SHCC November 2022 Meeting Minutes

SHCC November 2022 Meeting Minutes

7:02 pm Welcome to the November edition of the Sugar House Community Council.  Thanks for joining us and welcome to all the new folks that are on here tonight. Just a reminder, we are moving our December 7th meeting to December 14th so we can invite Mayor Mendenhall to an in-person town hall meeting at the Neighborhood Hive from 7-9 pm. 

I just wanted to say thanks to everybody that reached out to ask what they could do during the fire especially The Old Dutch store. They called that morning to ask if they could do meals for the evacuees and first responders. Please support the local businesses, business has been slow for those folks so please support. We’re gonna turn our time over to fire Marshal Tony Allred. 

Fire Marshall Tony Allred: I was down there the night of the fire. Obviously, I have been probably the most involved from the community impact side since the fire. I think most people have caught most of what we see from the news, and I just kind of wanted to update and answer any questions you may have. The building is split into 2 towers. They’re connected on the West side by kind of a common space. Essentially the building is a classic, mixed use commercial/residential project. It’s a 3 story podium followed by 5 stories of residential on top with a clubhouse and pool mixed in. The fire pretty much took out most of the north tower, and through the course of the long overall operation took a long time to extinguish the lasting parts. It was on the roof of the South Tower. The building was not occupied at the time. That south tower was probably around 90 days from occupancy. So there were no fire suppression systems, they weren’t activated yet.  The fire moved very quickly. In my 24 years of service I haven’t seen this kind of alarm fire.  It was a 5 alarm fire. We had to get help outside our agency.  It took five days for us to finally get this fire out.  At that time we felt confident enough that we could turn the building back over to the construction company. At this point 5 businesses remain closed. those particularly housed at the view which is the mixed residential commercial directly to the north. Most of those are the ones on the south facing wall of that building. We evacuated the View and the two buildings of the Sugarmont apartments. We kept them evacuated for 48 hours because the risk of the building collapsing was too high. Most of the residents were back in their buildings within 48-72 hours.  After 72 all residents were back in their buildings. There are some businesses that remain closed because of how close they are to the demolition site. The developer brought in some structural engineers to access the damage and they will begin demolition of the building. We’re waiting for, like I said, the structural engineers to kind of chime in and give us a better direction And then, hopefully, we can continue to shrink that impact to the community as far as businesses and road closure.

We are looking for video if you were in the area of the fire. I know everyones curious about the cause but we are working through a lot of videos and leads.  

Treasurer Report: Mike Bagley Our Us Bank account is $7,312.80 We have $1271,41 designated to the recycling bin project we have been talking about for the past few months. 

Secretary Report: Chris Longhurst is a new trustee tonight. He is going to represent the Dilworth neighborhood. Shane made the first motion, Judi the second, all approved.  Welcome to the council Chris.  Next we have Thomas Quam. He is also here tonight to join our community council.  He will represent the Emerson neighborhood.  Shane made the first motion, Lynn the second, all approved.

Shane-we sent out an email earlier this month, just reminding all the trustees that attendance is really important. So please make it a concerted effort to try and make the monthly meetings. We know that there will be times you can’t. That’s fine But please make an effort to be here and if you can’t please just send me or Landon a quick email letting us know you Won’t be able to make the meeting. 

Our elections are tonight and we observed that our bylaws actually require not only elections for trustees, but elections for our committee chairs, and that probably has not happened for a while. The elections for committee chairs are not done by the trustees. At a regularly scheduled board meeting they’re actually conducted by the committees themselves.

And it can be rather informal the bylaws don’t actually speak to the method for that.

7:30 Landon spoke with Benny, and Benny is kind enough to run the elections for the committee chairs. Individuals on your committee can declare their candidacy or nominate someone from the committee. We will give everyone a week and then send you a vote to Benny and he will declare the new chair. Recall that committee chairs need to be trustees, but committee members need not be trustees, So the only requirement is that the Committee chair is a trustee of the Sugar House Community Council.

Benny-we are going to have the Sugar House Community Council elections tonight.  We will start the timer now so those who haven’t turned in a ballot please do so now. We have 30 minutes. 

