SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1995


September 6, 1995

  Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Keith Christensen, Jean Binyon, Sam Piazza, B.L. Smith, Brandt Hutchison, Ray Pugsley, Jan Haug, Betty Forsyth, Kim Garrick Allen Johnson, James 1.Lund, Larry B. Wiley, Ruth A. Robbins, Liz Davis, Julina P. Parker, Roselyn Kirk, Dolores A. Donohoo, Afton Kyriopoulos, Cheri Carleson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Wade Short, Tree Hayes, Kathy Daly, Scott Kisling, Patrick Hafner, Kirk Tanner, Jan Hemming, Laura Savary, Brian K. Bintz, Russ Terry, Susan Greene, Mary Lu Judd, Morna Winkelman, Donna H. Rigby, Nilsa Feliciano, Gene Davis, Katie Eskelson, Del Brewster, Joe Clark, John Richards, Veronica Crandall Excused: Rich Bennett Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Meeting was held in the new Forest Dale Club House. Minutes of the August meeting were approved with the following additions from Ruth Robbins regarding the Planned Unit Development at 2880 So. 9th East. Rawlins Young, chair, stated this area is one of the few open spaces left in Sugar House so feels cannot support development. Ruth Robbins questioned Jim Davis regarding infra structure stating that the back half of the lot is too low to drain to 9th East for the sewer and there is no access to 8th East. Ruth wants Jim Davis to come up with more definitive answers instead of asking for blanket approval. Rawlins commented on the new Forest Dale clubhouse indicating that plans for the renovations had begun in 1980 when they were included as part of the Sugar House Master Plan. The project was done as a united effort of the Sugar House Community. Gene Davis had a major part in seeing that the project was completed. City Council Update: Keith Christensen indicated that Mayor Corradini has announced her candidacy for re-election. He indicated that he and the entire city council are supporting her. He indicated that the application for the group home on 2487 South and 7th East that was presented at the SHCC meeting in May was approved by the city council at last night’s meeting. They will have a community board wet up to co-ordinate with the home to assure that agreements are met, He reported that work has begun on the apartment complex at the old Irving school and if all goes well should be completed by the end of 1996. He reported that the SL International Airport has been named the best airport in the US in a nationwide survey. He said the city council has approved an ordinance that will now allow a person to buy a can of beer at the airport restaurants without also buying food. In the past, beer could not be purchased without also purchasing food. Cheri Carleson asked a question regarding taxes collected as a franchise tax. It has been determined that the RDA is not qualified to benefit from franchise taxes. As a result, RDA funds will be more limited in the future. A question was asked about the possibility of getting neighborhood matching grant funds for building an overpass over 13th East. Keith suggested it would be a possibility. Election Committee: A motion was made, seconded and approved for forming an election committee to gather candidates for the election of officers for the coming year for the SHCC. The committee will be composed of Judi Short, Rich Bennett, and Gene Davis. The elections will be held at the October council meeting: Miscellaneous Information: Rawlins indicated that, as SHCC Chair, he has chosen not to endorse any of the candidates for mayor. Jean Binyon indicated that even though she and her husband’s names appear on a flyer as supporting Mayor Corradini, they are not supporting her. Rawlins indicated that the neighborhood matching grant applications need to be approved by community councils. Sept. 15 was the deadline for these applications. That has been extended until the 30 of Sept. We have received one application from a neighborhood on Westminster Ave between 12th 15th East. They are wanting to install 8-9 light poles to improve the lighting on that street. The families in the area would provide the matching funds. A motion was made, seconded and approved to support this project. New Trustee Petition: A petition for trustee has been received from Sam Piazza of the Westminster neighborhood, It was approved. Central Business District Issues: B.L. Smith reported that the Shooterz club has hired off duty police to help in resolving the problems they have been having. There has been a decrease in problems. The crime prevention groups are working with Java Jive in an effort to resolve the problems there. There have been problems around the Movies 10 area. and especially around a phone booth at the Rainbow station on Highland Drive