SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2004


September 1, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Bill Habel, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, David Lawver, Cabot Nelson, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (19)

Trustees Excused

Tina Ottesen, Julie Nitzkowski, Martin Smith

City/State Representatives

Alicia Orgill, Sonny A. Ricks, SLC Police; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office (4)


Kaylin Loveland, Melvin L. Gardner, Derek Payne, Kirk Huffaker, Carter Livingston, Lisette Gibson, Jason Bultman, Dotty Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Tom Nitzkowski, Melissa Lichtenstein, Milton Braselton, Jennie Thueson, Lori Hendry, Tom Peters, Amy Motta, Emil Kmet, SL South Journal representative, Kristie Thompson, Burton Brown, David Gibson, Ed Glashien, Barbara Green (23) Total 46

Meeting minutes

The meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes of the August 2004 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

A beginning balance of $4,637.77, check to the Sugar House Merchant’s Association for $40.00, ending balance of $4,597.77. Helen reported that Smith’s Food was buying 500 of the pins for $500.00. Helen thanked Judi & Wade for fun party held on Sat. evening. Helen noted that our By-Laws have now been accepted and copies were distributed to trustees in attendance. Helen pointed out that trustees need to call either the chair or secretary to be excused if they are unable to attend the meeting as the new By-laws provide that if a trustee has 3 or more unexcused absences, he or she is open to be replaced by others wishing to be trustees.

Chair Report

Helen recognized Kaylin Loveland, candidate for State Representative in Dist. 31. Helen noted the Smith’s Grand Re-Opening on Wed., Sept. 15. She also reminded us of the Friday night Sugar House Farmer’s Market at the Monument from 5 – 10 PM. Information on candidates for the upcoming election can be found at Helen handed out information on other upcoming events in the area as well as upcoming public hearings with the City Council and Planning Commission, and opportunities for public service. The handout also included a letter from SLC Urban Forester Bill Rutherford regarding trees needing to be replaced in Fairmont Park.

Public Input

Michael J. Kavanagh noted that Jim Kirkman is a new volunteer in Hidden Hollow and has done a lot of needed work there. Grace Sperry suggested we send a letter to Gina Crezee and Mike Wolfe, thanking them for their efforts in dispensing things from the three homes that will soon be demolished south of the sub-station on Highland Drive.

Crime Update

Alicia Orgill introduced new CAT member Officer Sonny Ricks, replacing Lyman Guest. Alicia brought quite a number of information pamphlets regarding safety. Grace described a man who has been knocking on doors of homes on Highland Drive and when no one is home, walking around the back. Alicia encouraged us to report this kind of activity.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Daley reminded us of Utah Day tomorrow at the U on Guardsman Way near the U. She also reported on the City’s book club. Sarah Carlson invited all to attend a meeting on Sept. 13 at the well site where a fluoride treatment plant has been installed at 19th E. 27th South.

City Council Update

Dale Lambert was not in attendance. Helen noted that she has been working with Dale regarding the concerns with green space at Carden School.

Monthly Featured Sugar House Business

Susan Petheram recognized Bakers de Normandie located at 2075 So. 7th East.

Human Service Provider Report

Melvin L. Gardner, Manager of the LDS Church’s Welfare Square Bishop’s Storehouse reported on services and facilities located at Welfare Square. They have an obligation to take care of the poor and to teach self-reliance. The local bishop of the ward recommends people to get help. There is also a bishop at Welfare Square to serve those who don’t live in an established ward. Homeless persons can come to Welfare Square for assistance. The LDS Church also partners with other homeless agencies in the City. When people are in need, we should suggest they go to Welfare Square instead of giving them a handout. There are missionaries who will work with them to help them get stabilized if they are willing to do that. Grace Sperry told of an experience a relative of hers living in Croatia who had received some beans as part of humanitarian aid there. He didn’t know what to do with them, so he planted them and eventually created a business by selling the beans he grew.

New Trustee Petition

Derek Payne’s petition for trustee was accepted for the Westminster neighborhood.

