07 Oct SHCC Meeting Minutes – September 2020
September 2nd 2020
Sugar House Community Council
Welcome James Pearce and Eric Castrejon to the virtual table
Thanking Salt Lake City Engineering Department for postponing the work on 1100 East
Motion to approve July and August minutes
1st Will Kocher
2nd Lynn Schwartz
All approve, so passed
Two more trustees tonight
Devon Cantwell-Westminster neighborhood. Ph.D student at the University. Working on Climate Change.
Petition moved and passed
Derek Williamson-At-Large Trustee, owner of Olio Skin and Beard ProductPetition moved and passed
Secretary Report
Not much tonight. Still waiving signature requirements because of COVID. We have talked about still having people going door to door just to get information not passing items back and forth. Looking at potential ways to do much like our system before. We understand the face to face is the best part of becoming a trustee. Will continue to evaluate as we go.
Treasurer Report
Mike Bagley-$12,659.96 in our bank account
$100 to Mountain Standard Time
$128.52-plants at Monument Plaza
Det Bishop
The vehicle burglaries are up with an increase of 7. Runaways and trespasses are also up but not significantly. Car prowls are the biggest thing that is happening in the Sugar House area. Please do not leave valuables in your car. We have started a park squad starting next week and they will visit all SLC parks. I have asked for them to make sure they include Fairmont Park. We are starting the abatements again. Twice a week will be hitting the large transient camps. We will concentrate on 700 East under the bridge.
Questions: Jeremy Chatterton-large number of vandalism at Highland High, damage to the South Parking lot, couch on fire. We need patrols at night around Highland High.
Mike: Who is responsible for law enforcement in Sugar House Park
The police can enforce all laws in Sugar House Park because it is a city park.
Sugar House Park has been hiring off duty police officers three to four days a week to patrol at night.
Becky Lyttle from Teazanti (1944 South 1100 East)
We want to build a community initiative and have spent a long time thinking about how we can do this. We are announcing Tea, Wine and Action (TWA) virtual event. We will learn about a Tea, a wine both that we carry. And then our main event will be Melijah Garfied, who is Director of the Black Cultural Center at the University of Utah. The U of U has just accepted the challenge of a matching George Smith Memorial Fund which is happening at institutions around the country.
Census 2020
Media specialist for the census. Two offices in the state of Utah, one in Salt Lake City. We have 900 people working on the census, called numerators. We are looking for a complete and accurate count of the folks in the state of Utah so we can get the federal funds. We have a 7 county region in the Salt Lake office. The Sugar House area has about 48,000 houses. Sugar House is close to 70% as of the first of September. We need for everyone to fill out their census. The census determines how funds are distributed for the next 10 years. Money goes to new parks, police, fire, child care, etc. Our data is used by cities to fund projects that we are talking about tonight. USCensus.gov Census workers are out knocking on doors. College students report themselves. They use the address where they are living currently, could be dorms or off campus living.
Rooftop Solar
Noah Muturco-Heal Utah
The Sugar House Community has sustainability high on the list of priorities. Heal Utah is a 501c-3 that work on climate change and air quality. 2014 the SHCC passed a resolution to stop Rocky Mountain Power. They continue to come at roof top solar. For every kilowatt of energy your produce on your roof, your not purchasing coal burning energy from the utility. They are a monopoly and once they believe you are using too much roof top solar it is a threat to their bottom line. The past three years has been a transition period for roof top solar. It used to be net metering (1 to 1 ratio), now they are getting the export credit at a lower rate. That rate dictates how quickly you can pay back your rooftop solar investment. 8000-12000 dollars and typically people pay back in 9-11 years. After that it is all gravy. That transition period is coming to an end. Rocky Mtn Power is sayng that rooftop solar is straining their grid. They are compensating at a lower rate. Currently they pay 9.4 cents per kilowatt hour. The new proposal is 1.4 cents per kilowatt hour. After December 31st of this year if it passes the new proposal will take in effect. We believe that with this new proposal you will never pay these back destroying the incentive to have rooftop solar. Between now and October 5th you can submit comments to the Public Service Commission and let them know why you like rooftop solar.
Snelgroves Update-Mark Issac representing the Thackery group
Thackery group owns Sugar House Commons, Lamplighter Square and Foothill Village and now own the Snelgroves sight. We wanted to do an early introduction of the 3.2 acre site and our plans for our site. It will be a multifamily project. Trying to save the old sign and clock from the old ice cream factory. We will be saving the cone and including it in the project. This project will have a new Sugar House Liquor Store, looking at 12,000 square feet. Provided 65 stalls for the liquor store. This is unique for DABC, they don’t usually partner with private developers. We are asking for a rezone request. The current zone is CC which allows for 4 stories, we are asking for the central business district 2 zone to be expanded further west to 800 east to allow us to build one more floor of height. In exchange we would program 53 residential units at 80% AMI deed restricted for work force housing, government employees, teachers, etc. We will come with a formal presentation in October. We will have three roof top decks which will help disperse folks esp with our current pandemic.
Sal Petros-executive director DABC
We have partnered for the first time ever with a private developer because of the difficulty of obtaining land. The project gives us 65 parking spots and about 12,500 square feet of space. We are trying to provide a better shopping experience, wider aisles, etc. We purchased property on foothill. We will close that store in lamplight in November and move it temporarily to Foothill Village which will be bigger than the Sugar House Store which we hope alleviates some of the traffic at the Sugar House Store. The current store we would like to get out of there as soon as possible. It is one of the busiest stores that we have. We have a high turnover rate. We had to shift people around just to be able to stay open. We have to be able to accommodate the increase in traffic we will see come winter with our new restrictions.
Luke Allen community outreach and events for SLC Public Lands
Reimagine Nature MasterPlan
We are working on a master plan for public lands which will guide us for the next 10-20 years. Three divisions within public lands-trains, parks and urban forestry division. Looking at a needs assessment to be able to solve problems as we continue to grow and to meet the needs of everyone. Want to make SLC public lands more equitable. In 20 years, we want to continue to have the same level of service. There is a survey currently open.
SOB Stephen Tolpinrod-Pinyon Café 2232 South and Highland Drive
Coffee trailer that is set up at the old DI building. It is mobile food unit. I think I sale some of the best coffee in the country. All packaging is biodegradable. I believe in using local products. I have a garden which I use in our pastries. We try to be open most days of the week. Open from 7:30 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon.
Tim Cosgrove-SLC Mayor’s Liaison
Salt Lake City will be shifting to yellow on Friday. We need to keep social distancing, wear masks and wash hands. We have experienced a month of downward trends. SL County has mandated mask wearing until Jan 2021. The 3 Homeless resource centers are operating at full capacity.
Amy Fowler-City Councilwomen District 7
Talking about an RMF 35 rezone which would impact Sugar House. I believe It could decrease the availability of affordable housing in this area. This is something the council will talk about going forward. Mayor gave a midterm state of the city. The homeless initiative from the mayor’s office is to clean up these big encampments which could pose a health risk to the community. Giving these folks chances to find resources within the system. Looking at ways to better inform people of upcoming road construction.
Meeting Adjourned