SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2010


September 1, 2010

~ Sugar House Community Council Draft Meeting Minutes – September 1, 2010 ~Trustees Present – Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Jason Bradley, Laurie Bray, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Pattie DeNunzio, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Carlyle Harris, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Travis Pearce, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Christopher Thomas and Rawlins Young.

Trustees Absent Excused – Sally Barraclough, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley and Maggie Shaw.

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Russ Callister, Greg Carter, Dave Mulder and Sandra Walsh.

Others Present – Jalene V. Myrup and Melissa Lichtenstein 

Call to Order – Philip Carlson, 7:00pm Cabot Nelson’s motion to approve the minutes was approved unanimously.  Philip Carlson’s motion to accept Cabot Nelson’s petition was approved unanimously.  Philip Carlson’s motion to accept Dolores Donohoo’s petition was approved unanimously.

Public Comments – None.

Officers Report

  • Chair – Tote bags are for sale for $15 from Judi Short as a fundraiser for the council.  Walmart has called to request time for the October agenda.

  • Treasurer – Dolores Donohoo reports a beginning balance of $2550.21  and an ending balance of $2692.01.

Committee Reports – View committee reports on


  • Land Use & Zoning – Crandall Cove – planning commission tabled the petition to give the petitioner time to bring more information new meeting September 8, 2010.  Solei Cove was approved with conditions by the planning commission (see LUZ report online for more details)  Wayne Mills (SLC planning division) – brought to our attention the need to vote on an additional condition to the mixed used project to allow for rooming housing vs. multi family dwelling and there was no vote taken by the council.

  • Parks, Open Space & Trails – POST committee’s motion to add the following to the POST committee goals list to, design and develop Parley’s Trail from 1300 East to McClelland Street in the Sugar House Business District as a Class 1, off-road bicycle and pedestrian facility, built to comply with AASHTO standards. (Adopted by the POST committee Aug 16, 2010) passes  20-2. Imperial Park BBQ was a great success in raising money for land purchase.  Parley’s Trail planting party Sept 24th 9am, ribbon cutting at 10:30am at Tanner Park, Sept 25th 8am tree planting.

  • Transportation – Defers to update by Kevin Young.

  • Farmers Market Booth Update – Made $61 this past week.  Next booth September 24th – looking for volunteers.

  • Finance –  Continuing to work on assessing expenditures over the last few years to categorize expenses to help committee’s budget for future projects.

  • Elections – POST committee has been contacting candidates about their position on relevant issues and they will be posted on the web.  SHCC elections – preliminary ballot Cabot Nelson – Chair, Judi Short, Larry Migliaccio, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young, Carlyle Harris, Philip Carlson – Vice Chair, no Secretary, Robin Bastar – Treasurer.

Special Presentations –

  • Parley’s Trail Study by Gary Peterson – PRATT Coalition presents overview of planned alignment of Parley’s Trail (8 mile trail) meant to connect Jordan River to Bonneville Shoreline Trail as class I (off street, non motorized traffic). For more information visit  The Sugar House Park and Sugar House Draw is the next portion of the project as they work with the developers.  Proposed trail south of the Sugar House Draw mostly runs along the proposed trolley rail car line.                    
  • Wilmington Gardens Project Sustainability & Shadow Study by Brent Tippets and Aavir Malik – Project is designed to a LEED Silver standard, but they are not committing to seek certification.  Shadow study affect on Hidden Hollow with this project and surrounding buildings.  Majority of shadow impacts in spring, summer and fall come from existing buildings to the east and west.  Shadows cast by Wilmington project would highest in the winter.
  • 1300 E Traffic Study & Recommendations by Kevin Young – In fall of 2007, SLC took over jurisdiction of 1300 E from 2100 S to 3300 S and worked with U of U engineering department to conduct a road safety audit along this stretch.  Students reported on conditions and field reviews to discover issues on the street and put together report to recommend increased safety measures. SLC reviewed and revised the students plan to come up with a modified list of safety recommendations broken into 3 different phases:  1) replace signs, painting stop bars, pedestrian crossing, HAWK beacon installed at Stratford intersection, striping modifications at Highland Dr intersection will be constructed this next summer;  2) street resurface and adjust striping to add bike lanes from I-30 to 3300 S; 3) Crossing protection at Zenith and Elgin intersections.  Will have public open house on Saturday, September 18th from 9:00 – 11:00am at Nibley Park Elementary.

 SHCC Election Candidates –

  • Chair – Cabot Nelson – Honored to be asked to run for chair was Secretary for 3 yrs,
  • Vice Chair 2 yrs. Vice Chair –
    • Philip Carlson is dropping out of race.
    • Judi Short has been on council since 1988 as an active participant in fundraising, new trustee orientation, land use issues.
    • Larry Migliaccio has not completely decided to run.
    • Christopher Thomas wants to bring a priority of fairness, consistency and openness – bring a compelling vision to partners about what type of community we want to live in.
    • Rawlins Young served on council since 1979 and has been involved in the master planning process, previous chair, community development advisory role, with major interest in neighborhoods.
    • Carlyle Harris wants to combine his background in political science and business owner to promote community council vision to create a dialogue with the city to allow for free flowing of ideas and conversation.
  • Treasurer – Robin Bastar is a CPA that has served on nonprofit organizations in the past and understands the special needs of these organizations and wants to bring experience to SHCC.


Monthly Presentations 

  • Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – Westminster students toured Sugar House last week and merchants are very happy to have them.  Sugar House Coffee is moving to be on north of 2100 S on 1100 E.  Businesses will be taxed for the trolley and they hope it will bring people to Sugar House.  Utah Health Exchange presentation for business owners or individuals, for more information visit,
  • Business Spotlight – Michael G. KavanaghOmar’s Rawtopia, 2148 So. Highland Dr., Melanie informed us they have been there 5 years and is now a fullfledged restaurant for raw, organic food and an amazing array of dishes.  For menu and
  • Police Report – Detective Boelter 801-799-3669 –  Looking for volunteers for Operation Safe Passage to help kids that walk to school with minimal amount of training.
  • Mayor’s Office Report – Shawn McDonough 801-535-6338 [email protected] .  Mayor Becker has a new communication civic engagement forum on the website called Open City Hall to comment on any hot topics listed.  Expansion of waste and recycling program starts in September.  All residents will get a brown/yard waste container and October will be the new fee structure.  Additional 20 glass recycling sites and year round brown container pick up to replace leaf and tree pick up.
  • City Council Update – Soren Simonsen – [email protected] .  Soren is not present.
  • Sprague Library Update  – Adriane Juarez – Sprague is now offering computer training starting in the fall, registration starts one week prior to the class: Sept 21st communicating with email, sharing photos.  October classes on creating flyers and creating newsletter, November classes on internet job searching and building online resume.  September 27th at 7-8:30pm program on How to Research your Historic Home .

Cabot Nelson’s motion made by to adjourn passed unanimously. 

Adjournment 8:56 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]