SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2001


DATE:  WEDNESDAY September 5, 2001    PLACE:           SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting             7:00 – 7:10         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                                    Chair Report, Treasurers Report            7:10 – 7:20         Public Input            7:20 – 7:25         Police Update            7:25 – 7:30         Rummage Sale Update – Su Armitage            7:30 – 8:00         City Council Candidates                                    Roger Thompson – Dist. 5                                    Jill Remington Love – Dist. 5                                    Dale Lambert – Dist. 7                                    Stephanie Cannon – Dist. 7            8:00 – 8:15         Water Conservation Presentation –         Stephanie Duer            8:15 – 8:20         Historical Update – Susan Petheram            8:20 – 8:30         Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson            8:30 – 8:35         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham             8:35 – 9:30         SHCC By-Law Discussion            9:30                  Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:            SHCC Rummage Sale – September 8, 2001 –                         Garden Club Building in Sugar House Park            October Agenda Deadline – September 14, 2001 –          Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            SHCC Executive Meeting – September 17, 2001 – 7:00 PM -Contact Alice for place            Next Community Council Meeting – October 3, 2001 –                                                 7:00 PM – Sprague Library                        Election of new officers for the coming year                        THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708           Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the Internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
 Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for September 5, 2001 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Philip Carlson, Fred Conlon, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Todd Slack, Tiffany Starbuck, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (19) Trustees Excused: Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Dolores Donohoo  City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Debra Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Roger Thompson, City Council; Senator Karen Hale, State Senate (7) Others: Jerry Schmidt, Melissa Lichtenstein, Charlene Allert, Tom Nitzkowski, Bill Servoss, Jill Remington Love, Crystal Crawford, Paul Hanseen, Candace M. Hammer, Boris Kurz, Tom Wharton, R. C. Stewart, Dale Lambert, Jan Lambert, Ed McDonald, Claudia Pack, Jacquelyn Havey, Beth Bowman, Edward Glashien, Stephanie Cannon, Suzanne Weaver, Milton Braselton, Diane Taylor, Colleen Thompson, Mark Fetzer (25)   Total Attending: 51 The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the August meeting were approved with one addition.  In the discussion of the proposed Jitterbug coffee store, Ray Pugsley stated he was concerned about the store and its location, as he had seen a 3-car pile-up at the Starbuck’s.  He meant to convey that he felt the Jitterbug location was a safer location than the Starbuck’s. Chair Report: Ray especially thanked Susan Petheram for doing the minutes at the August meeting in the secretary’s absence.  Ray reported that a City ordinance to allow street artists to peddle their wares on the sidewalks in a commercial zone was being sent to the Planning Commission.  Ray had a discussion with the City regarding the Unit Legalizations.  He said the City is really only interested in learning whether a home is a public problem or creating a bad situation in the neighborhood.  There are City personnel that check out the safety and compliance to ordinance requirements.  There was much discussion regarding the legalization issue.  Judi Short suggested that keeping single-family homes intact for larger families would help prevent the closing of schools.  Rawlins Young suggested that the City’s Community Development Corporation has a method available that the City could buy these homes, that have been converted into apartments, and turn them back to single-family homes. Public Input:  Kathy Daly, Director of the Sprague Library, announced that she would be leaving at the end of the month.  She has accepted a position in Michigan and will be moving to Ypsilante.  Debra Gabrenas, the Asst. Director, will be acting in her stead until a replacement is found.  Kathy received a round of applause and much thanks from all of us for her kindness to us over the past years and for her dedication to the Library and the community in general.  Kathy will be greatly missed!!! Melissa Lichtenstein felt that the location for the proposed Jitterbug Coffee would not be safer than the Starbuck’s as Ray had suggested previously in the meeting. Fred Conlon presented an idea of a “Buffalo Roundup” that is going to be done during the Olympics.  The Buffalo are really statues of Buffalo, and businesses or groups are going to sponsor the cost of these statues.  After the Olympics, they will be sold.  He asked the Community Council to support the business community in the purchase of one of the Buffalo.  He also expressed a concern that overflow parking at Sugar House Park during the Olympics would spill into the neighborhood. Julie Nitzkowski is concerned with the number of cars that are being parked behind the gas station at 9th East and 27th South.  Many of these cars are being used for parts, making it a junkyard. The neighbors behind are beginning to complain. Lynne Olson asked about the possibility of getting new trees around the Sugar House Monument Plaza to replace some that are in pretty bad shape.  It was suggested that grant money could be available for such a purpose.  Boris Kurz of the East Liberty Park neighborhood organization suggested he could maybe help as their group had planted some 86 trees in their neighborhood.  Boris Kurz invited everyone to the 9th and 9th Street Festival this coming Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM. Susan Petheram asked if there was any interest in getting grant money for some public art in the area. City Council Candidates:  Roger Thompson – Dist. 5 – Roger is currently the chair of the City Council.  He supports the policies that we have supported as a Community Council.  He is aware of the negative impacts of rental housing on the neighborhoods.  He has been supportive of our efforts to calm the traffic on Hollywood Ave. and the closing of McClelland St.  He is in favor of shared parking in the business district and has been involved with the problems with Walgreen’s on 9th and 21st.  He is impressed with the improvements in Hidden Hollow and supports RDA involvement with the Ballet West development on Wilmington Ave.  He is concerned about closing Rosslyn Heights school and is impressed with our Master Plan Update.  He would support a 4 story building in the business district. Jill Remington Love – Dist. 5 – Jill has deep roots in the Sugar House area with family members connected with the old prison in Sugar House Park, Granite and Rockwood Furniture.  