06 Sep SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2006
September 6, 2006
From Sugar House
Trustees present
Su Armitage, Russell Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, Mark Holland, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short,Rawlins Young (19)
Trustees excused
Michael G. Kavanagh, L. Rex Sears, Grace Sperry, Steve Wilson (4)
City/State Representatives
Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office; Ben Johnson, SLPD (2)
Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Kathleen ______, Benny Keele, Sean Thomas, Ranae Pierce, Melissa Lichtenstein, David Cook, Riley Hale, Justin Weaver, Matthew Silver, Sean Ward, Parker Stringham, Jennie Thueson, John Stringham, Hunter Cornelison, Christian Barlow, Ian Sabey, Tanner Cook, James Parkin, Marian Hubbard, Jon Roderick, Steve Hale, Jaelene V. Myrup, Verdi White, Bryan Packham (26)
Meeting minutes
Call to order, 7:03pm. The minutes of last month’s meeting were approved without objection.
Treasurers Report
We started with a balance of $4895.03 on August 1. There was a deposit of $36 from proceeds from t-shirts and $20 from pins. The final balance is $4951.03.
Chair Report
In a letter, Mr. Michael Stever announced a Sept 12 kick-off for preparedness, 1040 W 700 S. Another letter from Utah State Assoc of Parliamentarians announced their annual workshop on Nov 11, titled “power of parliamentary procedure.” Ray said it’s an excellent meeting to attend.
Prof. Marylin Connell, of math at Westminster, suggested projects for last year. There were 20-25 students to pick up trash. This year they will assist residents of Lincoln Towers.
Mr. Sean Thomas, county auditor, reviewed property tax notices. Cabot Nelson asked about how the property taxes work. Suppose a house costs $100 and all the taxes collected in the county is $2. With only one house in county, the total collected is $2. In 2006, they can still only collect $2. The county by law can’t adjust for inflation. They still only get $2! If neighbor’s house is $120, and yours is $110, the county can still only collect the $2. Say the average property value increases 16%. If your home value increases above 16%, you may get a tax increase. If it’s below, you may get a tax decrease.
In Sugar House, there are increases by SL School District and Water District. Hearings have taken place. Visit the Auditor’s website athttp://www.slco.org, then click “Auditor.” You can compare neighborhoods.
Judgement levies are complex. It takes more in gas to complain than to pay it. Rawlins asked if he has to go to the board of equalization every year. Yes, he does. Would he be held harmless at %16? Only county wide.
Mr. Thomas spoke about a policy issue. You should be bothered by the unfairness of the sales tax distribution. 6.6% in sales taxes with 1% in city taxes. It’s distributed by 50% on point-of-sale, 50% on population. He believes should be based on gross wages. The current system goes after economic development to chase sales, not high-paying jobs.
Dave Mulder then asked if he was bringing this issue as a county auditor or as a candidate. When Mr. Thomas admitted as a candidate, the council balked at hearing more.
Public Input
Trustee Cabot Nelson brought up his concern about the decay in Fairmont Park. He noted that a fire pit in the bowery was smashed to pieces and all the park works have done is to cordon off the damage with traffic barriers and caution tape. Cabot explained that the Loyal Order of Moose lodge built that firepit probably over 60 years ago, and that it is very sad to see this kind of damage. Also, other areas of the park are decaying: drinking fountains, shoddy graffiti clean-up, etc.
Helen Peters advised to put Dell Cook and Val Pope on the agenda regarding the park’s master plan next month. Rawlins suggested to write a letter to whomever and let them know. Ruth Price compared Fairmont with the talk of Pioneer Park. She would not like any more cement. Russ Callister suggested that we ask about Hidden Hollow, as well.
Dave Mulder noted that SH Park has an authority, but other parks have only the parks and recreation department. Grace Sperry should do well with parks; she knows a lot. Judi Short noted the cement in Fairmont Park was with SL Olympic money.
There was an article in SLWeekly: “Goodbye, Sugar House.” Ruth would like a discussion.
