UPDATE” The City Council approved this update in December 2021. This will make the standards more measurable.
Sugar House Business District Design Guidelines – we have been talking about this for at least four years. In our Sugar House Master Plan of 2005, the design guidelines were listed on the last two pages, but not all of them were codified. This is to make sure that the design standards for SHBD1 and SHBD2 are clear so that a developer would know what the requirements are, without ambiguity. This has gone before the Planning Commission in June 2019, and here is a link to that staff report.
Currently, there are a limited number of design standards for a small development in Sugar House, whereas larger developments have many more standards with which to comply. The additional standards listed here are meant to bridge that gap and ensure that new small buildings support a high-quality pedestrian-oriented environment in Sugar House.
This is coming before the City Council, although we don’t have a specific date. We need to be prepared with our comments when it shows up on the agenda. I have put a comment form below and would like you to send me your written comments. The planner from the Planning Department (versus the City Council planner, will be at our September 20, 2021 meeting at 6 p.m. to show some slides and answer questions. If you miss that meeting, you can send me your comments using this form.