SHCC November 2021 Minutes

SHCC November 2021 Minutes

Sugar House Meeting Notes November 2021

Approve the minutes for October meeting

Motion by Judi Short

Second by Lynn Schwartz

All approved

Congratulations to Councilwoman Amy Fowler on re-election

Our CIP application for the beautification of 1300 East has made it to the second round.

ACE funding is open until December 3rd

We worked with Tree Utah in planting a groove of trees in Hidden Hollow in honor of Lynne Olsen’s husband Neil.

Det. Norgaard: In the last month there were 17 organized burglaries, after a burglary ring was caught there was only 2.  28 vehicle break ins which is a lot.  Please take your valuables out of the car.  26 traffic accidents.  Please be safe.  Caller response time is improving but still needs work.   It is the time of the year when stolen vehicles increase, please don’t leave your car unattended.

Benny Keele is going to send out ballots for our election.  Cut off is 8 pm

Rep. King-talked about the independent redistricting commission.  The legislature did not approve any of the maps that the commission approved.  4 maps were drawn, 1 for the state house, 1 for the state senate, 1 for the state school board and 1 congressional map (the most hotly contested)   We will be looking at the future of the Great Salt Lake.

Mike Bagley-Treasurer Report


Wrote a $100 check to Tree Utah

New trustee-Jeremy Higginson

He will be a Garfield Trustee.  Welcome aboard

Spotlight on Business

The Bar Method-boutique style fitness studio

Christine Padgen

Tim Cosgrove-Mayor’s Office Liaison District 7

Mayor Mendenhall laid out her plan for President Biden’s legislation

Investing 10 million in early childhood education, workforce training, $3.9 million for the creation of park rangers including Fairmont, etc.  Find all the information here

The Ball Park area has a new master plan.  The mayor kicked off a new solar farm in cooperation with many other cities.

Department of Sustainability is asking to not rake leaves and debris in the gutters.   We are also woefully in need of crossing guards.  

ACE funding opened November 1st and closes December 3rd. 

Stephaine Bleezacker-Holiday Event at Liberty Park.  We will have food trucks and a stage set up for musical numbers.  It is a paid event along with a light tunnel.  December 3rd-18th. 

Bill Knowles-Sugar House Construction

See the report on under the construction tab.

Leah Jaramillo and Lynn Jacobs Highland Drive Update

In the final planning stages, replacing the aging infrastructure and making a more comfortable ride for all users. Looking at adding a wider multi use path along the west side from 2100 South to Ramona.  Want to slow traffic. Hosting a broader meeting including business owners and residents in early December.  

Update on the sewer line from McClelland to Yuma on 2100 South, also redoing the water line from 1300 East to Yuma.  Pipes are as old as 80-100 years old.  It is planned for next summer.  Looking at two different styles depending on where the work is done on 2100 South.  Likely starting in April or May and running through the end of the year.  Full construction will be 2025 of 2100 South.  

S-Line Extension Update: Looking at two options 1) up Simpson and stopping at the old DI building 2) would be crossing Highland Drive up into the old Shopko Block.

Ben Kolander-Director of Economic Development of SLC

Update on Special Assessment Area for Economic Promotion.  SAA-Special Assessment Area, used as a tax rate increase from property owners with the revenue received from that are used for economic promotion.  Department has met with city council and the mayor’s office about a budget request to do some initial studying of the area.  It is the first step in the process.  There is an actual work session item which is budget item number 4 at the November 9th meeting. As of now this is a suggested item.  This will take some time for the SAA to go through about a year or a bit longer. Part of the SAA is maintenance in the area so we have Lorna Hoyt-Director of Public Services here to give an update on Maintenance in Sugar House. Throughout the city we do between the curbs maintenance.  We do Enhanced maintenance in the central business district downtown and some enhanced maintenance in Sugar House.  We provide garbage cans, maintain the Splash Pad on monument plaza, maintain monument plaza, extra snow plowing, things we don’t do throughout the city just in the enhanced maintenance areas.  Looking for a spot to keep maintenance equipment in Sugar House.  

Allison Adams and Courtney Hamer-East/West Water Line Update

Putting in a new 48 inch water line.   Starts in Millcreek up by REI and runs through Millcreek into SLC.  Will end at 1700 South and about 300 East.  We will have another reliable source for water.  We are here to talk about Phase 2. We have completed the 900 East and Ashton Ave. portion and to Warnock.  We are resuming the Forest Dale section which will run from November 2021 to May 2022.  Construction will take place on the Northern part of the golf course. 

Benny Keele with the election results

Landon Clark-Chair

Judi Short-First Vice Chair

Will Kocher-Second Vice Chair

Sally Barraclough-Third Vice Chair

Mike Bagley-Treasurer

Soren Simonsen-Sugar House Master Plan

Last update to the Sugar House Master Plan was done in 2005

Can email me at [email protected] for this presentation.  It is too big for our website.

Amy Fowler-District 7 City Councilwoman

Updating the Sugar House Design Guidelines.  Should have it completed by the end of the year.  Council is considering how to go back to in person meetings.  City County Building is open to the public at this point. Will have a hybrid component going forward.

Meeting Adjourned!


Landon Clark
[email protected]