Michael G. Spotlight on Business:

Quarters Arcade We are located across the street from Hopkins Brewery on 2100 South.  We have a full kitchen along with every arcade game imaginable. We also have great cocktails and a really fun environment.  You do have to be 21. 

Det. Sam Fallows couldn’t make it tonight. He just reiterated that please watch out for each other. Use the SLC Mobile App when you can. 

Tim Cosgrove-SLC District 7 Mayor’s Liaison

Hi, Landon. Thanks for having me on just a couple things where yesterday November first was the announcement of our ACE funding the Arts Culture and Events Fund for 2023 the applications are open until December thirteenth, I believe.  If you would like to apply we’d love to have you apply. This is a community building, and our neighborhood building in our communities. I also wanted to give a shout out to our Salt Lake City fire department. It’s just amazing to see the size and magnitude of a fire at that level. So thank you for our Salt Lake City fire department, and that’s all I have, unless there’s questions for me, Landon. The mayor will be at our December SHCC meeting. 

Kyle Pickering

I’m a student at Westminster College. I’m in my junior year, and recently I’ve gotten into just working with a couple of organizations in the community. One is excellence in the community. It’s a nonprofit that does jazz music for free at the galvan center. And through my kind of work with music I met artist, Evan Glassman, and he’s a local artist at the space that was known as medium studio. If you’re not aware of the meeting space it’s right next to Even Stevens. So yeah, any help y’all can or any advice you can give me to kind of advertise the space we have our first event in December. The address is 2006 South and 900 East.  

Jeremy Chatterton-Highland High Principal

The feasibility study is happening with Highland High School. We will have our next public meeting a week from tomorrow November tenth, at 6 Pm. in the Highland library, we would encourage anyone interested in learning more, or learning about what might be happening at Highland to come and meet with our architect team. The goal is to have the feasibility completed and ready to present to the Board by our School Board by February, so that we could be on the ballot for next November for a potential bond. We are hiring paraprofessionals to work with our special ed classes. Those are 40 h week positions included with the health benefits and pays anywhere from 18.50, to 21.50, an hour. So if anyone is interested or knows somebody that might be interested in that kind of work we are in dire need. Also we’re just looking for other help all the time So if anyone’s interested please reach out to me for part time work as well 29 h a week minimum pay is $15 An hour. So if anyone was interested in any part-time work as well, please let me know.

Lynn Jacobs-SLC Transportation

Thank you all for having me tonight. We actually gave this presentation to several of the business owners last night in a meeting. And so some of you unfortunately, we’ll get to hear this twice.

But we wanted to just make sure all this information is out there for everyone. So people know what’s coming with our upcoming project on 1100 East Highland drive and so I’ll just jump right into it.

So we’ve been working with this community for the last 2 years talking about Highland Drive. This project is part of our funding. our future bond which is really intended to replace the aging pavement that we have in the city. We’ve got a lot of really bad pavement. Highland Drive is a great example of a road that needs to get rebuilt. It’s in really rough shape while we’re out there. we’re gonna be replacing a lot of other aging infrastructure. The waterline gets replaced. We had a lot of good questions to the fire department earlier about our water. We are upgrading the waterline on this road. When we do this just due to its age it’s fairly old. And so we’ll be upsizing it and also replacing it.

And so over the last 2 years we’ve been working together with you in the business community and resident workshops and all sorts of different venues to try to come up with the right thing to do.

19:52:44 And really what we’re trying to do is to improve Highland Drive to make it more safe, more inviting, more sustainable.  Starting in February 2023 we will start the southern portion of Highland Drive basically from the freeway to 2100 South. We are rebuilding the roadway as a 3 lane road. It’s been that configuration for over a year now, and it seems to be working really well with that new center turn Lane that we added in. We’re going to be introducing a new bike shared use path that is really going to be there for people to walk or bike, and just access all the businesses.  We’re going to be replacing the trees that were removed.

