Park Avenue Development (University Health/Commercial Office/Residential)

Shopko Block Rendering

Park Avenue Development (University Health/Commercial Office/Residential)


UPDATE:  This project is 1/3 complete University Health opened in November 2019.  The office building and apartment buildings are currently being built.

The planning commission voted June 28, 2017 to approve this project. There are some conditions that the developer will need to return to the PC with for final approval. See the approval letter to read more about the conditions.

Record of Decision

This proposal will be on the June 28th Planning Commission meeting. The final decision/approval will be made at this meeting. They are open to the public for comment.

The agenda is not published yet, but you can check closer to the meeting.

As of June 7, 2017 the developer has submitted updated plans for the planning commission meeting. You can view some photos of those renderings. This must be approved by the planning commission. All new comments will be submitted by the SHCC to the planning office so please let us know what you think.

The owners of the ShopKo block have submitted their proposal to SLC Planning for approval.  They are requesting a Planned Development and Conditional Building and Site Design Review to build two office buildings with parking structures, and a multi-family residential building with ground floor retail.

The Planned Development review is related to the location of the two office buildings as they do not have frontage on a public street. New buildings in this configuration are typically required to go through Planned Development review.. Your comments and feedback regarding this point would be helpful to hear.

The Conditional Building and Site Design review is related to the buildings being over 50 feet in height. All buildings over 50′ in the Sugar House Business District-1 zone are required to go through the Conditional Building and Site Design Review (CBSDR) process. While the height is allowed in the zone, the overall project must be reviewed for compliance with the CBSDR standards and other guidelines from the Sugar House Master Plan.  The developer has been doing putting together their proposal and you can see more at their website You can also read the Shopko_Input Letter and the information sheet given to us by SLC Planning.

The applicant will be coming to attend the Land Use & Zoning Committee meeting May 15th at Sprague Library at 6:00 pm. This is open to all Sugar House residents and we urge you to come if you are interested in learning more and giving feedback. More time is allotted to committee meetings. A shorter presentation will be given at the general meeting June 7th at Sprague Library. If you cannot attend or wish to provide feedback you can use the comment form below. All comments are collected by the SHCC and given to the Planning Commission as part of our community feedback.

Landon Clark
[email protected]