SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2007

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2007


September 5, 2007


From Sugar House



Trustees present

Jan Brittain, Russell Callister, Phil Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, David Holbrook, Emil Kmet, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Susan Petheram, Renae Richards, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Andrea Wargula, Steve Wilson, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees excused

Ray Pugsley, Ruth Price, Michael G. Kavanagh (3)

City/State representatives

Officer Fred Ross, SLPD; Councilman Soren Simonsen, SLC; Doug Wheelwright, SLC planning; Alex Traughber, SLC planning (4)


Nick Britton, Lynne Olson, Melissa Lichtenstein, Mack McDonald, Jaelene Myrup, M. Rubin, Eric Nelson, Mike Griffin, Craig Mecham, Helen Peters, Nancy Stark, George Hunt, Dennis Glass, Amy Barry, Merlene Taylor, Jack Hammond, Julie Berreth, Brad Blisath (18)

Meeting minutes

Welcome, Minutes approval, Chair report

Call to order, 6:38pm. Phil Carlson, chair. There are four major issues to address tonight. We had to skip a lot. Officer Fred Ross, Soren Simonsen, and Michael Stott will be here, but will not have their regular slots. They can talk to people in hall. Also, there is no time for the Merchant’s Association update.

In last month’s minutes, Emil Kmet said that it was Michael G. Kavanagh who asked about artesian well. Art Haddow moved to accept the minutes as amended. Passed with no objection.

Mr. Barry Esham leaving SLC government in the office of community affairs. A farewell is going to be held at City Hall on the 14th at 1pm for an hour. Utah “Darkside” event is on Sept. 19th. It’s “Lights off Utah,” where we’re requested to turn off all essential lights between 9-10pm. Councilman Soren Simonsen said that there will be a town meeting on the 27th, from 6:30 – 7:30pm. It’s regarding a new public service building and an east-side SLPD precinct. Brolly Arts “Legend of Hidden Hollow” is on Sept 22nd, from 3-5pm. It will feature dance, art, stories, and paintings. Afterwards at 5:30pm, the band “Ravenhorse” will perform. Lynne Olson has postcards. The event will feature the Goddess “Hygeia”.

Treasurer’s report

No change. The balance remains at $4,797.03.

Grace Sperry moved to change the order of agenda. Move Lynne Olson’s report on Redman Building as a parks committee report with Derek Payne. Dave Mulder seconded. Passed with no opposition.

Elections and Nominating Committee: Annual speeches

(Need Jan Brittain tag. Renae needs to get minutes mailed.)

Emil hosted the candidates. Running for vice chair are Cabot Nelson, Phil Carlson, and Rawlins Young. Running for treasurer is Dolores Donohoo. For chair is Grace Sperry. There was no one interested in the secretary position.

Dave Mulder asked that since we have 3 vice chairs, chair, and a treasurer, an election might not be necessary. All spots are filled. For speeches: Cabot Nelson wants to work processes and outreach. Phil Carlson emphasized continuity. Rawlins Young is not moving for big changes, but ideas about bylaws. Rawlins was chair in early 80s and worked on master plan. In the early 90s, he worked on changes to match census. Dolores Donohoo is running again. Grace Sperry likes all the ideas presented and loves SH. The election will be next month.

The annual trustee picnic is Friday the 14th, week and a half from now, at Phil Carlson’s house, either 6:30pm or 7:00pm. Also, Dolores Donohoo and Cabot Nelson submitted renewed petitions.

Public Input

Todd Toquita sent an email to the chair. The Garfield School is not a FD/PD precinct option, yet there is activity. He wants to know what is happening. Officer Fred Ross said that the meeting on Sept 27th will address this. One location would be SE of Fairmont.

Kathy Adams is concerned about WalMart.

Lynne Olson announced the ribbon cutting of Parley’s crossing project on Bonneville Shoreline Trail. Invitations are given. It will occur on the morning of Friday, Sept 21st.

Trevor Anderson wants to slow traffic on 2000 East near 2700 and 3700 South. Currently the limit is 35mph. Several trustees commented.

Chris Skinner, a student body officer with Westminster, wanted to see if the college could be more involved with the community council.

Land Use & Zoning

By Derek Payne. On Sept 12, at 5:45pm, Ty McCartney’s development will be presented to the city planning commission.

Redevelopment of the Redman Building

Grace Sperry noted that last month, we voted to accept the development plans. Rawlins and others had concerns about the alley way. There was another handout. Lynne Olson is concerned with access for bikes & pedestrian. There will be some landscaping.

