SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2000


Minutes for September 6, 2000 

Trustees: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Ray Pugsley, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rawlins Young, Judi Short, Ruth Price, Sheila O’Driscoll, Philip Carlson, Su Armitage, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Robert Marsh, Scott Kisling, Gene Davis (16)Excused: NoneCity/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Diane Olsen, Police Dept.; Kathy Daly, Sprague Library, Ann Menzies, SLC Main Library (4)Others: M. S. Henricks, Wanda Gayle, Haruaka Foueks, Reva Bailey, Reva Servoss, Mike Gagel, D. L. Rasmussen, Ron Weenig, Anne Weenig, Brent Applonie, E. Paddington Campos, Jacqueline C. Bryce, Greg Wilson, Kevan Adams, C. Buehner, Al Hollingshaus, Dennis Driol, Arlene Driol, Marie Wood, Lars Boggess, Maun Alston, David Alston, Matthew Minkevitch, Amy Price, Roni Wilcox, Ginger Blumel-Wilson, Tom Parr, Scott Romney, Mr. B. Sigvardt, Mrs. B. Sigvardt, Chandler Sigvardt, Diane Taylor, Barbara MitchelL Doris S. Vanfleet, Edward Glashien, Robert Brundig, Robert Clark, Julie Clark, Sharon Donnelly, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Melissa Lichtenstein, L. H. Michels, Gerald McDonough, Torin S. Nelson, Bill Servoss, Charlene Smith, Shirley Mulcock, Joyce Michels, Agnes Greenhall, John Sabodski, Susan Petheram, Mark St. Andre, Steve Simmons, Johann Jacobs, Shar Quinney, Bob Marshall, Chad Nielson (38) Total Attending – 78 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Ray Pugsley.  The minutes from the August meeting were approved.Chair Report: Elections for the executive committee of the Sugar House Community Council will be held at the October meeting.  Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, and Helen Peters were appointed to the nomination committee.Public Input: Scott Romney, Republican candidate for State Representative District 31 introduced himself and invited anyone with questions to talk with him outside the meeting.  Dorothy Tuddenham thanked Barry Esham for getting the streetlights back on in the Sugar House area.  Rawlins Young indicated that a sub-committee is being formed to look at traffic issues on 9th East.  The sub-committee will be meeting in a couple of weeks to begin working on these issues. He also mentioned an article in the Tribune indicating a future possibility of a TRAX line to the Sugar House area. Su Armitage announced the rummage sale that is being sponsored by the Sugar House Community Council.  It will be held at the Garden Club Center in Sugar House Park on Sat.  Sept. 9, from 9 AM to 5 PM. Library Update: Ann Menzies, coordinator of the Main Library project brought a model of the new main library block.  Phase I demolition is now completed and Phase II will begin soon.  There will be a “Kick Off’ activity on Oct. 21 to celebrate the start of the new construction.  It is expected to take 2 years to complete.  There is a proposal to make the East side of that block open space with an amphitheater for outdoor activities.  There are also other proposals for that side of the block that include multi use facilities.  It is hoped that the proposal that is accepted will be the open space plan.  Kathy Daly, of the Sprague Library, reported that construction of the addition to the Sprague Library is going well and it is still anticipated to be completed in the spring. Crime Update: Diane Olsen reported that most of the criminal activity in the area is car prowls with a few home burglaries.  The bike squad is working on the problems along 21st South with Highland High kids. A question was asked if anything could be done about all the cars that are continually parked around the Conoco station on 21st South.  It was reported that there is a lot of garbage being stored behind the NuCrisp Popcorn building on 21st South.  Diane said they would look into these problems. She also said they are looking at some problems that have been reported in the Granite Furniture parking lot.  A question was asked about problems in Fairmont park and Diane indicated they have not found any significant problems in that area. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry indicated there are no meetings with the Mayor this month.  Thanks were given to him for his help with the previously reported problems at the Steiner pool.  Planning Dept.  Update: Janice Jardine called and asked to be excused because of medical problems.Unit Legalization – 2886 So. 9th East: This request was being presented for Burt Lowry by Stephen Simmons.  The legalization sub-committee reported that this property has a front and back unit.  The back unit has been a rental since 1934.  The front unit is in good condition but the back unit is being remodeled.  A developer to the North has put a fence blocking access into the back unit.  This is causing a problem that needs to be resolved.  One neighbor is not willing to sign the legalization request.  The sub-committee recommends that we not take action on this request until the construction is completed and the issue is resolved with the developer.  