We’ll be adding a new bike lane for northbound cyclists on the other side of the road cell. We will be going through and repairing and replacing a lot of that sidewalk. We will continue that shared use path on the west side. We will be removing parking from the west side of the street, and we will be modifying the east side of the street to add, in some of the parking that we’re removing in the end we lose about 3 parking stalls. I think there was a question early about fire access in this area. What are the really neat things with this project is by putting that shared use path right next to the roadway We’re actually giving the fire department more room that shared use path will be built out of concrete that’s thick

enough that if they’re responding to an emergency that’ll actually be able to to use that space as well. Now we put it out for bid. We’re waiting to get bids from contractors, so that we can select a contractor and get this built. As part of that we had to think really hard about how the contractor is going to build this project, and I think this was the question that we got the most through the design process.

We’ve broken it into 2 pieces phase one and phase 2. one will happen in 2023, so i’ll start next spring, probably February March timeline, and then it’ll go through Thanksgiving of next year. Phase 2 will start in the beginning of 24, and go through Thanksgiving of that year.

Traffic will be one way for 2023.  You will only be able to go Northbound. They’ll move that traffic from one side to the other to kind of accommodate their work.  Around July or August they will begin work in the intersection of 2100 South and Highland Drive where they will have 60 days to finish that work. They will have one lane each direction along 2100 South. 

Sen. Jani Iwamoto

I’ll just do a short report we had our October inter meetings, and I just finished my newsletter, so i’ll send it out to you and one of the committees i’m on is the Native American legislative liaison committee, and we talked a lot about a lot of the bills that I sponsored.

We had this last year created the new office of American Indian

Native health and family services located within the new department of health, and human services. So it’s closer right directly with the governor’s office, and I had sponsored so that legislation moved the existing Indian child Welfare Act position, and also moved the American Indian Native Health Office, which was recreated when I did the bill 2 years ago for Senate Bill 22 and created that office. The Legislature had created this legislative liaison health person, and we never funded it for many, many years. So that year I funded that office to include an epidemiologist and an administrator in another position, and it was a good thing we did as we talked in the committee because then Covid hit, and we know the disparities that the native American community suffered, and they were scrambling, and luckily they had all that at their services. Then just some other highlights and natural resources from the Interim Committee. Also we have the appropriations committee and our appropriations. I’m on 3, but 2 of them have ended now in preparation for the general session, but in our natural resource, agriculture and environment.  We plan to put a lot of money into saving the Great Salt Lake. I did water banking, and that’s something that was past 3 years ago as a ten-year pilot, and we’re happy to say that we’re starting our second water banking and we’re gonna get an update on that next year, and i’m having a kind of a a party for the water banking stakeholders because there was over probably 64 stakeholders who helped pass that Bill the one year. We got funding. and then the next year we traveled to 56 places around the State to get that bill the right way, and there I’m sure there’ll be little changes here and there. But it’s one way that we’re hoping can help, and it’s been mentioned in the Colorado River to help with the Colorado River, and hopefully it’s been mentioned a lot about water banking for our great Salt Lake And just so, you know the simplest form of discussing what a water bank is It facilitates the voluntary and temporary transfer of the use of water rights from one user to another.

20:13:57 And years ago. It was interesting, because about 6 or 7 years ago I worked with Salt Lake City, and we tried to do it but there wasn’t interest so we switched over to water banking. Illegal car racing and speeding over 100 miles per hour, and I’m telling you it’s really bad. I mean we know that Chief Brown could talk about that. But and then just a couple of other things I’m just trying to do. It’s been great to take students around the capital lately, a lot.

Benny-The results are in Landon. you’re gonna be the chair once again. Yay, Judy is going to be our first vice chair. Will’s our second vice chair, Sally’s our third vice chair and Mike Bagley is the Fearless treasurer again. Yeah. and our secretary is Shane Stroud. We need to thank everybody on the council. It’s a huge job that you all are undertaking, and I know I appreciate it, and I know the others do as well.

