SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2002


DATE: WEDNESDAY September 4, 2002

PLACE: SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East
TIME: 7:00 PM

AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting

7:00 – 7:10 Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20 Public Input7:20 – 7:25 Police Update7:25 – 7:30 Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:30 – 7:55 Neighborhood Recognition Awards7:55 – 8:15 Planning Dept. Update  Melissa Anderson – CIP & CDBG Applications UpdateFederal Funding for Transit – TEA-21 Reauthorization8:15 – 8:25 Hidden Hollow Management Plan Approval – Lynne Olson8:25 – 8:35 Honorary Street Name Change – Susan Petheram21st South – 7th to 13th East to be called Sugar Ave8:35 – 8:50 1135 East 17th So, 2 parcels – rezone from institutional to R1-5000 – Joel Paterson8:50 – 9:15 Organizational Issues:New Trustee Petitions:Michael Kavanagh – Westminster NeighborhoodDeedra Hansen Lambert – Highland Park Neighborhood Grace Sperry – Forest Dale NeighborhoodSHCC Executive Election Candidates 9:15 Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:October Agenda Deadline – September 13, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – September 16 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – October 2, 2002 – 6:00 PM – Sprague Library (NOTE: an hour earlier to hear from political candidates)


Call Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181
Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160
Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708
Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340
Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663
Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352
Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153
Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180

See us also on:  or
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*****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************


Sugar House Community Council

Minutes for September 4, 2002


Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson Justin Jones, Ty McCartney, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Gina Thompson, Rawlins Young (17)


Trustees Excused: Chris Bowler, Gayen Wharton


City/State Representatives: Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Carrie Tuttle, Joel Paterson, SLC Planning Dept.; Kim Guess, SLC Police; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office (5)


Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Milton Braselton, Roger Metzgfer, Kris Robinson, Wanda Buhrman, Roger Hadden, Laurie Hadden, Mike Rubin, Kaylin Loveland, Andrea Moesser, Sandra Fogrgren, J. Bruce Reading, Alan Wood, Desha Wood, Judy O’Neil, Bill O’Neil, David Berg, Tom Nitzkowski, Marjorie Buehner, Verina Eyre (20)  Total Attending: 42


Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM, Chair Ray Pugsley conducting. Minutes of the August meeting were approved.


CHAIR REPORT: There will be a landlord training class in Sept. The class will begin at 8:30 AM and last 2-2 1/2 hrs. Those interested need to contact Ray tonight since the deadline for registration is tomorrow.

Thanks to Blue Kats Coffee House for providing free coffee at the meeting. There are also coupons for free coffee. They are having live music in the afternoons and invite everyone to come listen.

The Planning Commission will take comments at a meeting Sept. 11 at 4:30 PM in room 523 of the City/County Building regarding a lot size reduction for the duplex at 1977 So. 13th East which is being considered for an expansion of the Highland Dental Center parking lot.

Next month we will meet at 6 PM to allow more time to hear from candidates for elected offices for the upcoming Nov. 5 election. If you have not registered to vote, please do so.

Rules for the October elections for the Sugar House Community Council executive committee are as follows: 1) All trustees are eligible to run for the offices of Chair, 3 Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer; 2) At the Sept. meeting, those wishing to run for office may distribute flyers announcing their candidacy, a resume and what their intentions are if elected. Those wishing to distribute campaign materials do so at their own expense; 3) A person can run for only one office; 4) Nominations for an office will be accepted, but if that person is not willing to run, the nomination will be rejected; 5) Ballots will be handed out at the beginning of the October meeting. In order to be listed on the ballot, candidates must submit their names to Ray Pugsley by 5 PM on Sept. 25. 6) Members of the Election Committee may not run for office. The election committee consists of: Ray Pugsley, Julie Nitskowski, and Judi Short.


TREASURERS REPORT: Begin Balance of $5,788.11, check for $37.00 paid for postage. Deposit of $317.50 made but not recorded, Check #1026 not clearing the bank for $10.00, leaving a balance of $6,078.61.