The parks committee moved that the SHCC trustees approve the changes to the Pacific Commercial Properties Redman Building plans for the egress from a new 2-story garage north on the public right-of-way as per the agreement worked out between the developers, the SHCC parks committee, the Hidden Hollow Parks advocates, the SLCounty Parks Department, the SLC traffic and planning departments, and the Utah Open Lands Advocacy at 2 meetings which took place after the SHCC August meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a handout on water and fluoride spill.

Derek Payne also announced that Andrew Mitchell and the lighting at skate park at Fairmont Park went through the City Council on line-by-line approval.

I-80 Overpass on Highland Drive rebuild

This is part of a UDOT open house. It will affect the canal corridor and Elizabeth Sherman park. Grace Sperry spoke to Kim Clark and the SHCC should address it on next month’s agenda.

Unit Legalization

By Marty Giovacchini for 1748 Nevada St. There is a mother-in-law unit in the basement. It has been rented since 1957. Mr. Giovacchini has owned for past couple of years and wants it listed as a duplex. Derek reports that they met and spoke about history. It was constructed as a duplex. There was no negative discussion. A lot of houses around this house also offers apartments. Jan Brittain said that parking is coming from others. Derek moved, with Grace Sperry seconding, to approve the unit legalization request for Martin Giovacchini. Rawlins objected as it makes the houses too small for families. The motion passed with only one nay on a voice vote.

Redeemer Lutheran

Presented by Nick Brittain of the church and Doug Wheelright of SLC. They provided a handout. It reconciles the 1980 agreement and what the city recorded. The boundary would change. They seek the SHCC recommendation. All the SHCC is discussing is the rezone in the orange boundary as given in the handout. Mr. Wheelright praised Rawlins Young. It was his pressure that made this error known. He brought it the city’s attention.

Discussion first on positives or negatives. Art supports it. So does Dave Mulder. Steve Wilson also agrees with Dave. Rawlins still has concerns that the changes still don’t reflect the work done in 1987. Andrea Wargula asked about the park space again. Art reemphasized that this concern is a distraction from the good work that the church and city has done. Sarah still is opposed and says that the rezone won’t protect the open space. Before the motion, chairman Phil conducted a straw-poll: 11 for, 5 against. Dave Mulder moved that the SHCC approve of the rezone of Redeemer Lutheran Church. Dave Holbrook seconded. Motion to end debate passed, 12-5. Main motion passed, 11-6.

Doug Wheelright offered to give the formal description to the parks committee, as requested by Grace.

QWEST DSL Service Boxes

Michael Johnson and the representatives of Qwest offered handouts. They want to install 5 Serving Area Interfaces (SAIs): 1) 2126 S. 1700 E., 2) 1720 E. 2100 S., 3) 2225 E. 2100 S., 4) 2350 E. Parley’s Way, and 5) 2445 E. Parley’s Way. Andrea Wargula recorded the comments on the City’s form.

The chair Phil Carlson will take the point on signing the form. Are easements in place? Yes. Sarah Carlson is concern that some existing boxes are bad repair, even with graffiti. Cabot Nelson asked technical questions. Rawlins Young said they are spreading like mushrooms and opposed them, calling the boxes themselves graffiti. Homeowners can’t put that in park strips. The Qwest representative said that Sugar House has the highest demand for high-speed internet. Andrea Wargula would like them hidden or obscured. Art Haddow wants DSL, saying that since we want it, we must accept the fact that we’ll must have these SAIs. The chair’s straw poll favored the boxes, 9 – 4.

Jan Brittain moved that the SHCC approve the placement of the DSL SAI boxes. Seconded by Dave Mulder. No further discussion. After a voice-vote division, it passed, 10-4. Art Haddow moved to make it so that Qwest does not come to the SHCC to approve the cool peds/SAI boxes and refer to the comments that the SHCC has submitted. Dave Holbrook seconded. Grace Sperry amended: “unless proposed sites are on parks and open space lands, then the petition goes to the SHCC.” Dave Mulder seconded. The amendment passed by a voice vote.

Rawlins Young warned to not carte blanch to utility company. Art Haddow reiterated that this is a commodity that we have to have. Sarah Carlson had serious concerns about giving up issues that come to the SHCC. The main motion failed, 4-11. It will also be on the agenda next month.

Sugar House Business District Redevelopment Update

Craig Mecham, phone 801-466-4800, owns property from Zions Bank north to the corner and the Blue Boutique building. His development will come in 2 phases. Restoration was not an option. There will be a new road going through connecting McClelland Street to Highland Drive through a parking lot.

