02 Nov SHCC Meeting Minutes – October 2020
October 7th Sugar House Community Council meeting Notes
The old DI building in Sugar House will not be used as an overflow shelter this winter
CIP applications are open and are due by October 30th.
Allen Park is now open to the public during the daylight hours
Introduction new SHCC trustees
Yvonne Martinez will be a Garfield Trustee
Maggie Regier will be an Emerson Trustee
Sherry Jensen will be a Highland Park Trustee
Motion to accept all three petitions from Will Kocher
Second by Jeremy Chatterton
All agree
Secretary report
Erika Wiggins-trying to update all of the trustee information
Art Walk is October 9th from 4-7 pm
Michael G’s Spotlight on Business
Melanie Edwards-Leafy Mama
She is moving to the Santa Shack to sell her baked goods. The Santa Shack is on Highland Drive across the street from Patagonia. KUTV, Fox, SL Trib have all reached out about what we are doing. We do chocolates and baked goods all based around the keto diet. We have been a wholesaler for years but over COVID we have lost a significant amount of business. We have expanded into 32 Whole Food stores. We will rent the Santa Shack 11 months out of the year. No sugar added, very low carb. Baked section we have cookies, pies, etc.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10-6pm
Update from Public Utilities about the Canal Project
Natalie Moore-lead engineer
Tree replacement on west side of highland drive. Canal project will go probably until March. We will try to be as flexible as possible. We have been working with SLC transportation. We are replacing Highland Drive in 2023 and want to make sure our tree replacement plan fits with that contraction plan. Rather than planting new trees and ripping them out we will plant trees permanently in 2023. We will put in some temporary greenery to make it look nice in the meantime. More information at [email protected] We will be working on the far west side of Highland Dr. mostly. Always two way traffic on Highland. No nights but want to be accommodating to the businesses.
Lynn Jacobs SLC Transportation
Local Link Study-two open surveys right now. Feedback has been really good. We have a list of concepts that we are looking at and are looking for feedback. We have identified 7 big projects. Locallinkstudy.com
Bill Knowles-Construction Update
Update on McClelland with the Lowe Property and Boulder Ventures. There is an end in sight. The Lowe Project is on schedule, the Boulder Venture project is working towards completion They are both working on their frontages on McClelland. The sidewalk and curb and gutter on the West side will be done within in two weeks. Boulder Ventures has begun their curb and gutter. Pedestrian access is still available. The road work will be done at the same time. They are expecting to be done by the end of the month. We are hopeful that both sides of the street will be cleaned up by the holidays. The Lowe’s second property should start up next week. They will have a pedestrian walkway on the west lane of Highland Drive. Lynn Jacobs has been working with us to get a turn lane on Highland Drive. The Hawk light from Sprague to Sugar Alley will be done in the spring.
Mark Issac Update on the Snelgroves block
We are making changes to the design a bit and will have them the next time. We are just looking for zoning changes in the SH business district 2. We are making changes that follow the design guidelines. To the SH business district. Making masonry changes to the west side. Just need to finetune some things. We have done a DRT (development review team) so are working on a few things. We have a few steps to go through then we originally intended. We will be back to the SHCC with our new designs and plans in the coming months. Working on the sign ordinance because if we move the ice cream cone we have to deal with different ordinances. Will need a letter for support.
Kristi Swett-Precinct 7 School Board Member
We are in online learning except for special needs and some refugee kids. They have been doing some small groups but for the most part we are all online. My precinct is pretty split on staying remote or going back to in person school. We continue to look at how some of the school districts are doing things right. We are starting conversations with the city to see how we can keep our families in the city in terms of affordable housing. Highland and Hillside the numbers look really good. We did see a dip in some of our elementary schools. Jeremy Chatterton, We have about 1800 students at Highland. The survey results have shown that for the most part people are happy with how online school is going. Seeing a few cases with our sports teams but have been low. Our math department is showing 90-95% participation which is great.
Will Kocher-Candidate Speeches
We reached out to county wide candidate and also candidates who touch Sugar House boundaries. Candidates from all parties were invited. We won’t do questions and each candidate will be given 4 minutes to talk about why they are running.
Trent Staggs 8:00 pm
Michael Cundick 8:04 pm
Laurie Stringham 8:08 pm
Shireen Ghorbani 8:12 pm
Rashelle Hobbs 8:16 pm
Carol Hunter 8:20 pm
Jennifer Fresques 8:24 pm
Wayne Cushing 8:28 pm
Michael McDonald 8:32 pm
Brian King 8:36 pm
Joel Briscoe 8:40 pm
Jeremiah Clark 8:44 pm
Stephanie Pitcher 8:48 pm
Meeting adjourned. Our next meeting is November 4th at 7:00 pm