Sugar Town Parcel Rezone and Design Review 850 and 870 E 2100 South

Sugar Town Parcel Rezone and Design Review 850 and 870 E 2100 South


NOTE:  This project may never be built, and probably will need to make a new application if they decide to go forward because too much time has lapsed. (11/16/2023)

FINAL UPDATE: This plan was approved by the Planning Commission October 13, 2021.

UPDATE: Above is a drawing of the current plans that will go before the Planning Commission October 13. The rezone was approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council approved the rezone July 20, 2021.  The second process for this development, was design review, as required for the CSHBD2 zone. This is a link to the Planning Commission staff report.  There is still time to send me a comment using the form below.


We have two requests for this parcel at 850 and 870 E 2100 South.  First is a request to rezone the parcel from CC (Commercial Corridor), to CSHBD2 (Commercial Sugar House Business District 2).  The opportunity for larger parcel assemblages of land is finite in our community. By adding extra height and density, we get more units without having to use up more land to do it.  And this will allow for another floor units to accommodate workforce housing (police, fire, teachers, etc).   See Salt Lake City’s request for our feedback.

Here is the petitioner’s request to rezone the parcel.

Second is a request for Design Review for the proposed apartment building and retail store.

The Sugar House Business District (see map) goes from 1300 East west to 900 East.  Many of us, including Salt Lake City Planning And Zoning, have felt that it really should be extended to 700 East. This would be an opportunity to start that process.

Sugar Town is located where the Snelgrove/Dreyer’s Ice Cream Factory was, on 2100 South between 800 and 900 East. These are preliminary drawings to give you a sense of what it will look like.  The old sign will be reproduced, maybe the SNELGROVE neon letters will emerge as Public Art.  (The SHCC has been storing them in hopes that someday they would return to Sugar House!) The ice cream cone will be moved here as well.

This will have 338 units, with a mix of studio, one bedroom, two bedroom and townhomes.  The best part is there will be about 60 affordable workforce units in the building!! And, the Sugar House liquor store will move to this location at street level. There will be 338 units, with 85 parking stalls for commercial visitors 350 stalls underneath the pool for residents. The preliminary were shown to the  SHCC Land Use Committee September 21, these are updated plans. This was on the SHCC main meeting December 2.  December 14 it was on the SHCC Land Use and Zoning (LUZ) meeting.

These are the most recent drawings along with the outdoor amenities.   I have included a drawing with the liquor store parking and loading areas for residents and the liquor store.      Please use this form to provide comments.  This was on the November 14, 2020 and September 21, 2020 SHCC Land Use and  Zoning agenda. It was also presented to the entire SHCC on September 2, 2020,  January 6, 2021, and October 6, 2021.



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    Judi Short
    [email protected]