SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2003


September 3, 2003


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Scott Kisling, Helen Langan, David Lawver, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees Excused

Susan Petheram

City/State Representatives

Elizabeth Giraud, SLC Planning; Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office; Alicia Orgill, SLC Police Dept. (3)


Sonia Woodbury, Andrea Moesser, Jack Robinson, Steve Morgan, Steve Crane, Derek Payne, Boyd Buwick, Shawn Graff, Brent Applonie, Ann Durrant, Roger Vandersteen, Annette Vandersteen, Jennie Thueson, Michael Lane, Tom Nitzkowski, Charles T. Bintz, Dorothy C. Biontz, Maureen Simes, Korey Castles, Tina Ottesen, Mia Roth, Melissa Lichtenstein, Judy Boyce, Vic Ayers, Gloria Densley, Agnes Greenhall, Brent Applonie (27) TOTAL (48)

Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Chair Helen Peters. Scott Kisling challenged the vote on the By-laws at the last meeting, stating it should have been a 2/3 majority in order to be approved. Grace Sperry made a motion that we postpone another vote on the By-laws until November so a special meeting can be held to discuss the issues regarding: 1) the boundaries, 2) the trustee term limits, 3) the voting process, and 4) the functioning of the committees. Voting on the motion was 8 in favor, 4 opposed, 3 abstained. The minutes of the August meeting were approved with the noting of this challenge to the voting on the By-laws.

Treasure’s Report

Dolores Donohoo reported a beginning balance of $5,158.17, expenditures of $26.73 for postage for mailing of the By-laws and $6.00 for 12 crossing flags, leaving a balance of $5,125.44.

Chair Report

Helen reported that Chris Bowler and his family are moving to Italy and thanked Chris for all he did to help with the Council web site and By-laws, and as a vice chair. The annual Council social will be held on Sept. 17 at 6 PM at the north pavilion in Fairmont Park. Su Armitage is coordinating the organization of the nominating committee for the Council October elections. Dell Cook has made adjustments to the design of the Fairmont Skateboard Park as a result of last month’s meeting. Anyone interested in seeing the new design, contact Dell at 535-6378. Helen noted that the SLC Capital Improvement Program is there to help meet the physical infrastructure needs of the City. Application deadline for this funding is Oct. 6. For more information contact Sherrie Collins at 535-7115. Persons interested in participating in a SLC Mayoral Debate on KUED on Oct. 2 and 30 should contact Helen. The SLC Council will hear public comments regarding the Traffic Calming program on Sept. 9. The public hearing on the Mountair annexation will be held Sept. 9. A public hearing will be held with the SLC Planning Commission on Sept. 10 regarding the consolidation of four parcels into one at 1619 Blaine Ave. A public hearing with the Board of Adjustment on Zoning will be held Sept. 15 for a special exception to allow a conditional home occupation for a consultation service and a distributor of products assembled at home in an R-1/7,000 zone. Helen also had copies of a “Downtown Currents” newsletter with information on downtown activities. Helen showed a sample of a proposed design for a sesquicentennial commemorative plate and asked for any comments.

Historic District in the SH neighborhoods Report

Elizabeth Giraud reported the City is are hiring a consultant to determine potential historic sites. A Forest Dale historic district is being proposed which includes the area from I-80 to Circuit City on 21st South and 7th to 9th East. They will focus on the National Register designation for this area. A 20% tax credit is given for improvements to the historic homes in areas designated on the National Register.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Daley noted that the Sugar House business district qualifies as an area that can hang banners from the telephone poles. There will be a Saturday Morning With the Mayor on Sept. 13 at Pioneer Park. She also talked about the problem with panhandling in the downtown area and reported on the Mainly Art project that is being held downtown.

Police Update

Alicia Orgill reported on a successful neighborhood area meeting in Highland Park area. She said the citizens need to work with the police on neighborhood issues and residents can ask Police to attend block meetings. She noted people are still leaving things in the cars that lead to car prowls and indicated that panhandling is illegal only if the panhandlers are aggressive to you or are on private property.

Redman Building update

Vic Ayers said he is going to the Planning Commission on the 24th of Sept. with plans for remodeling the Redman building. The City has given permission to do some demolition on the interior of the building. The building will be mixed use with the lower level retail, the 2nd and 3rd floors commercial, and the 4th – 6th floors condominiums with 3 penthouses on the top. The project will be referred to as “The Redman”. The City owned easement on the east side will be landscaped for a driveway and walkway down into the Hollow area. The demolition will involve adding windows and making the building up to code for earthquakes. They are also going to include a little museum with some historical items. All the businesses currently in the building will be gone by the15th of Sept. and some of the tenants will be moving back in the new building. The price of the condos will start at $220,000.

Center City School Update

Sonia Woodbury reported this school would be a secondary charter school for 7th – 12th grades and would be located at 2416 East 17th South. She said charter schools are public schools that are independent of the school district. For more information call 596-8489. Trustee Petitions: Judi Short’s petition for renewal was unanimously accepted. A new petition from Andrea Moesser from the Country Club neighborhood was unanimously accepted.