She worked with former Mayors Palmer DePaulis and Ted Wilson.  She loves city government.  She is a “stay-at-home” mom.  She is in favor of our Master Plan Update and is especially in favor of keeping the single-family homes.  She would support 4 story buildings in the business district. Dale Lambert – Dist. 7 – Dale introduced his wife Jan as his greatest supporter.  Dale has lived 16 years in the Rosslyn Heights area and has also lived in Highland Park.  He has worked downtown for 24 years, so he knows the need for a great downtown area.  He cares about our neighborhoods and feels we must do all we can to protect them.  He feels our new Master Plan addresses this well.  He is concerned about environmental issues as well as pedestrian, green space, and mass transit needs.  He is supportive of small businesses in the area and supports the idea of being able to live and work in our district.  He generally doesn’t like flag lots but feels we need to be sensitive to the property owners’ rights. Stephanie Cannon – Dist. 7 – She says she is not a politician, but wants to work to make a difference in the community.  She is currently a teacher but has spent some time as a “stay-at-home” mom.  She has three young children.  She has worked with the ambulance in our area.  She is concerned with the fairness and limits of small business and wants to better promote them.  She is concerned about support for the fire and police.  She would also support a 4 story building height limit for our business district. Rawlins Young asked her if she would support a change in the policy that does not allow community councils to petition for rezoning.  She said she would support that.  She also was concerned that private property rights be recognized.  She supports the Bonneville Shoreline Trail development.  She thought McClelland St. might be designed to encourage more pedestrian and bicycle traffic. There will be no primary election and the general election will be on Nov. 6.  Helen Peters made a motion that we send a letter to Keith Christensen and Roger Thompson thanking them for their support over the past years, especially noting their support for Hidden Hollow, Sugar House Commons, and traffic issues on Hollywood Ave.  Voting was 15 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstaining.  Rawlins Young made the motion that we send the letter after the election to avoid any suggestion of favoring a candidate for the coming election.  Voting was 9 in favor, 8 opposed, 0 abstaining. Water Conservation Presentation – Stephanie Duer, SLC Public Utilities.  Stephanie indicated that the City has contracted with an independent company to evaluate green space in the City to see what could be done to conserve water.  She said the City is going to develop small Community Demonstration Gardens that will use various methods of conserving water and good landscape methods.  The City is considering incentive and rebate programs for low flow products.  She said her efforts will be a long term project with long term goals.  The City also wants to develop State Irrigation and Landscape Designers. Police Update:  Officer Brendon Kirkwood reported that August has been a pretty good month, however, aggravated assaults are up and car prowls are still a problem.  He encouraged everyone to “slow down” especially with kids in school again.  He reported a sexual assault in Fairmont Park.  It was right out in the open around 4 PM and people were around the area but no one reported it.  The Police just happened to come by and prevented it from being as bad as it could have been.  He encouraged people to be more involved in what is happening around us.  He was asked if the Police could watch the area near the dumpsters by Smith’s on 9th and 21st in the evening. He indicated they had caught some drug dealers near the Lincoln Towers. Rummage Sale Update:  Su Armitage reported there are still some times on Thurs., Fri., and Sat. when people are needed to help with the sale. Historical Society Update: Susan Petheram reported that the Society is now an official non-profit organization and they are applying for the 501C3, tax-exempt status. She had a sheet available with goals and other information on the Oral History Documentation project for those interested, as well as a sheet to indicate names of persons for potential interviews.  There is a need to raise $1,300 for this project. There is a nice 16 X 25 framed picture for sale of the Business District near the monument ($200 framed, $125 unframed, smaller ones could be available).  She is working on a Christmas Historic Home Tour in December.  If you know of homes in the area that decorate for the holidays, please let Susan know. There will be a training session to teach how to do the oral interviews on Sep. 15 from 1-3 PM.  The next meeting of the Historical Society will be Oct. 3 from 6-7 PM just prior to the Community Council meeting.  Contact Susan Petheram for information on the Historical Society. Planning Dept. Update: Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. reported that the request for the Jitterbug Coffee has been submitted for the Conditional Permit.  Neighbors will be contacted prior to the formal hearing regarding this.  Melissa is still very concerned with the decision to close Rosslyn Heights school.  She gave us a document for our files of comments she has received regarding this issue.  She suggested that perhaps the City Council could add wording to the Master Plan that would make it a Charter School.  Our Master Plan Update will go to the City Council for a briefing on Oct. 2 and for the Public Hearing on Nov. 6.  Melissa indicated that any more comments on the Master Plan need to be made to the City Council.  The City is working on a new lighting design for street lighting on 21st South from 7th to 13th East and along Highland Drive.  A comment from the audience indicated that they liked the new street signage in the Business District.  Gayen Wharton made a motion that we send a letter to the City Council endorsing the recommendation that Rosslyn Heights school and grounds be kept intact and reiterating that our first priority is to keep the school open, that schools are an anchor to our neighborhoods, and that we need to look at any way we can to keep families in our neighborhoods.  Voting was 11 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining. Proposal for Property at 15th East and Redondo Ave.:  Paul O. Hanseen, representing Marge Taylor, the property owner, indicated a desire to build a Hair Salon at this location.  This would require a change of zone from residential to residential/ business or commercial/neighborhood.  The building itself would look like a home with a parking area to the south next to the alley.  There is currently a beauty salon located in the area and it would move to this location. There was some discussion with many concerned about the business “creep” into the neighborhood.  This will be officially on the agenda for the October meeting to allow for public comment and further discussion before a recommendation is made by the Community Council. By-Law Discussion:  Because of the late hour, this discussion will be postponed until next month.  Ray handed out copies of suggested changes to the by-laws for trustees to review before the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]