SRO Parcels proposed map Sugar House

Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Nov 14 2018 Planning Commission

This project is before the City Council October 6 and 20, 2020.

Single Room Occupancy zone is proposed for the following areas of Sugar House,

marked in the colored areas.  This will be heard on the Planning Commission

Agenda November 14, 530 pm Room 326 City County Building 451 S State Street.  It is a public hearing, you will

have two minutes to comment. You can also submit an email to the planner, [email protected]  before the 14th.

Here is a link to what is proposed in the staff report:

  SRO PC Staff Rpt #2 MEMO 11.14.18_FINAL

UPDATE:  On November 14, the Planning Commission voted to send a positive recommendation to the City Council, with the following change:The minimum square footage for a single unit be 100 square feet and a bunk unit be 120 square feet.

Please comment on this issue using the form below.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.

    Judi Short
    [email protected]