Sugarmont Plaza

Sugarmont Plaza


Sugarmont Plaza was created in 2012 as the old tenant Deseret Industries had moved and we had a vacant building in our midst. This property is currently owned by the SLC Redevelopment Agency and they allowed us to create a temporary public plaza. This project was done with minimal cost and was designed to create a place where the public could gather and we could hold community events. So far Sugarmont Plaza has been home to a variety of activities ranging from the Sugar House Farmers Market, Food truck rallies and home for the Santa Shack.

The mural on the building was painted by street artists and they have truly given the place some life, but more importantly and probably unnoticed since the mural was painted there has been zero graffiti on this vacant building. The parking lot is painted new every year with different colors and designs to give it a fresh look and also tell a story of each year that goes by.



Landon Clark
[email protected]