SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 1999


September 1, 1999

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for September 1, 1999 Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Ty McCartney, Phil Carlson, Rich Bennett, Sheila O’Driscoll, Robert Marsh, Su Armitage (13) Excused: Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Robbins, Ray Pugsley, John Richards, Dolores Donohoo City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Linda Ward, Diane Olsen, Senator Paula Julander, Ron Bruno, Michele Hutchins, Craig Hinkley (9) Others: Robert E. Wiskirchen, Tilly Van Egmond, Dan Hoffinan, Leslie Hoodes, Kevan Adams, Melissa Lichtenstein, Ann Cheves, Kevin Brown, Anthony Cordova, Liz McCoy, Lara Jones, Chris Tuft, Jerry Schmidt, Edward D. Makawski, Derek Payne, Lisa Dalgleish, Steve Graham, Joe Beesley, Dick Van Klaveren, Mark Garfield, Mike Zuhl, Laura Reid, Agnes Greenhall, Lynne Olson, Bruce P. Sampson, Stuart Reid, 1. Scott Maddox, Ruth Popescu, ?? Leoru, Jeff Davis,???? Janet Robinson, Myron Richardson, Lorraine Miller, Steve Brown, Steve Morgan (36) Total- 58  Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The meeting was started tonight at 6:00 PM in an effort to catch up on the many agenda items that need to be addressed. Unit Legalization – 830 East 17th So.: Janet Robinson presented a request for legalization of a triplex located at 830 East 17th So. She presented the necessary paperwork for this legalization and assured us that each of the units had separate gas and electric meters and adequate parking for the tenants. There was not significant discussion on this issue. A motion was made that we recommend approval of this request. The voting was 5 in favor and 1 abstaining. Unit legalization – 924 East 27th So.: Bob Wiskerchen presented a request-for legalization of a dup1ex at 924 East 27th So. He indicated that the units had separate meters and adequate parking. There was not a lot of discussion on this issue. A motion was made to recommend approval of this request. The voting was 6 in favor. Unit legalization – 1995/95 Lincoln St.: Owner Terry Chatwin did not show, but one of the tenants was in attendance and reported on some of the conditions that existed at this location. We had initially heard this request at our last meeting and there were many unresolved issues at that time so any decision was postponed until this meeting. It appeared that not only were the unresolved issues still unresolved, but other issues and concerns were raised. It was decided that we should let Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office look into what is really going on there and determine what needs to be done. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham, of the Mayor’s office reported on a Meth Lab that had been found at the Homestead Village on 21st So. It had been reported by the manager. It has now been cleaned up and everything is ok. This created a big expense to clean up. A question was asked regarding what should be done about a transient that had been seen in Hidden Hollow. Barry indicated that it should be reported to the police. A question was also asked regarding the status of the Lone Star Steakhouse on 21st So. It was reported that it is expected to be opened sometime this fall. Barry reported that there will be a hearing regarding the Mecham development on 13th So. at 5:35 PM on Sept. 9 in room 126 of the City & County building. The Preservation Easement for Hidden Hollow is still not completed. They need to get the legal description of the property before this can be completed. Minutes Approval: The minutes of the August meeting were approved. Chair Report: Chair Helen Peters reported that there are still openings on the various boards and commissions in the city. Contact Michele Hutchins at 535-7931 if interested. Helen is going to write a letter to the chairs of these boards and commissions and invite them to attend our council meetings. The “ribbon cutting” for the Parleys Canyon Crossing will be held on Aug. 27. This one mile long path way across Parleys Canyon, part of the trail system in that area. CDBG proposals are due Oct. 8. Contact Helen if interested. We have been informed that a police officer could be assigned to check out an area that is having specific traffic problems. Call Rebecca or Linda at 799-3440. There was a question regarding the use of an external building on the property at 1985 So. 7th East for a commercial purpose. We were told that the building was to be used for personal use only .and not for business purposes.  Compensation for its use was between the owner and the renter.  There was a question regarding the use of pottery kilns at a new business that is planning on opening at 1950 So. 11th East. It appears that the use is ok but it is subject to zoning and building code guidelines. Public Input: Kevin Adams suggested the possibility of a local/community owned business in the Sugar House Commons area such as an ice cream and/or drink shop, shop for the sale of local articles, caricature drawings, or similar types of business. A first step would be getting interested persons together and start talking of the possibilities. Persons interested in this sort of possibility, call Kevin at 484-9153. Several persons lamented the closing of Fairmont Bowling Alley. A question was asked as to what was going to happen with the properties South of Hidden Hollow. The response was that the RDA was working on plans for future development of that area. A question was asked regarding large debris in the stream in Hidden Hollow. It was suggested that volunteer groups get involved to help in keeping that area clean. A question was asked about the legality of an RV that is setting in the side yard at 2597 Elizabeth. It was suggested that this is a zoning question. Parking Strip Ordinance Update: Craig Hinkley of the Planning Dept. reported on what is being done regarding the updating of this ordinance. Currently, the allowable height for plant material is 18″. The material cannot be just mulch or bark but has to have a certain percent of plant material. Craig handed out some information on what is allowed in the parking strip. The parking strip is defined as that area between the street and the sidewalk. Craig addressed several questions from the audience. Liz McCoy living at 1872 So. 16th East indicated that she had made an effort to clean up a weed infested parking strip by putting non-plant material in an effort to cut down on the amount of water that would be needed. She found that she could be fined a large amount if she didn’t have the prescribed amount of plant material. She gave some very convincing reasons for allowing xeriscaping materials in the parking strip. Many others in the audience echoed her desire for non-plant materials. It was suggested we write a letter to the Planning Dept. describing the concerns and desires of those present regarding the parking strip ordinance. Unit Legalization – 2249 East 27th So.: Chris Tuft requested legalization of a duplex at 2249 East 27th So. There was not much concern or questions  regarding  this request and a motion was made to recommend approval of the request. The voting was 7 