The motion was made that we table this request until construction is completed and the issue with the developer has been resolved.  The voting was 6 in favor, I opposed, and 2 abstaining.  Unit Legalization – 2313 So. Green St.: This request was made by Robert Brundig.  He has owned this property since 1988 and the rental unit has been used since 1934.  There is a dedicated alley behind with lots of off street parking. The legalization sub-committee recommended that this request be approved.  The motion was made that we approve the request with voting 7 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstaining.  Democratic Candidate for State Representative – District 31 – Ty McCartney: Ty attended the U of U and is married with 1 young daughter.  He is a former police officer.  His main issues will be education, public safety, and open space.  Regarding education, he specifically wants to address lower classroom sizes. He also wants to look at property taxes, especially private property and small businesses.  He feels they are being unfairly taxed.  A question was asked regarding the shutting down of some of the schools, especially Beacon Heights. He indicated he would want to talk with Kathy Black on these issues.  He was asked his stand on abortion and gun control.  He responded he is pro choice but feels that there is a great need to educate people on this issue.  He also feels the current legislation was too liberal on gun control.  He feels guns should not be allowed in schools and churches.  He supports community councils (he is the current chair of the Sugar House Community Council).  He is the Director of the Homeless Children’ Foundation, President of the Junior Advisory Board for the Hutton Foundation and a board member of the Salt Lake Community Development Advisory Committee.  He can be contacted at 466-3558 or email at [email protected] . Ballet West Conservatory Proposal for RDA Property on Wilmington: Johann Jacobs and Shar Quinney from Ballet West presented a proposal for a new facility to be located on Wilmington between the TCI and Bed, Bath & Beyond buildings.  The facility would include studios for rehearsal and conservatory space, administrative offices and a costume shop.  They are currently located in the Capitol Theater and the space is very limited there.  They do extensive education and outreach programs in the area as well as their ballet performances. They would hope that the new facility would make possible free arts presentations inside and outside the new facility. They would also like to see rotating visual arts exhibits and community arts school opportunities in the facility.  They would also like to provide a place for non-profit and community groups to use the studio space and boardroom. This would also allow them to expand their outreach programs.  They would create a full dance Conservatory training beginning level to pre-professional students.  They are very willing and eager to work with the community on the plans for the facility.  The motion was made that we create a sub-committee to work with them on the design of this facility. The voting was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining.ccConditional Use Permit for Transitional Home at 1762 So. 9th East: Helen Peters reported on the sub-committee meeting held Aug. 24 at the City and County Building.  As a result of the voting at the sub-committee meeting, it was proposed that we vote to accept the proposal with the conditions as described in the minutes from that meeting.  Because of the limited time, the chair requested that those opposed to this proposal and those in favor of the proposal meet outside and select one or two persons as spokespersons to present their side and then report to the group.  Those opposed were represented by Greg Wilson and Jacquelin Bryce.  Their comments included: They think the sub-committee meeting was unfair and the vote shouldn’t be counted.  They feel the Travelers Aid Society and Multi-Ethnic Development Corp have not treated the immediate neighbors fairly.  They feel the vote at this meeting tonight would be taken without adequate information.  They feel there is no need for this project.  They have a petition to request withdrawal of this request.  Those in favor were represented by Melissa Lichtenstein.  Her comments included: Neighbors had raised an issue with having so many children on 9th East.  Melissa noted another neighbor just South of this location that has raised 8 children on 9th East.  Those in favor feel this program could be a benefit to the neighborhood and would provide an opportunity to help young women in need of assistance.  They feel the program could work well if the neighbors are willing to work with it.  A motion was made that we bring back the tabled motion from the previous meeting.  This vote was I 0 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining.  The motion was then made that we approve the concept of the proposal.  The voting on this was 7 in favor, 2 opposed, and 3 abstaining. (Minutes of the sub-committee meeting and other comments are available by contacting Helen Peters at 466-7170.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]