Kim reported that instead of having printed reports each month as in the past, they will have crime information will be posted on the internet in the future. This can be found at:           

Click on City Directory, scroll down to Police Dept. and click. Select SLCPD On-line and click. Enter a date range using mm/dd/yy, select a council dist. using numbers 1-7 (if left blank, city totals will display), select serious crimes or accidents, and then click on start search. The search provides part one type crime stats for the time frame selected, it also allows the user to click on any one of 9 pin maps. Kim also stressed keeping cars locked and not leaving things in the car. She also indicated that crimes should always be reported, no matter what, and as quickly as possible. Items in the home should be marked in some way so they can be easily identified.


PUBLIC INPUT: J. Bruce Reading, candidate for SL County Council at large, is running against Randy Horiuchi. He left a flyer of his information.


MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE: Barry Esham noted a reminder he had received regarding the unsecured home at 1040 Ramona Ave. This was reported at the Aug. meeting. Nothing has been done with the house. Barry indicated he would follow up on this. A question was asked about the taco carts on the streets and Barry said that the City Council was addressing this issue. Another question asked about the allocation of funds received from the Olympics. Barry said the City Council is looking at this and it should be on their agenda soon. Contact your City Council person if you have questions. Barry said that the Mayor and his staff will be coming to our December meeting.


PLANNING DEPT. UPDATE: Melissa Anderson was excused and Carrie Tuttle, an intern with the Planning Dept. reported that the information gathered from the sidewalk inventory has been compiled into a data base. 700 linear feet has been budgeted for repair by the City, but nearly twice that much was found to be in need of attention. Melissa is preparing a request for CDBG funding for the additional work. Carrie asked that we all support this funding when the CDBG meeting is held or that we call or write our City Council person in support of this funding. A motion was made that we write a letter in support of CDBG funding for the additional work on the sidewalks, with voting 14 in favor, none opposing. Other CDBG funding requests for our area include, 1) a historic survey of the residential area in CDBG eligible areas, 2) a master plan for Fairmont Park, 3) a proposed crossing of 13th East, 4) a neighborhood park in the brickyard area. A request for CIP funds is also being submitted for new street lights in the business district and the replacement of paving bricks on corners in the business district for ADA ramps. Susan Petheram made us aware of the Transportation Equity Act (TEA-21) re-authorization and someone suggested that we form an ad hoc committee to push the Sugar House issues.



These awards are being given for the Westminster, Fairmont, and Nibley neighborhoods to homes that were felt to be well kept and are an asset to the neighborhood. This was done in conjunction with the sidewalk inventory and nominations were made by those who walked the neighborhoods doing that inventory. Awards will be done for the SE neighborhoods in February and in the NW neighborhoods in September next year. Nominations can be made by anyone and are due in Nov. and Dec. for the February awards and in Jun. and Jul. for the Sept. awards. Nominations can be made at our meetings or on our web site. Nominated homes should be ones where the home/yard are giving something back to the community, they are clean and well kept, and are easily recognizable in the neighborhood. Residential awards for this time were: Mike Rubin & Sarah Woolsey at 1027 Hollywood Ave., William & Judith O’Neil at 1812 So. 11th East, Wanda K. Buhrman at 2595 So. 8th East, Patrick G. & Frances M. Hays at 1915 So. 10th East, Mrs. Marjorie Buehner at 2292 So. Lake St., Dave & Loni Roberts at 2314 So. 8th East, Laurie Oberg Hadden at 916 Simpson Ave., Tim D. Davis at 2268 So. 9th East, Timmie Brennam at 550 E. Driggs Ave., Charles Parsons at 1992 Lake St., and the home at 576 Commonwealth Ave. Two businesses were also recognized at: 1790 So. 11th East (Swaner Design building), and 2157 Lincoln St. (First Equity Holdings Corp.). The awards included a certificate and gift certificates from the following area businesses: 1) Wasatch Broiler & Grill, 2) Fairmont Aquatic Center, 3) Salt Lake Pizza & Pasta, 4) Pazzo Deli & Market, 5) Rocky Mountain Grill, 6) Sizzler, 7) Lone Star Steakhouse, and 8) Olive Garden. Thanks were given to Justin Jones and Kevan for all the work they did making these awards possible.


