SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1997


September 7, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscoll, Doris Williams, Rich Bennett, John Richards, Tree Brown Hayes, Helen Peters (14) Excused – Dolores A. Donohoo City Representatives: Kathy Daly, Michele Hutchins (2) Others: Aiko Okaru, Christine Winslow, Ray Pugsley, Roland Brimley, Brad Brimley, Jon Nickel, Austin Shaw, Nick Cooper, Clint Glare, Austin Olsen, Mitchell Glade, Lynne Olson, Jackie Biskupski, Agnes Greenhall, Barbara Clarke, Herbert L. Clarke, Max Williams, Bill Jefferies, Jim Johnson, Liz Katttnan, John Katttnan, Barbara Chapman (22) Total – 38 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee. The minutes for the August meeting were approved (1 noticed later that the date was incorrect, it should have been Aug. 6 instead of July 2).  Chair Report: Scott announced the following upcoming activities: 1) Sugar House Sesquicentennial Celebration – Sept. 27, 8:30-2:00 Sugar House Business District, 2) Planning Commission hearing on the Planned Unit Development at 2215 E. 2100 South – Sept. 4 5:15 PM City Hall Room 126, 3) Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting – Sept. 105:00 PM City Hall Room 325, 4) City Council hearing on the Boyer Company’s request for SLC to vacate Elizabeth St. and other parcels in preparation for the development in the McIntyre block, Sept. 16 6:00 PM City Hall Room 315, 5) Transportation Advisory Board ordinance presented to the City Council for adoption – Sept. 16 6:00 PM City Hall Room 315, 6) Neighborhood Matching Grant Workshop – Sept. 25 6:30 -8:30 PM Foothill COP Office, Foothill Village. Scott also reported on the Community Council Chair Meeting with the Mayor on Aug. 27. Items discussed at this meeting included: I) Coordination of Public Projects, 2) Public Nuisances in neighborhoods, 3) Parleys Crossing project easements, 4) Ordinance to allow smoke detectors in lieu of egress windows in basement renovations, 5) Light rail. Scott indicated there is a real need for more school crossing guards. Anyone interested can call Paula Peterson at 535-7154. Treasurers Report: There is a balance of $1,441.00 in the account. There was income of $85.00 for the Sesquicentennial activity. Mayor’s Office Report: Michele Hutchins reported that the Civic Opportunities grant that had been applied for to assist in expenses for the Sesquicentennial activity had been approved. She also reported that the members of the Transportation Advisory Board have been approved. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the Foothill COP office is going to move to the ground level under the Red Butte Gardens and across from Dan’s. Auto thefts are down slightly from previous months, in fact most crime activity has gone down or is at least maintaining at the same level as in the past few months. There have been some problems with home break-ins in the neighborhoods around Highland High School. Dorothy indicated that Matching Grant funding can be used for lighting in neighborhoods which does help cut down crime. Park Committee Report: Cheri Carleson indicated there will be a field trip to the Rails-Trails part of the Parley’s Corridor bicycle-pedestrian trail. This will take place on Monday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 and they will be walking the South Salt Lake City part of the line. Cheri also reported on a visit she had made to a place called Gilgal Gardens located on the north side of 5th So. between 7th and 8th East. This is private property, but the public can visit on Sunday afternoons. There are many interesting and unique sculptures. She indicated that the property might soon be sold for development and it seems that the City nor the LDS church are interested in protecting the property. There has been a foundation established to try to purchase and maintain the little park. If you are interested, call Linda Lepreau at 582-7214. The advisory board for the Salt Lake City Parks Master Plan will soon have the policy and goals statement finished. This statement is something like: The purpose of Salt Lake City Parks and Recreation is to inspire, promote mental and physical well-being, enhance the awareness of the human connection with nature, assist in the education of the public, beautify and protect the environmental aesthetics of Salt Lake City. If you have comments or other suggestions for this, call John Swain at Parks Engineering. The Community Council Parks Committee had a joint meeting with all the Master Planning groups that are concerned with Parks. Cheri reported that a proposed crude oil pipeline across Forest Service land over the foothills and down past the University and Avenues to the refineries up North has been suspended. School Board Update: None.  City Council Update: None.  Planned Unit Development at 2550 So. 9th East: Bill Jefferies and Jim Johnson presented a plan that would include 16 units plus a home that already exists on the property They indicated the green space provided in the plan exceeds the code as well as available parking. The parking will be covered garages. The plans are well within the permitted guidelines. There were concerns expressed with a “gated” community environment. This tends to separate that group of people from the rest of the community. A concern was also expressed regarding the lighting and encouraged the plan to keep the lighting low so it would not interfere with neighbors. Doris Williams spoke in favor of the development and felt it would be an asset to the community. The developers would like to complete the project by next summer. It was suggested that a meeting be held with the immediate neighbors to provide an opportunity for their input. It was also suggested that an environmental safety study be made. There was also a concern with an irrigation ditch located on the North of the property. The motion was made and seconded to approve the proposal. The motion was amended to include the concerns. That was seconded. The original motion and second was withdrawn and the amended motion including the above mentioned concerns was approved with the following trustees voting in favor: Rich Bennett, Sandy Hiskey, Doris Williams, Dorothy Tuddenham, Alice Edvalson, John Richards, Sheila O’Driscoll, and Julina Parker (8) and the following trustees opposing: Helen Peters, Tree Brown Hayes, Cheri Carleson, Rawlins Young, and Ruth Robbins (5). Community Council Elections Nominating Committee: Tree Brown Hayes and Julina Parker were asked to serve as the nominating committee for next month’s election of council executive committee. Campaign Finance Reform: Deb Sawyer, a board member of Utah Common Cause and member of the SLC Campaign Finance Reform Task Force talked of the need to bring down the cost to run for elected office in the city so we can get better and more qualified persons to run for office. At the present time there is no limit to what can be contributed to a candidate. The City Council is looking at a limit of $5,000 for Mayor and $1,000 for City Council. Legally there can not be a limit on expenditures, but the City Council would like to see a voluntary limit of $340,000. If you have comments or concerns on this issue, call Deb Sawyer at 364-2971. The majority of those in attendance felt that this issue is of real concern. Upcoming City Council Elections: It was suggested that we have the candidates for City Council in Districts 5 & 7 at our next council meeting so we can become better acquainted with them. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 8:35 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]