SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2010


October 6, 2010

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – October 6, 2010 ~Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Jason Bradley, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Travis Pearce, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Christopher Thomas, Sandra Walsh, and Rawlins Young.

Trustees Absent Excused – Pattie DeNunzio

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Greg Carter and Carlyle Harris

Others Present – Jaelene V. Myrup, Melissa Lichtenstein, Hannah VanLeuwen, Jill VanLeeuwen and Ramiro Flores. Call to Order – Philip Carlson, 6:00pm  Cabot Nelson’s motion to approve the minutes was approved unanimously.

Public Comments – None.

Officers Report

  • Chair – Amy will be late.Treasurer – Ending monthly balance of $2,720.01 Committee Reports – View committee reports
  • Land Use & Zoning – Woodman/Westminster mixed use building on 1300 E was approved by the planning commission without modifications.  Crandall Ave subdivision was approved by the planning commission without modifications.  Walmart attended the LUZ committee meeting to present proposed to rezone Parleys Way property.  Walmart should be at the November SHCC open meeting.
  • Parks, Open Space & Trails – PRATT trail in Parleys Historic Nature Park opened last Friday.  Imperial Park bbq fundraiser made $500.  Committee voted to approve the Mayor’s preferred alternative for Parleys Historic Nature Park.
  • Transportation – There will be a new crosswalk at Zenith & Stratford.  New striping on Parleys Canyon Blvd and along 1300 E from 2700 S to 3300 S.
  • Finance –  Reports they have categorized 15 years of transactions. 
  • Elections – Larry Migliaccio is running as a write in candidate for Vice Chair. 

SHCC Voting Opens 

Special Presentations –

  • Public Office Candidate Speeches – To read the summary of presentations are found in the online version of the SHCC Cabot Nelson moved to accept Scott Kisling’s trustee petition. There was a discussion regarding whether Scott’s petition was submitted one week prior to be accepted at this meeting. After determining that Scott’s petition did not meet the one-week-before requirement, Cabot withdrew his motion. Philip Carlson’s motion to override the bylaws rule of one week notice for new petitions failed 17-9. 
  • Parleys Historic Nature Park Presentation – Emy Storheim, SLC Open Space Lands Program Manager – SLC has been working on a developing a management plan for this area for the past 2 years and has engaged an extensive public process with 15 stakeholder meetings to gather public input.  The entire plan is available online  The Mayor is recommending the D3alternative that includes 2.2 miles of off-leash trail, 1 mile on-leash trail, 12 acres of off-leash area, protected 4 linear acres of riparian area, protected 7 acres associated with aquifer area,  recommends working the BMX area to meet safety standards,  and majority of the south side will be off limits to dogs. Lynne Olson’s motion “the Sugar House Community Council supports the Mayor’s preferred alternative D3 for the Comprehensive Use and Management Plan for Parley’s Historic Nature Park” passes 24-6. 
  • Public Comments on Walmart – Scott Kisling spoke about a need for less box stores and more mixed use in our neighborhoods to create a lively center to get what Sugar House business district has and this is why his neighborhood opposes the rezone.  There is a newly launched website to help residents find information.
  • Trustee Discussion on Walmart – Parleys/Foothill Development Committee reports they have reformed with the following members: Philip Carlson, Chair, Jan Brittain, David Holbrook, Scott Kisling, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short and Rawlins Young.  PFDC advises the council to not change their position on opposing the Walmart rezone.  Lynne Olson’s motion to adopt the PFDC report as the SHCC position passes 15-10.  The full report can be found at 

SHCC Voting Ends 

Monthly Presentations 

  • Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – November 20th is the day of the 5k Turkey Trot and Santa arrives at the shack.
  • Business Spotlight – Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Pamela Ostermiller.  Collection of shops near the post office (Post Office Village) will host a Halloween event on Saturday October 16th from 10-5pm to do a fun Halloween event including Trifecta, Piper’s Quilts, Ten Thousand Villages hosting a pumpkin carving and costume contest for one of Traces festive garden grown pumpkins. For more info
  • Police Report – Detective Boelter 801-381-4905 – Crime statistics for September were down.  As weather gets colder advises not to warm your car up unattended.  Continuing to work on Fairmont Park enforcement issues.
  • Mayor’s Office Report – Shawn McDonough 801-535-6338 [email protected] .  Residents can call 801-535-6999 starting October 25th to request a 2nd brown bin (free of charge) for 2010 to help with leaf collection.  The limited supply will be given on a first come, first serve basis, they will be delivered the week of November 2nd .  Additional glass recycling sites up and running – nearby locations can be found on the SHCC website, Open city hall has been a good success to gather public comments on the website about current issues.
  • Judi Short thanks Philip Carlson for his service as chair and presented with a certificate of appreciation.
  • SHCC Election Results 
    • Chair – Cabot Nelson
    • 1st Vice – Amy Barry
    • 2nd Vice – Christopher Thomas
    • 3rd Vice – Larry Migliaccio
    • Treasurer – Robin Bastar
    • Secretary – Philip Carlson.  **A four way tied occurred for Secretary.  One write in vote was cast for Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown and Philip Carlson.  Elaine and Jim Brown were no longer present and Laurie declined.  As new Chair, Cabot Nelson appointed Philip Carlson to fill this role.  SHCC Bylaws, Section 5.2.1, line 9 and Section 5.5 part(c) govern write-in candidates and vacancies.

Cabot Nelson’s motion made by to adjourn passed unanimously. 

Adjournment 8:45 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]