council did not approve a demo permit. The city called for study on traffic, total height, etc. There is a condo project near Sinclair on 1100 E. That meeting will be on October 17th.

Public Input & Comments

Mr. Lex Hemphill, of the SH Park Authority, commented on the SH Park’s master plan process. The got a plan a month ago. They will incorporate comments that they receive. The meeting is held on the 4th Thursday of each month at Garden Center.

Sprague Library staffer Matt McClain announced that the library is now under Andrian Juarez as manager. There is a small business workshop on Wednesday the 10th at 7pm.

SHCC officer election results

Grace Sperry was elected as the new chair. Phil Carlson, Cabot Nelson, and Rawlins Young are vice chairs in that order. Dolores Donohoo was elected to remain as treasurer. There was no secretary, but Jan Brittain got the most write-in votes for secretary. She declined.


Adjourned, 9:48pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]