HIDDEN HOLLOW MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL: This plan has been available to trustees for review for the past several weeks. A motion was made to approve the plan with voting 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.


HONORARY STREET NAME CHANGE: Susan Petheram indicated this is part of the effort to keep alive some of the historic elements of the business district and to celebrate the Sugar House sesquicentinial. Sugar Ave. is the historic name for 21st South. Maps from around 1911 through the 1940-50’s have this name. The cost of the application for this change is $250 and would be split between the community council and the merchant’s association. This would apply to 21st South from 7th East to 13th East. Once the application is approved, the City would be responsible to install the new signs which would list both the Historic name of Sugar Ave. and the current name of 21st South. There was some concern that this would cause confusion. Susan will report the progress of this at our next meeting.


REZONE 1135 EAST 17TH SOUTH: Joel Paterson, from the SLC Planning Dept. explained this was an effort to correct an error made in 1995 when the whole City was rezoned. At that time, the LDS Church was trying to purchase this property in connection with the building of their new stake center on the corner of 11th East and 17th South. Although that did not happen, this property was zoned as Institutional. The current owner has a home on the west part of the property that is being used as a non-conforming duplex. The east part of the property is a vacant lot on which the owner would like to build a single family home. With the Institutional zone, he cannot do that. It is proposed that the lot be changed to R1-5000 to be consistent with other properties in that area. The motion was made that we approve the request to rezone this property to the R1-5000 zone with voting 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining. We will send a letter to the City informing of our support.



A petition for a new trustee in the Westminster neighborhood was presented by Michael G. Kavanagh. A motion was made to accept the petition with voting 16 in favor and none opposing.

At the August meeting a discussion was held on the proposed Transit Corridor Zone. At that time, the motion was made that Helen Peters, Judi Short, and Gayen Wharton would draft a letter to the City Council outlining our support and comments regarding this proposal. Copies of the proposed letter were available for trustees to review. The motion was made that we approve the letter with voting 16 in favor and none opposing.

Candidates for the upcoming election for SHCC Executives were given an opportunity to do a bit of campaigning. Dolores Donohoo, who has been serving as Treasurer is seeking re-election. She listed as her qualifications, “I have both the time and the desire to serve. I’ve lived in the Sugar House area most of my life and have a firm commitment to our community.” Helen Peters will run for Chair and presented a list of 9 things she would work to accomplish as chair as well as a list of qualifications for this position. Others verbally seeking positions included, Susan Petheram for Vice Chair, Su Armitage for Vice Chair, Justin Jones for Chair, Kevan Adams possibly for Vice Chair or Secretary. The official elections will be held as a part of the October council meeting. Ray announced that Chris Bowler was running for Vice Chair.

A discussion was held regarding the use of the PA system that we have been trying out for the past two meetings. A motion was made that we purchase this unit and donate it to the library. Discussion included the need for cordless microphones, a need to know how the taping of this meeting worked, whether the tapes picked up outside noise or just voices over the microphones, the possibility of having two recording tapes, and the need for a podium. After the discussion, the motion was rescinded until we can get more information for the next meeting.

Lynne Olson reported on the Sugar House Merchant’s meeting. They are in need of additional funds for the Christmas lighting in the business district. It seems that the company who has been responsible for the lighting in the past just throws the lights away at the end of the Christmas season. The motion was made that we make a donation of $100 towards the lights then was amended to say that we donate $100 if the lights are to be thrown away, but that we would donate $250 if the lights could be kept to be used from year to year. Voting on the amended motion was 14 in favor, 1 opposing and 0 abstaining.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]