Retro is the Future

Kirk Huffaker, Asst. Dir. of the Utah Heritage Foundation, explained their program for restoring buildings to a recent past state (after World War II). He showed a slide presentation explaining the value of more recent architecture and the need to preserve it. They have volunteer opportunities at the Heritage Foundation. He noted that the Villa theatre on Highland Drive has been purchased by Dr. Hamid Adib, the owner of Adib’s Rug Gallery, and it will become the new rug gallery.

SL County ZAP Tax Renewal

Carter Livingston explained the benefits of this tax. Renewal of this tax with no tax increase will be County proposal #1 on the ballot this upcoming election. He encouraged all of us to support this proposal because of the great benefits it provides for so many in our area.

Proposed Compatible Infill Ordinance Presentation

Lisette and David Gibson showed pictures of homes that have been built that really don’t fit with the other homes in the area. They explained a new ordinance that is being proposed. This is an overlay ordinance and only effects the Yalecrest area. It would not fit the Sugar House area because our neighborhoods are different from the Yalecrest area. On Sept. 13 there will be an open house to present this idea. Judi Short made a motion that we send a letter in support of their effort with voting 14 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.

Bicycle/Pedestrian Friendly Highland Drive

Jason Bultman of the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee proposed turning 4 lanes into 3 lanes with a bicycle lane on each side on Highland Drive from 21st South to 33rd South. He feels that reducing the number of lanes will increase capacity by making the road more efficient and safer. Studies have shown that more lanes encourage a higher speed. Bill Habel feels this should be done in an effort to encourage Sugar House as a bike friendly community. (Rex Sears has more questions before he would feel comfortable making a recommendation.) David Lawver and Su Armitage were both in favor of this action because of frightening experiences they have had riding a bike in this area. Lynne Olson referred to the master plan where it states we should improve all modes of mobility. Sarah Carlson feels it is even dangerous for cars with the 2 lanes each way. Grace is not sympathetic to bikers because they are riding on the sidewalks because they are afraid of riding on the street. She is upset because the City took away the on-street parking in this area during certain hours to make the 2 lanes. This has caused many problems. Jason noted that his proposal would not bring back the parking. Ray Pugsley feels there would be a problem with a bicycle lane on Highland without bike lanes on adjoining streets such as 27th & 33rd. Sarah Carlson referred to the success of the similar striping that was done on 9th East.