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Library Expansion: Myron Richardson, architect again showed the plans for the expansion of the Sprague Library. They are basically the same as we saw the last time he presented the plans to us. They are about ready to go out for bids on the construction. They need to get the Planned Unit Development (PUD) permit from the city. We will need to find another place for our meetings by the November meeting and will need to use the new facility until around August of next year. The motion was made that we send a letter to the Planning Dept. expressing again our approval of the plans. The voting was l0 in favor. A tentative place for holding our meetings is the Forest Dale Golf club house. Petition for annexation – Cactus Tropicals 2735 So. 20th East: LorraineMiller explained her petition to annex from the County into the City 2 lots South of her property and 1 residential lot East of her property. The neighbors in that area are generally very pleased with having this business in their neighborhood. The motion was made to recommend approval of the request. The voting was 10 in favor. Westminster College Master Plan Review: Representatives from Westminster College present included Dick Van Clavern, Senator Paula Julander, and Steve Morgan. They indicated that Westminster is ranked in the top four private colleges in the nation. Their plans are still considering a maximum of 2500 students. The plans for future expansion had been presented to the community at large at a series of 3 open houses previous to this meeting. They had distributed some 1,000 flyers to the surrounding area. These open houses were not very well attended. They shared comments from those that did attend the open house. Tillie Van Egmond, living at 1858 So. 12th East asked that they consider the following: 1) add no more dorms, 2) leave the parking on Burma Road, 3) set the maximum students under 2500,  4) close 12th East access. She felt that the college had not followed through on the following agreements in the past: 1) 12th East closure, 2) Redirecting the lighting in the South parking area, 3) the plans for building an additional level on the North parking plaza, 4) Longer hours during construction process that agreed upon, 5) noise created from the construction generators. Steve Graham living at 1125 Blaine Ave. complimented the college on the open house presentation. He feels the future plans for the college will overall benefit the community. He is concerned with even more traffic being created in the 12th East and 17th South area if they increase the parking in that area from 160 to 600 parking stalls. He suggests a cul-de-sac be put at the East end of Blaine Ave. He would also like to see sidewalks put on both sides of 12th East. He would like to assure that the parking from the college be in their parking lots and not on Blaine Ave. and the lighting in that area be better, not so bright. It was indicated that they are trying to meet a November Planning Commission date. It was suggested that a sub-committee be formed to look at the issues and come back to our Nov. meeting with recommendations. Rich Bennett will chair this sub-committee. Tillie will coordinate with the neighbors. The meetings can be held at Westminster College. They will see how the first meeting goes and determine how many others are needed. Proposal for old Wild Oats Property on 7th East: Joe Beesley presented a plan for a multi-story mixed use building at that location. The current building is a conditional use and is currently zoned neighborhood/commercial. It would need to be changed to a multi story/general commercial use zone. He is proposing a 4 story, 45′ high, 160,000 sq. ft building. Four homes would have to be demolished and the zoning be changed from residential to commercial. There was much opposition to this proposal. It does not meet with the guidelines of the Sugar House Master Plan. The motion was made that we reject the zoning proposal. The voting was 7 in favor of rejecting the proposal. Mayor Candidate – Stuart Reid: Stuart lives in the Rose Park area. He has spent 6 years in the military. He was instrumental in fund raising for West Point Park. He was a member of the city council having been elected to that position by 70% of the vote. He had no experience in that area at first, but learned a great deal during the time he spent on the council. He considers crime a critical issue and is supported by Chief Reuben Ortega. His agenda would include economic development, preservation of green space, improvement of the neighborhoods, and an open and diverse administration. He wants to bring the community together and bring integrity back to city government. When asked about the traffic problems, he responded he would like to see more from the bottom up, to find out what the neighbors feel. He would like to entice more to live in the downtown area. He would like to see more mixed use in the downtown area to provide a 24 hour presence there. When asked about the Gateway development, he doesn’t believe it will take away from the downtown area. He believes it will cause downtown to be more competitive. He believes Gateway is downtown. He believes Main Street is “not dead”. Mayor Candidate – Mike Zuhl: He came to Salt Lake some 30 years ago to go to the “U”. His wife is from here. He has spent most of his years here in some form of city government. He has experience with balancing the budget. He has been involved in the community and politics in various ways and is currently a community council chair. He is excited about the possibility of being the mayor of Salt Lake. He believes in developing a vision for the city, bringing the people along with that vision, and getting them to participate in making the vision happen. Some of his basic issues would be to make the city government work together better. He likes the Community Oriented Policing (COP) idea. He would like to see the government closer to the people. When asked how he would improve the neighborhoods, he responded he would work closer with the neighborhoods. The issues are different in each part of the city. He would also like to see more done for the kids, providing more services for them and more recreational opportunities. He would like to see the kids rewarded for good actions. He supports the Youth City Government program. He feels we need to do a lot for the downtown area. He doesn’t feel it is as good as some think. He feels we need more trails. He supports the 13th East tunnel and the continuing of the trail system on to the Jordan River. He generally would not support “Leap Frog” development. He doesn’t feel that we need to do development in fear that it would go someplace else. He feels we need to follow the master plans. Regarding water conservation, he feels there is much that needs to be done in training and changing people’s ideas. He feels we need “wall to wall” cities, but we don’t need more cities. This means logical annexation of unincorporated areas. He would love to expand the urban forest funds where possible. He would also like to see a more “walkable” community. Election dates: Primary – Oct. 5 and Election – Nov. 2.Adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]