and Simpson. Many of these problems are being caused by Polynesian gang members. Mobil watch is watching this area closely. Mobil Watch: Brandt Hutchison, the police liaison for the mobile watch program presented information on the mobile watch program. He indicated a class to introduce this program is going to be held Sept. 19th, 21st, 26th, and 28th at 6:00 PM at the police station. AI Woodruff is the coordinator for this area. Mobil watch provides other services besides patrolling for crime. They assist in enforcement of Disabled parking, lost children, disasters etc. The fine for illegal parking in a disabled parking stall is $75. Those interested in this program should call Brandt at 799-3333. City Recognition Ordinance: This ordinance will be discussed at a meeting on Sept. 13, 4-6 PM in room 325 at the city council office. Trustees were asked to review the material that was given to them. The city wants to have more control of the community councils. Rawlins explained that the SHCC has always been a separate entity and not subordinate to the city. There will be a hearing on this issue at the Oct. 10 meeting of the city council. Friends of Sugar House Park: Ray Pugsley indicated the Friends of Sugar House Park are a group of concerned citizens with a special interest in what happens with Sugar House Park. They want to see the park left as it is. They are also concerned with other issues such as appearance, traffic into the park and especially pedestrian access to the park. Gene Davis explained the plan for improvement of the little league ball diamond in the park. The Park Authority has approved the plan. The SH Park Authority meets on the 3rd Thurs. of Oct. in the County Commission chambers at 6:00 PM. If you are interested in the agenda for this meeting, call the County Parks and Recreation. Gene Davis is a member of the Park Authority to represent our community. Traffic Issues: Jan Haug indicated work on an acceleration lane starting at Simpson Ave. down Parleys Way by K-mart has been started. The bike path on 21st and 17th has been put on hold until spring. Hidden Hollow: Rawlins read a report from Lynn Olson reporting the improvements in Hidden Hollow since the last meeting. The site has been surveyed and stakes set for grading the new sidewalk through the hollow. The path has been graded and the cement path has been completed. Connection to Elizabeth St. and Wilmington Ave. were graded to improve access by emergency vehicles. Plans are being made to improve the lighting in the area. Money from last year’s CDBG award will be spent on native plants for the area. Students from the area schools will help in the design and planting of these plants. Housing. Land Use. Zoning: A request for a Unit Legalization was made by Betty Forsyth for a home at 2435 Blaine Ave. The apartment has been rented as such for many years. The application includes the necessary signatures. There is adequate parking for the occupants of the apartment. The sub-committee recommends approval of the request. A motion was made, seconded and approved to approve the application. A request for a Conditional Use permit was made by Kim Garrick for a building to house a cellular phone transmitting facility at Wilmington Ave. and 7th East. This conditional use permit is required because of the height of the transmitting tower. The CB Zone requirements allow a 30 ft. limit and the tower needs to be 60 ft. Residents on Wilmington and Green streets have been contacted and have no concerns Most of the homes in the area would not even be able to see the tower. AT&T has contributed cellular phones for the Mobil Watch in our area. This area is a problem area for communication transmission and the tower would improve the transmission. A motion was made, seconded and approved to recommend the conditional use permit. Jan Haug and Allen Johnson indicated that Woodbury has gone to the city for approval with plans for the K-Mart/Regency development which are different from the ones that were presented to the SHCC and from which approval had been previously given. Previous concerns that were not addressed include, 1) the density of the building, 2) the ingress and egress at Parleys, 3) the internal traffic circulation. The increase of the building size would increase the traffic in an already substandard access situation. A conditional use permit is required because of the sub-standard access to the site and the buildings exceed the 20,000 sq. ft. limit. A motion was made, seconded and approved to withdraw our acceptance of their plans since they had changed from the plans that we had approved and the concerns attached with the previous approval had not been addressed. Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]