Sugar House Business District Rezone Update

Grace Sperry reported that the Planning Division has asked the Sugar House Community Council to present its position on several issues regarding the Sugar House Community Master Plan and proposed Zoning Ordinance for the Business District. The zoning petition was initiated in 2002 to render the SH Master Plan and City Zoning Ordinance consistent in terms of height limits and design standards, and to change the zoning of some parcels adjacent to the SH Business District. The petitions were heard and approved by the Planning Commission and forwarded to the City Council. In February of last year, the petitions were sent back to the Planning staff for further revisions. The City Council had the following concerns: 1) The proposed changes were too complex and overwhelming, 2) Concern regarding the policy of the potential elimination of the regional shopping center component in the SH Business District, 3) Concern for the proposed height limit for the Irving School House Property, 4) Whether the NE corner of 10th East and Elm Ave. should be zoned residential or mixed-use, 5) The possibility of additional incentives to stimulate new residential development in the SH Business District, and 6) Concern that proposed zones would render certain uses non-conforming. Grace explained that tonight we must resolve at least one of these issues. City Planning has asked the Community Council to clarify our position on the height and density of a residential development that is proposed for 2025 South 1200 East. There is a conflict between the land use description and zoning recommended in our Master Plan, and the recommendation that we forwarded to the City for this development proposal. Lynne Olson referred to a letter from the Community Council to City Planner Lex Traughber dated July 15, 2004 regarding this development at 2025 South 12th East. She also referred to our Master Plan regarding land use, noting the statement, “The density range for this land use category is from twenty to fifty (20-50) dwelling units per net acre.” This is in conflict with what we approved as stated in our letter. The Planning Commission needs to know what our real feelings are regarding this height issue. Discussion included: Su Armitage is opposed to the increased height. Dolores Donohoo feels she was concerned about the limited parking. Judi Short is opposed to this development as proposed. Rawlins Young was opposed to the development when it was presented in 2003 and doesn’t feel we understood that it was a change in the zoning from RMF-45 to a higher density. He is concerned with the RDA’s pressure to push this through so the developer could get funding from the RDA. Grace Sperry also felt that we were pressured for approval of this project. She recalled we were told we had to make a decision that night or the developer would lose his funding. The land use committee never had a chance to review the proposal prior to the meeting. Sarah Carlson asked if the Council knew when they approved the proposal that it was not in accordance with the SH Master Plan. She said it doesn’t seem fair to accommodate one developer, that there should be a standard for approvals. Philip Carlson said the development should comply with the Master Plan. Rex Sears is more concerned about the higher density being proposed. Susan Petheram asked why the Planning Division had asked for clarification of our position. Helen Peters felt they thought this decision was out of character for our Council. Helen also noted that limiting the parking is an incentive for using public transportation. Rex Sears noted that the Planning Division brought the inconsistency to our attention and asked if the trustees had noted the inconsistency in 2003. Secretary Alice Edvalson read the minutes from the May, 2003 meeting. Rex asked about the procedure for reopening the case. Lynne Olson said she had voted in favor of the proposal in 2003. Lynne made the motion that we revisit and reconsider our decision made in May 2003 when we approved this development and its recommendation in favor of a 75’, 115-unit residential development at 2025 South 1200 East. Grace seconded the motion. Further discussion included: Cabot Nelson was less worried about the height than the elevation at the site and the restricted amount of free parking. Sarah Carlson was concerned about the possibility of reopening the Master Plan. She observed that if the Community Council does not adhere to the Master Plan, why should the Planning Commission. She thought that Trustees did not understand the consequences of their decision. The motion was made to end the debate with voting 14 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Voting on the motion to reconsider our decision was 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining with 1 proxy in favor. Judi Short then made the motion, “I move that the Community Council support the language of the SH Master plan and require that any development at 2025 South 1200 East comply with the future land use map, which limits the density to no more than 50 units per net acre, and the zoning designation, which limits the height to no more than 45’.” Philip Carlson asked if we should defer a decision until the developer could be in attendance. Helen said he could be invited to the October meeting. Susan Petheram remembered the original presentation and felt the developer would say he needs the height and density to make the project economically feasible. He would ask if we prefer to keep what is there now. Helen said that the developer’s design depends on his business model and how much profit he wants to make on a project. There are always two sides, profitability versus community sustainability. Dolores said this situation requires that we respond to the Planning Division, not to the developer. Lynne urged trustees to use the Master Plan as their criteria for decision making. Judi Short agreed to be the Master Plan “maven” to help us understand what the master plan says and the impact. Rawlins reminded trustees that the Master Plan does not belong to the Council but to the Sugar House community, and we are only its stewards. Cabot asked if the existing units at 2025 South contributed to the district’s affordable housing. Grace said that it was important that no developer come to the Sugar House Community Council without first coming to the Land Use and Zoning committee. Susan commented that if it is desirable to develop in this area, it is also possible to do something a bit less intense. Voting on Judi’s motion was 14 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining, and 1 proxy vote in favor. A letter reflecting the Council’s position will be sent to the Planning Division with a copy to Dale Lambert. Susan Petheram wanted us to communicate our stand on the SHBD rezone issue and made the motion that we send a letter to this effect to Louis Zunguze with a copy of excerpts from the 2001 SH Master Plan Update that are pertinent to the SH Business District Rezone proposal. Copies also need to go Dale Lambert and Nancy Stark. A copy of the suggested letter along with excerpts from the SH Master Plan Update were handed to each trustee. After some discussion on the matter, the motion was made to end the discussion with voting 14 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention with 1 proxy vote opposed. Voting on the motion to send the letter was 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining with 1 proxy vote in favor.

Election campaigning

Campaign speeches were given for the upcoming Executive Committee elections as follows: Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo, Vice Chair – Rex Sears, Susan Petheram, Grace Sperry, Tina Ottesen, and Chair – Mark Holland and Sarah Carlson. Su Armitage will do the Business Feature for the next meeting.


Adjourned at 10:22 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]