Eric Nelson of Red Mountain Retail Group development, phone 714-245-7405, said that by the end of the month, they will own Granite Furniture building. The old Leisure Living building will go to Mecham in swap for the parking lot on the SE corner of the intersection of McClelland Street and Elm Avenue. Mr. Nelson won’t remove any buildings except for a small area. There will be new buildings on intersection of Elm Ave & McClelland Steet, consisting of 2nd floor lofts. For the existing Granite Buildings, there is an architectural upgrade. The “Spudnik” sign of Granite will stay, fully restored.

The development will be called “The Village at Sugar House”. The Granite Warehouse will have parking fronting Sugarmont Avenue. Brownstone-like walk ups will lead to the current loading doors. Residential units will be built in the building that already exists with subterranean parking.

Comments from the public: Matt McClain, library staffer, said that with the library is here, it wants to be a part of the success of this project. Arlen Ross, barber shop proprietor, said that 95% of his clients are all for it. It would be great. Laurie Bray of Rockwood Studios asked about entrances to the parking. Mr. Mecham responded about three entrances: from monument, to center, and to the new s-curve road. Ms. Bray said it’ll break up pedestrian flow. Jerry Green complimented Mr. Mecham on his effort. Nancy Stark echoes Jerry for the project’s 24/7, mixed use. Sara Morrow senses that things are spread out. Are there any setbacks from the road. There will be a shadow from Nov 4 to Feb 5 on the North side. From 2 Sept – Apr 7, the shadow will shade the monument.

Comments from SHCC trustees: Cabot Nelson requested larger canopies. Yes, the sidewalk will be same size. Dave Holbrook asked how long phase 2 will stay. The response was that it will start as quickly as it can, but it will take time and will keep with the condo market. Art Haddow asked about Trax or a trolley. Mr. Mecham’s response was that, yes, they’ve spoken to UTA, Soren Simonsen said that it’s federal funding. The shortest time is 5 years, the longest is 20 years. Jan Brittain asked about the size of retail. 45,000 for Mecham phase 1; 100,000 in Red Mountain. Sarah Carlson asked about underground via warehouse near railroad building. Dave Mulder asked about a schedule. The response was Phase 1 ASAP with applications. There will be some hearings to go through. Hopefully it can start this fall and be completed in 1 and a half to 2 years. Highland Plaza and Dixon will still be in operation. For Red Mountains, it’ll be 9 months from start to finish. McClelland buildings will come later. Andrea: Wargula said that the drawings aren’t to scale. Architect Dave Cassel responded that they are in scale. They are perspective views. It is in proportion on that scale. Andrea Wargula asked if 24/7 activity is detracting. Mr. Mecham responded that the project contributes to 24/7 activity. Andrea said that Faneuil Hall in Boston has a lot of activity. She thanked Red Mountain for keeping the buildings. Rawlins Young said that it doesn’t quantify what will be built. How many retail space? Residences? The response was that retail will be increased by 25%. Rawlins continued that Trax needs employment density. He wants wider sidewalks. He also mentioned the SL Jordan Canal and the need for access and walking over the canal. Judi Short asked how much parking. The streets are gridlocked, so what has been done for traffic? Mr. Mecham said that there are 2.7 parking spaces per unit total. Condos have 2 per unit. Retail has 3-4 per unit. Judi wants the parking to be visible. For transportation, Mr. Mecham said that the entrance to Highland Drive will make another way out of Sugar House. The street may be dedicated to city. Grace Sperry said that Elm Ave traffic will increase. The old Leisure Living building may still stay. Susan Petheram said to Red Mountain that they have a good design. It was what people have been seeing. For Mr. Mecham’s project, the massing is unusual and doesn’t match the full intent of the buildings. Mr. Mecham responded that that’s the economics. Derek Payne said it is an admirable job. We need an entry door every 20-30 feet and asked for that commitment. The response was that a 10,000 sq. ft. retail having three doors will be a problem. An “L” shape layout for a unit might be possible. Yes, there will be a comprehensive traffic study. Dolores Donohoo said that change may be difficult. These buildings may change how SH feels, but SH is not how it was to for her. To Dolores, change happened with the closing of the prison. We have to grow with the population. She doesn’t like that fact, but the buildings are nice. Rawlins Young said that the hash marks are crosswalks. We closed the crosswalks to allow liquor sales due to state regulations. Barbara Green echoed Dolores, saying SH isn’t the same even from what she remembered. It’s time to have outdoor restaurants. Emil Kmet asked about the old Tap Room. Mr. Mecham said it is still in discussion. They are talking to them.


Adjourned, 10:51pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]