SHCC November 2023 Minutes

SHCC November 2023 Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
7:00 P.M.

In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Online at YouTube Live


1)  Det. Fallows
 Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting.
 Tis’ the season for motor vehicle thefts. Make sure not to leave keys in vehicles; use auto start or
stay with your vehicle. Don’t leave vehicle FOBs in vehicles either. There were two recent
homicides. One was at about 900 E and 2100 S. It appears to be an isolated incident that resulted
from a fight. The second one as last week at Fairmont Park. It was a unique situation. There were
no arrests made; it was probably self-defense or something else that didn’t constitute a crime.
SLPD tries to clean up Fairmont at least once a week. There has not been an uptick in violent
crime in parks overall. There has been an uptick in complaints about the rentable scooters; the
City is working on an education campaign, hopefully to launch in spring, that lets people know
they should not use them on sidewalks.
2)  Senator Riebe
 She is a full-time schoolteacher and also a state senator. She is running to replace Rep. Stewart.
She is used to working across the aisle; she has passed a lot bills, all of which have been
bipartisan. There is a lack of dialogue. She always answers phone calls and emails. Put your zip
code in the subject line so she knows you’re not a robot! There is a debate on Nov. 7 in Richfield.
She’s worked on various education and search and rescue bills. As to homelessness, SLC is
taking homeless for everyone in the West. Salt Lake City shouldn’t have to pay for everything.
3)  Tyler from Highland
 Tyler is the Debate coach at Highland. Debate teaches speaking, thinking, and argument.
Debaters are the future! He is here because debate across Utah is struggling. There aren’t as many
meets as there used to be. There are two things you can do to help. 1) you can help judge
tournaments. If you can commit to one weekend between now and May it will be half of Friday
and all-day Saturday. 2) donate! Public education is underfunded. Going to out-of-state
tournaments costs a lot of money.
4)  Erica and Brandon from the Chamber
 Last weekend they filmed 15 business for a holiday video to help bring business into the area. We
are at a critical time set to end the 17 th for the holidays; spread the word for those businesses.
 The SHCC and Chamber holiday party will be November 30 th at Teazanti. It will be an ugly
sweater party!

5)  Millcreek Guys

 What’s on the plate in Millcreek? Every municipality that has a TRAX station platform has to
adopt a station area plan. Millcreek is within a half-mile of two and it is working with Murry on
those plans (and with SSL on the Meadowbrook plan). They are also working on Milcreek City
Hall. Ice Skating starts on Nov. 16 at the Millcreek Common; there will be food trucks on Friday.
As to Phase 2 of the Common: there will be a large climbing wall active in the spring as well as
mini-golf. There will also be place for skate park (a “skate canyon”) mixed in with outdoor
improvements. Lots of restaurants and other businesses. They have been working on an update to
the city code. They are working on sidewalks and trails. The Porsche dealership is moving to
Millcreek near Hillcrest. There will be a grand opening of the new city hall on November 16; it
will have ground floor shops and other uses and then admin on the second floor. A copy of
Milcreek’s presentation can be accessed at Summary of Millcreek Presentation.pptx.
6)  Jenn Solomon
 She has created as sustainability website. She is a nurse. She has been trying to find ways to be
green and sustainable; it can be hard to know what to do. The website is meant to help with that.
It is meant to make answers easier to find. Part of it is specific to SLC; you can find local
resources. The website is She also has accounts on Facebook and Insta.
7)  Laura McClelland with SLC
 Laura works on street calming for SLC. She presented a presentation which can be accessed here
8)  Treasurer’s Report
 $3,603.94. Last month we had a $750 charge for our new webhosting service. Remember we are
an all volunteer, non-profit organization!
 Highland has hundreds of students at live at or below the poverty line; some are experiencing
homelessness. Please help in any way you can!
9)  Lynn Jacobs
 Highland Drive Phase 1 is getting buttoned up. Construction will close for the holiday season.
November 17 is the target date. 2100 S sewer project in front of Chick Filet: they are getting
ready to pave soon. They weren’t able to get all the piping done so they’ll need to do some next
year. Soon they will move further up 2100 S which will be down to one lane in each direction.
They City knows that the 2100 S rebuild will be tough but the road has to be repaved.
10)  Hanna Barton
 The mayor is excited about more green space downtown. There is an open house at Plaza 349
from noon to 6 tomorrow to learn more about the Green Loop. There is a survey about the Green
Loop plan open now until later in November so please participate. Ace grant applications open
today: Arts, Culture, Events. Those are for events big and small in SLC; ice cream socials to
concerts. Human Rights Day is on December 10. The City is celebrating it on December 2 at the
Gallivan Center. SLC’s arts council was awarded a $1M grant to increase public art related to
Great Salt Lake.

11)  Sarah Young
 Two key questions that Council is working to address is design guidelines and also enforcement
related to ADUs. Three quick highlights on residents’ experiences: we have a new security police
camera at Fairmont; it is near the skate park. SLC Mobile was given a shoutout; there were some
kids tripping over a road hazard. The team responded within 12 hours to address that. Recently
we had residents calling in an accident to led to good outcomes in an auto-ped accident; that is a
tribute to our residents and to the SLC firefights and paramedics that helped him.
12)  Elections
 Landon was re-elected Chair, Judy to First Vice Chair, Derek to Second Vice Chair, and Yvonne
to Third Vice Chair, Shane elected to Secretary, Mike Begley elected to Treasurer. Sally is the
chair of POST, Judy of LUZ, and Kenzie of Transportation. Erika is Chair of Business
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 7 p.m.

Landon Clark
[email protected]