So thank you. Well, thanks for always running the election Benny

Judi Short-Land Use and Zoning Committee

The City Council has finally approved 3 of the text amendments they’ve been working on before the pandemic even started. The first one they approved was off street parking. So what this means for you and me is that When a new project goes in like an ADU or a duplex, there’s no on the property, so all the extra parking is going to be on the street, and we all know our streets are already full, because we’re all gonna be taking the bus. It won’t be a problem if we won’t even own cars. The second was the RMF 30 low density ordinance, and that was approved. But with a 180 day waiting period I kept telling them you don’t have any mitigation in effect. There’s no mention of affordable housing. There’s no control on this, so people could buy a RMF 30 parcel and scrape the land that’s on there. And build something new. Most of the RMF 30 has affordable housing on it. We have 2 new projects coming up for the Land Use Committee 2867 Chadwick. They want to put an ADU over the garage, and 2435 South 500 East, which was just rezoned August sixteenth to RF 35. We have a proposal for townhomes so we’ll be talking about those. I put in the chat a link to the homeless, the homeless open house So the city now wants to approve they’re homeless shelter text amendment, and this covers the regular homeless project shelters, but also temporary homeless shelters. and they’re gonna roll it all into one ordinance, but they say they don’t have time to go to all the community councils to explain it. So we’re all supposed to go downtown to the public safety building on November tenth, and ask questions of the planners because they’ll all be there.

Francis Lilly-Planning Director Millcreek

I wanted to remind everybody MillCreek is hosting the winter overflow shelter here at our library, and we just started. Oh, gosh! This is our second night. accepting clients. So far. Smooth sailing we’ve learned a lot from the South, from the Salt Lake City experience and my thanks to the Salt City administration for advising me and for the the community for kind of vetting this out and helping us you know have some good lessons that we’ve learned. So no, I expect we’re gonna be busier tonight than last night. We have a capacity for 100 people in our shelter. And last night we had about 30. We’ll see what happens tonight.

So we are working on phase 1 of a multi phase construction plan. We opened Millcreek Commons earlier this year, and it’s been popular.  We will convert the roller skating ribbing to an ice skating ribbon on December 1st. We have food trucks every Thursday from 6-8 on the commons. We’re building City Hall next to the Commons. You’ll see those big elevator towers that are rising just east of Harmons that’s going to be our new City hall. it’s going to be part of a larger mixed use project that will include a big shared parking structure that is publicly accessible. The City Hall itself will have a ground floor public marketplace.

We’ve actually signed a lease with a couple restaurants and a coffee shop. There’ll be additional spaces that would be available on a short term rent to to function really as a public market. We expect to have a quarter of a  million square feet of commercial space, including City Hall and about 2,500 dwellings. It’s a pretty big project right on the scale of the redevelopment that you’re experiencing here in Sugar House. We are going to add more green space on the commons. We have development standards that are regulated through form-based code, and we’ve done a lot of work through development agreements to finance. Some of these projects to get the parking that we need in structures to step up our design standards, and to really begin to respond to our community wishes. We have a slightly different street grid that allows us a little bit more space to play with in terms of on street parking, and the nature of the fault lines that

running through the project area really created this opportunity for this signature Amazing open space. That kind of helps tie it all, tie it all together, so we hope that it will be a good complement to Sugar House.

These are the 2 projects under construction. Incidentally, this was our fire. Number one here, The Richmond was the one that caught on fire a couple of years ago so it’s under construction. it’s under reconstruction I say right now and is slated to be complete toward the end of next year.

Cottonwood Residential is also working on another project across the street on the north side of Villa avenue, which is north of the rug gallery. We’re also working with a developer on a couple owner occupied projects and have worked with them on relocating existing tenants and existing commercial businesses within the trade area here so that we’re not simply displacing existing businesses we’re actually finding we’re actually doing our best to find new homes for them. Each one of our projects does have a required commercial component, particularly on the ground floor. This is maybe the one that we’re most proud of and probably the most difficult One of all is integrating City hall with a large mixed-use multi-family Project including a significant 4,000 square foot restaurant space on Millcreek Common and commercial space and the shared parking structure that will be a public benefit as well. We will have one of the tallest climbing walls in the State of Utah on the outside of city hall. 

Okay, well welcome to the new trustees, Thanks for reaching out and joining us, and we’ll see you guys at our December the fourteenth meeting where we will welcome Mayor Mendenhall at our in-person meeting at the Neighborhood Hive.

8:55 pm Meeting Adjourned!

Landon Clark
[email protected]