Unit legalization at 1897 E. Mary Dott Way

Annette Vandersteen presented her request for legalization for the additional dwelling in the home located at this address. Grace Sperry noted that it does qualify for legalization under the requirements of the City. The Land Use sub-committee would support this proposal. Judi Short spoke on what the City is doing regarding the legalization requests. The motion was made to support this legalization with voting 14 in favor, 1 opposed, 0 abstentions.

Smith’s Food Update

Helen reported that the modifications have been made to the design as per our request at the last meeting including adding more glass on all 4 sides. Jack Robinson from Prescott-Muir Architects showed the updated drawings which included these changes. The north side includes 3 bays of windows, the west side includes windows by the walk-up pharmacy, the east side will have glass block in the dock area, and the south side includes the addition of some glass block. The back wall will be a 14 ft. wall with a higher level set back 11 ft. (which is set back from an 11 ft. area on both the east and west ends). There was a strong desire for the inclusion of trellis’s with vines and trees along the south side.

Westminster College Long Range Plan Update

Steve Morgan and architects Steve Crane, Derek Payne, Boyd Buwick made the presentation. Steve noted that Westminster College is one of the oldest colleges in the state. He explained the things that they have done since their master plan was approved to address the neighborhood issues related to their development. These included: 1) masonry wall along the south property line separating the dorms from the residential properties on Westminster Ave., 2) installation of a keyed parking gate into the parking lot on 12th East, 3) increased parking enforcement on 12th East and Garfield, 4) a cul-de-sac at the intersection of 12th East and Blaine Ave., 5) subsidized public transit passes, 6) creation of the Eccles Ceramics Center from an existing older home on 13th East, 7) significant landscape and lighting around the NW parking structure, and 8) increased interaction with the neighbors and community council. They are currently working on the expansion of the Jewett Fine Arts Center. In response to questions regarding parking on campus, Steve said they are now providing bus passes for $35/year to encourage the use of public transportation. They have done a lot to involve the neighborhood in their activities. They are currently beginning plans to build the elevated soccer field with underground parking, the health, wellness & athletic center, and the alumni house. They will be holding open houses regarding the alumni house. The soccer field will be built in the area which is currently being used as parking and includes a grass area. The soccer team is currently practicing on the grass area and playing their games on high school fields. They are proposing a new soccer field of artificial turf to cover the area where the parking and grass area currently is with an underground parking under the soccer field. There will be bleachers on the west side of the field for 1,000 persons. The alumni house is proposed to be the house on the south/west corner of Blaine and 12th East. The proposed health sciences building will be to the east, between the 17th South parking and the soccer field. The underground parking will not provide significantly more parking than is currently in the current parking in that area. The underground parking will have an underground link to the health and wellness center. The health, wellness & athletic center will be a 3 story building and will contain a nursing college and will be an energy efficient building and will provide all kinds of recreational facilities. The alumni house would include the house on the corner and the property to the west of it and will provide meeting rooms and offices. Plans are for completion of the alumni house and the soccer field and parking by next summer. They area asking for our approval for a conditional use permit for the elevated playing field which will be considered open space and a rezone of the alumni house property from residential to institutional. There will be a meeting on the 18th of Sept. with the Blaine Ave. residents at 6 PM in alumni house. There will be a meeting for the Westminster community on the 24th of Sept. at 6 PM. The requested to be put on our Oct. agenda for approval of the conditional use permit and the zone change.

Qwest Wireless Antenna at 1936 South and 21st East

Shawn Graff presented a request for an antenna to be attached to a UP&L light pole at that location. The motion was made to approve the request with voting 11 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining.

Election candidates

Michael Kavanagh announced the candidates obtained thus far for the coming SHCC Executive election. They included: Chair – none; Vice Chair – Ray Pugsley, Grace Sperry, and Mark Holland; Treasurer- Dolores Donohoo; Secretary – none. Lynne Olson nominated Helen Peters Chair. Alice Edvalson nominated Susan Petheram for Vice Chair. Candidates campaigned as follows: Ray would like to allow trustees an opportunity to have their say. Mark recognized that he was new as a trustee, but he is interested in the community having lived here 24 years. He wants to help the community function well. Grace has been coming to the council meetings for many years and is interested in land use and zoning issues. She has been selling real estate for 20 years. Dolores has lived in the area for many years and feels this is something that she is physically able to do to contribute to the community.

Envision Your Future Program

Lynne Olson suggested we will start our meeting next month at 6 PM for a special meeting to participate in a program called Envision Your Future. Lynne explained this activity is sponsored by the National Energy Foundation. She noted that the new planning director expressed his desire to educate community councils about the City’s housing policies and Lynne felt this activity would be an enjoyable way to give the trustees some experience with these issues. Cross Walk Improvements at 21st South/8th East: Michael Kavanagh reported that he has gotten the City to place crossing flags at 21st South and 8th East and to repainting for crosswalks at that crossing. He received support from Albion Financial Group and Dee’s Incorporated. He made a motion that we send a letter to Dan Bergenthal of the City and to Dee’s and the Albion Financial Group to thank them. Neighborhood Matching Grant Proposal: Brent Applonie presented a request for Neighborhood Matching Grant funding for trees for the parking strip on Filmore St. between Parkway and Stratford Avenues. Helen approved the request in behalf of the Sugar House Community Council.


Meeting adjourned at 9:16 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]