SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1996


September 4, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Veronica Crandall, Julina P. Parker, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, Jan Haug, Elizabeth S. Braymen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Becky Nielsen, Ruth C. Jensen, Diane Stover, Ethel Hale, Paul Wharton, Clark Nielsen, Brian D. Jessop, Scott Konopasek, Kathy Daly, Mary Lu Judd, Chuck Call, Keith Christensen, William L. Holt, Doris Williams, Max M. Williams, Dave R Pscoe, Lori A. Lehman, Gene Davis, Judi Short, Wade Jones, John Richards, Jan Haug Excused: Tree Brown Hayes, Cheri Carlson, Scott Kisling Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. The minutes for the August meeting were approved. Rawlins reported that trustee Ron Snarr’s son was the one that was killed in the shooting that took place a week or so ago. He suggested we do something from the community council in his memory. He indicated Highland High is sponsoring a scholarship fund in his memory. Jan Haug had a sympathy card for us to sign. A motion was made to contribute a maximum of $100 towards the purchase of a tree in his honor to be planted this next Arbor Day at a location of the families choosing, hopefully in the Sugar House area. The money would come from the council fund. The motion was seconded and approved. Veronica Crandall reported that the Gang Awareness workshop scheduled for the 7th of Oct. has been changed to the 8th of Oct. It will still be at Highland High, but the location at the school is still not determined. Veronica indicated that the city is considering building a memorial wall on the city hall block with blocks in memory of those who have lost their lives in violent crimes in the city. Rawlins also reported that trustee Judi Short was married to Wade Jones this past month. Sprague Librarian, Kathy Daly announced a business breakfast sponsored by the library on Sept. 17 from 8:30 – 10:00 AM at the library. The purpose is to help the Sugar House area businesses understand how the library could be of service to them and to help the library learn what they could do that would better serve the businesses. City Council Update: Keith Christensen reported on the Pioneer Park hearing that was held last night. He indicated that there were developers that wanted to develop a restaurant in the old Firestone building adjacent to the park. Since the police and the city have been unsuccessful in doing anything to clean up this area, he was in favor of the development of this restaurant in that area in hopes it would help in the cleanup effort. It is felt that in order for the restaurant to be successful, they would need to sell liquor . A state ordinance does not allow the sale of liquor within 600 ft. of a park. Keith sponsored a request to change the name of Pioneer Park to Pioneer Square to get around this ordinance. There was much opposition to the name change. Keith felt this was not a liquor issue, but an opportunity to do something that would help clean up the area. The park has been a center for a great deal of drug and homeless persons’ activity. Currently, the park is closed due to health and other issues. It will be reopened later this month. There are problems there at all times of the day and night. Many suggestions were made as to what could be done to clean up the area. The issue was tabled for further discussion. Rawlins suggested a new look at the ordinance. In the past, the city has circumvented this issue by name changes and other methods which rather make a mock of the state ordinance. Keith indicated other issues that will be coming up in the near future are: 1) the 1-15 shutdown next year for major repairs, 2) possible closure of Main St. between North and South Temple and possibly from South Temple to 1st South, 3) Light Rail, and 4) Sugar House development issues. New Trustee Petition: A petition for a new trustee was received from Ivana Thomas living at 1564 Emerson Ave. to represent the Emerson neighborhood. This was accepted.Committee for elections: A motion was made and approved to form a committee for the election of new officers for the Sugar House Community Council. Elections are scheduled for October. The motion was approved. Committee members are: John Richards, Judi Short, Gene Davis, and Rich Bennett. Secretary, Alice Edvalson, will update the trustee name and address list and get a current copy to each committee member. SLC Budget: Rawlins indicated the budget is still not available, but hoped that it would be by next meeting. He will have copies for those in attendance when it becomes available. Sugar House Master Plan Update: Rawlins handed out material that will help in our understanding of the procedures to follow in the master plan updating process. He is desirous that all trustees become familiar with what is required of the task forces that will be involved in this process.

