SHCC September Agenda

SHCC September Agenda

7:00 Welcome-Chair
7:05 Approve Minutes
Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley
7:10 Fire Update
7:15 District 7 CIU Detective Nathan Miser
7:25 Salt Lake Mayor’s Office Liaison-Tim Cosgrove
7:30 Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB)
Mindful Living Wellness Center
Misty Jessup
7:40 24 Hour Fitness Update
Mark Issac
7:55 Airport Update
Nancy Volmer-Director of Communication and Marketing
8:10 4th Street Clinic Introduction
Laurel Ingham-Develpment Director
8:20 Rank Choice Voting
Lauren Shafer
8:30 Update on S-Line Extension
Lynn Jacobs-SLC Transportation
8:40 Amy Fowler-District 7 City Councilwoman
[email protected]
9:00 Meeting Adjourned
Landon Clark
[email protected]