Crime Update
By Ben Johnson, SLPD, ph #799-4642. Linda Samuels asked about a situation in June where there was a break-in. The couple was home, but there was a slow response. District 7 did have an increase: robberies higher in August. One was a drug deal gone bad. Another was a pharmacy and Oxycontin. They all involve the drug dealing in the area. For the sex assaults, every one was an acquaintence. Ray Pugsley inquired about the 1300 East 2100 South light. There are a lot of people daring to run it. 700 East also. One question was typical ages of sex assaults. Officer Johnson said none in particular. To watch for drug dealing, notice vehicles circling. A question from a public attendee was about the ambiguous turn on exit from Simpson onto Highland. Officer Johnson said to talk to ShopKo.
Mayor’s Office Update
By Annette Daley. She offered handouts: I80 from State Street to 1300 East and a calendar. There are many things happening: Greek Fest, Avenues Street Fair, Farmers’ Market. Book Club is on the 14th. There is a concern about bullying with a meeting on the topic. Su Armitage noted the Japanese fest. There is an amendment pending for the East Bench master plan.
City Council Update
Soren Simonsen could not attend. He was also to speak on the SLC proposed pet ordinance.
I-80 Reconstruction update
Kim Clark of H.W. Lochner could not attend.
Redevelopment of 713 East Harrison Avenue
Bob Strasters did not attend the SHCC meeting so Judi Short, the SHCC Trustee from the Emerson neighborhood] gave a report on the status of the development. Judi reported that the there will be a briefing of the Salt Lake City Council on Mr. Strasters’ request for a zoning map amendment to rezone the property from R-1/5,000, Single Family Residential to RMF-35, Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential in order to demolish an existing structure and construct six individually owned town homes. Judi further noted that Mr. Strasters had met with the East Central Community Council Executive Committee and had made adjustments to his design after a discussion about his project. There is also a question as to whether Mr. Strasters might have other options available to him and he was going to check with the Planning Division to determine his next steps.
Sugar House Merchants Association Update
Art talked about a coupon book coming soon. This could tie in to Halloween and Christmas. Barbara Green reported out on the Sugar House Merchants’ Association meeting held earlier today. The Sugar House Merchants are organizing a Halloween activity where families can safely enjoy the holiday while shopping. The Merchants Association is interested in developing a coupon book to encourage people to shop in the Sugar House Business District. For Thanksgiving, there will be a Turkey Trot in Fairmont Park. In December, the Santa Shack will be placed on the Sugar House Monument Plaza and Santa will be ready to have his picture taken with young visitors. As always, holiday lights will be placed on the lamps in the business district. Helen would like the SHCC to again support the Merchants and the placement of the holiday lights. Judi Short made a motion, which was seconded by Art Haddow, that SHCC give $250 to the Sugar House Merchants Association for holiday lights. Voting Results: 14-0-1 to call the question; 12-1-0 to give $250 to the Sugar House Merchants Association. Barbara indicated that there is a possibility that the Sugar House Merchants will conduct a winter holidays window decorating competition. More to follow on the decorating effort.
Land Use & Zoning Committee
Helen Peters provided a handout covering the activities and efforts of the Land Use and Zoning Committee. Addtionally, there are several newspaper articles from The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News about Sugar House attached. A brief summary of the Land Use and Zoning Report is provided here, but for a full report see Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee September 2006 Report available through Cabot Nelson, Secretary to SHCC.
Ballet West: In August 2006 the RDA Board considered and adopted a one year extension to the preliminary term of a ground lease with Ballet West for RDA owned property located on Wilmington Avenue.
Garfield School: Council members Dave Buhler and Jill Remington-Love will be hosting a neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Garfield School located at 1838 South 1500 East. Please plan on attending so that your input can be considered regarding the redevelopment of the Garfield School.
Foothill Place Apartments: The property owners, Patrick Teegaden of Foothill Chimney Associates out of Denver along with his architect, David Owen Tryba are considering the community input offered at the July open house and will follow-up late in October with the Planning Division. Another community open house will be held so that any new proposal can be presented, discussed and input provided on the proposed new plans to the developer and their architect.
