26 Nov SHCC Minutes October 2024
Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
7:00 P.M.
In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live at
1) Welcome/Treasurer’s Update/Rachelle Hobbs/Ballot Initiatives
Derek welcomed everyone to the meeting. We have $6,514.10 in our checking account and
$1,687.70 in our PayPal account.
Rachelle Hobbs, SL County Recorder. Ms. Hobbs discussed PropertyWatch; its on the SL County
Recorder’s website. She is running as the incumbent for SL County Recorder.
A guest discussed and explained initiatives on this year’s ballot.
2) Mike from Friends of Fairmont/SL Public Lands
A week from tonight there will be a planting event at Fairmont Park. No experience necessary.
We will be planting native plants.
The city has bond funding for Sunnyside Park and are engaging with the public on what they’d
like to see.
There is a new pavilion in Sugar House Park. The City and County are working together on
improvement to the park. The presenter gave additional updates about improvements and
programs at the park.
3) Erika from the Chamber/Holiday Great Harvest Store/Lauie Bray/Phil Davis
The Chamber is looking for a secretary. The Chamber is looking at some potential changes to
Sugar House Rocks. The SHCC and the Chamber will be having a combined holiday party at
The owner of the Holiday Great Harvest store.
Lauri discussed some community updates.
Phil of SL Housing presented. He discussed the Fairmont Heights project. It is a senior housing
project. He discussed various details like the number of bedrooms, the wait list, etc.
4) SLC Engineering/George Sumner/Hannah from the Mayor’s Office
Some construction on upper 2100 S. is finishing up as is construction on 1100 E. The presenter
gave construction updates on currently underway Sugar House road construction projects.
George will be telling a story at an event on Oct. 11.
Hannah gave some updates about various things, including new TRAX lines, gas for electric
snowblower swaps, the Arts Culture and Entertainment (ACE) fund, a new HUD grant.
5) Sarah Young/Judi Short
Please come help out at the Fairmont planting activity. The City is working with Boys and Girls
Club to identify needs for that space. The Sears site is planned to be redeveloped as an IHC
hospital. The City has been working closely with the Smith Entertainment Group. It would be
very hard on the Cit if it lost the Jazz and the City has been working to make sure this doesn’t
Judi discussed new projects including two on Lake Street.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 7 p.m.