01 Oct SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2008
October 1, 2008
Trustees Present: Andrea Wargula, Sarah Carlson, Grace Sperry, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Rawlins Young, Maggie Shaw, Michael G Kavanagh, Philip Carlson, Judi Short, Laurie Bray, Barbara Green, Elaine Brown, Dave Mulder, Ray Pugsley, Ed Sperry, Susie Pertheram. Trustees Excused: Delores Donohoo.
Call to Order: 7:00pm, Grace Sperry, Chair.
Candidate Presentations (made throughout the meeting):
- Peter Corroon (Dem) SL Co. Mayoral Candidate (re-elect) (Salt Lake City Residents, you CAN vote for County Mayor!) www.votecorroon.com
- Kristi Swett SL City School Board Precinct 7 (re-elect). Presentation made by Lisa Adams. R Young inquired about use of Roslyn Heights School. Adams responded that field uses considered for Highland High and renters sought for building in the interim. www.kristiswett.com
- Steve DeBry (Rep) SL Co. Council at Large. www.debry08.com
Treasury Report: N/A
Chair Report, Grace Sperry: G. Sperry thanked all out-going seats for their service this last year, as well as Sprague librarians that made SHCC meetings possible. Hank Welch is no longer the Mayor’s Office Community Liaison; a new liaison will be taking office shortly. The Countywide Water Symposium, Oct. 28 & 29th, is free but registration is required.
Public Comment: None
Approval of September Minutes: N/A
New Trustee Petition Heard: Forest Dale trustee application rec’d (Benny Keele). Motion to accept: C Nelson: 2nd: M Shaw Motion Passed.
Candidate Presentations (resumed):
- Mark Crockett (Dem) SL Co. Council District 4 (re-elect): www.markcrockett.org
- Mike Renckert (Rep) SL Co. Mayoral Candidate: 572-1261 www.mikerenckert.com
(New) Salt Lake City Public Library Director Beth Elder: Our new director is excited to be here & has a few ideas on how we can keep our library system tops (and it is tops in the nation)….tell a friend, schedule a meeting (call Elizabeth King 524-8200), bring out-of-town guests, apply for a job, give to Friends of the Library Program, e-mail (they love comments), use it, read to a child… TRAX Library Stop is FREE!!
Westminster College: Director of Community and Board Relations, Annalisa Steggell (832-2551) spoke for the Westminster College President and his plans for enhanced civic engagement He is advocating ways to involve his campus in long-term community involvement and integration, rather than encroachment. Roslyn Heights Elementary School was mentioned as well as Garfield School.
Candidate Presentations (resumed):
- Hilary Pembroke SL City School Board Precinct 7 www.Pembrokeforschoolboard.blogspot.com
- Bill Dew (Rep) US House of Representatives www.billdew.com
- Jeff Morrow (Rep) State House of Representatives District 28 www.jeffmorrow.org
- Brian King (Dem) State House of Representatives District 28 www.kingforrep.com
Crime Update, Officer Smart: N/A Mobile Watch & Neighborhood Watch Volunteers call Det. Rick Wall at 799-3332 Call 799-3784 for drug dealing problems in your neighborhood!
Merchant Report, B. Green: B. Green gave a brief history of the former Chamber of Commerce, now known more or less as the Merchant’s Association. She requested that SHCC donate money to help fund the Turkey Trot, Santa Shack, and Holiday Lights in Sugar House. Also asked to notify potential donors of advertising opportunities (Ex., business name on Turkey-Trot tee-shirts). M. Shaw asked if Mecham (SH Hole-in-the-Ground Owner) will contribute. B. Green confirmed. Motion to donate $300 to SH Merchants Association for above activities: C. Nelson. 2nd: M Kavanagh. Motion Passed.
Candidate Presentations (resumed):
- Jani Iwamoto (Dem) SL Co. Council District 4 www votejani.com
SHCC Elections: ballots turned in and counted. Results were as follows:
- Chair Person: Maggie Shaw
- 1st Vice Chair: Phil Carlson
- 2nd Vice chair: Judi Short
- 3rd Vice Chair: Rawlins Young
- Secretary: Elaine Brown
- Treasurer: Delores Donohoo
Parleys Foothill Development Committee: (PFDC), P. Carlson: (Wal-Mart Issue) City Council Hearing date is unknown, but likely to be heard in Nov. E. Sperry inquired as to how many residents have actually been talked to, informed. S. Carlson said she canvassed her neighborhood and all but 2 people OPPOSED the ZONING CHANGE, and that the SH Master Plan was designed for a reason, as was the East Bench Master Plan.
Land Use and Zoning Committee (LU&ZC), D. Payne: N/A
Parks and Open Space Report (P&OSC), M. Shaw: N/A
Cultural Events, L. Bray: Sugar House Stroll will be held Oct. 3rd, 5:00 –9:00 pm in Sugar House Business District.
Mayor’s Report, Karen Hale: N/A
Announcements: There will be a Halloween Trick or Treat Zone in SHBD. Check out the Leonardo! Got to udot.utah.gov/i80/ for I-80 reconstruction models and info! Cool site! Remove Gang Graffiti: 801-972-7885 WAL-MART REZONE petition: City Council Hearing to be announced (possibly November) Write & call City Council and express your views. Staff Member = Nick Britton at 801-535-6107 or [email protected] . Annual Salt Lake Countywide Water Symposium on 10/28/08 and 10/29/08 at the Salt Lake Comm. College Larry H. Miller Campus (9750 So 300 W). Go to www.waterresources.slco.org. or contact Marian Hubbard at 468.2714 or [email protected] . for more info
Adjourned 9:00 p.m