Neighborhood Grants: Rawlins reported on 3 types of grants that are available for making improvements in our neighborhoods. 1) Capitol Improvements – this is available city wide and is used for physical improvements. Requests need to be in this next week. 2) CDBG – this is available only in certain areas with West of 13th East being the area inour council boundaries. This is available for small physical improvements. Requests must be made by October. 3) Neighborhood Self Help – this is available city wide for physical improvements to neighborhoods with the city matching up to $5,000. Committee Reports: Parks Recreation: No report the month. Traffic: The traffic light at 21st So. and 15th East will be going in. The one way traffic signs have been removed from Parkway Ave. Closure of the frontage road (Richmond St.) in that area is on hold. There are a lot of traffic concerns in our neighborhoods. Areas of greatest concern at the present time are Hollywood Ave. West of the post office and 12th East North of 21st So. The city is trying to form a traffic sub-committee to address traffic calming issues. Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham introduced Diane Stover who is our new Community Support Specialist. She also indicated Shane Jones is the new Crime Prevention Specialist. Shane was out of town and could not be at this meeting. These changes have been made in an effort to better serve our area. They are working with both District 6 & 7 which are adjacent districts. They have an office located in the Foothill Plaza on the South end near the pet store. There was a drive by shooting at 2647 Hartford in the past month. A Neighborhood Watch meeting in the Highland Park area was moved to an LDS Ward building because of the large number in attendance (200+). There were a lot of Mobil Watch applications distributed at the meeting and it is hoped most of these will follow through and become involved in this program. Diane indicated that we will be affected by the closure of Pioneer Park. Some of the drug and criminal activity have already moved into Fairmont and Sugar House parks. She also reported a drug house in the area of 1900 East and 2664 So., a nuisance house at 1774 Ramona, and several car windshields broken in the area of Hollywood and Lincoln. It was felt that these may be a result of the activities at the nearby Confetti club. Diane also reported that Officer Joe Clark will soon be replaced by Officer Fred Ross. We also have a new captain in our area. Another WIN Wagon activity is planned for our area in the near future. This has proven very effective in the past in an effort to cut down crime. Housing, LandUseZoning: Jan Haug reported that the Planning Commission has approved the Woodbury Eastland/Regencyproposal. The neighborhood filed an appeal. The city council accepted the appeal and the Planning Commission submitted a rebuttal. There will be a hearing on this issue tomorrow night. The Westminster parking lot is still in the appeal process. A request for a conditional use permit to create a flag pole lot at 1683 East Atkin Ave. has been received from Brian Jessup. A motion was made to approve the application. Discussion included a concern for an increase in traffic as well as a concern that this could set a precedent for others in the area. At our last meeting, we supported the Planning Commission on an issue that would prevent flag pole lots from being created. The vote on the motion showed 3 in favor and 3 opposed with several abstaining. A letter will be sent to the Planning Commission stating our decision and concerns. Liberty Park Storm Drain Issues: Chuck Call, Engineering Administrator for Public Utilities represented the city in explaining this issue. He displayed a map showing the drainage into the city from the four canyons to the North and East, Parleys, Emigration, Red Butte, and City Creek. All of these come together at 13th So. and State St. and drain to the Jordan River. He presented a handout showing a preliminary analysis of alternatives for a proposed 900 South/Storm Drain project. The Liberty Park area was at the top of the list, possibly because it is expected to cost the least. This issue is still being studied to determine the best solution. The Mayor has asked that all alternatives be looked at. Paul Wharton spoke for the neighborhood and explained the concerns of the neighbors. He explained that this project is designed to handle only rain runoff and was not intended to handle the spring snow melt. As such, the detention pond would be necessary only a few days a year. They are concerned with the number of trees that would be cut down in the park to accommodate something that was needed such a few times. They feel there are other locations that could serve the same purpose without destroying the historic nature of the park. Both presentations were very informative and appreciated by all in attendance in helping us to understand the issues.Meeting adjourned approximately 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]