Westminster College would like to make a presentation to the SHCC on the redevelopment plans for the Alumni House. Helen will facilitate their being scheduled on the Agenda when they are ready, possibly October. Mr. Jeffrey Stone requested that the SHCC consider an application for unit legalization at 2482 South Douglas Street. Helen indicated that Mr. Stone is unable to attend the SHCC meeting tonight as he plays in a band and they are performing tonight. At this time it is a legal residence, but has been operating as a duplex since approximately 1949. A motion was made by Helen Peters and seconded by Art Haddow to accept the application for the legalization on 2482 South Douglas Street. Voting Results 13-0-2 to call the question and 11-2-4 in favor of unit legalization. There was a discussion regarding the unit legalization process and the SHCC’s role and responsibilities,
Several members of the SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee attended a meeting with Craig Mecham, Russ Callister, members of the Sugar House Merchants Association and tenants of Craig Mecham’s current development to discuss the proposed new development for the Granite Block portion owned by Craig Mecham. Derek Payne and Susie Petheram will be the Trustees representing the SHCC on his matter. Please contact Derek and Susie with any questions you might have about the proposed redevelopment. Derek indicated that is is important to the SHCC how the community suggestions will be be considered by Mr. Mecham. Russ Callister indicated that Mr. Mecham is very interested in the input and ideas of the SHCC. There was a discussion about the public process that will surround the Mecham redevelopment of his property on the Granite Block.
Barbara Green expressed dismay about the City Weekly article on “Saying Goodbye to Sugar House.”
Helen reported that she met with the new planning commissioner from District 7, Susie McHugh to discuss some development issues in Sugar House and to invite her to attend the Sugar House Community Council meetings.
(Remarks: Applause to Andrea Moesser to hosting the trustee party.)
Meet the candidates format discussion
Rawlins Young mentioned that in past we’ve had other formats. We’ve sponsored others at the Little Theater at Highland High.
Cabot Nelson distributed handouts about his analysis for the format for next’s month’s “meet the candidates” night.. The board agreed to inviting the candidates for State House, districts 28, 30, and 31, and State Senate, districts 3 and 7. That would be 15 candidates.
The board also wanted to hear from the county council, district 1, the at-large candidates. That’s 8 candidates. Ray Pugsley moved to invite the all of the county executives, which is 20 candidates. Sarah Carlson seconded, and it passed with no objection.
The board also agreed to other rules listed in the handout, along with providing 3 tables for the candidates literature. Helen Peters offered to reimburse Cabot for the expenses of postage, etc.
Nominations for SHCC officers
Su Armitage presented the slate of officers for the 2006-2007 SHCC year:
- Chair: Phil Carlson – yes; Dave Mulder – yes; Barbara Green – no
- Vice Chair: Art Haddow – yes; Grace Sperry – maybe; Emil Kmet – no; Rawlins Young – yes
- Secretary: Cabot Nelson – yes
- Treasurer: Dolores Donohoo – yes
All candidates made brief campaign speeches:
- Phil: Loves SH and CC. Can bring smooth leadership. Enthusiastic Advocacy for the will of the SHCC.
- Dave: Same, with “Dave Mulder.” No vested interest. Originally concerned about striping. Served as chair on Crossroads Community Center. This is the most basic, down to earth politics.
- Art: Not here for an agenda. He was chair of Imperial CC.
- Rawlins: 15 years since he served as an officer. In the 80s, he was chair. Served as vice chair several times. Also on community development advisory board. Agendas are to reactive than proactive.
- Cabot: Willing to be secretary for another year.
- Dolores: It’s late. Please vote for her.
Su reminded everyone that voting will take place at the October meeting. Helen agreed to continue to serve as the Land Use and Zoning Committee Chair for another year.
Parliamentary Post Mortem
By Ray Pugsley. We need to keep the order of speaking under control. Keep the chair as the person you are speaking to.