The Harvey 500 East and 2700 South

The Harvey 500 East and 2700 South

ANOTHER UPDATE:  They have finally broken ground as of September, 2024.  UPDATE: The petitioner has asked for some changes to the design and materials for this project.   They have modified the original proposal, and here is the PC Staff Report for the meeting held on April 12, 2023.  The Planning Commission approved the modifications.

and the Staff Report for February 2022 is the rest of the document.

This will be on the Planning Commission agenda Wednesday, May 11 at 5:30 p.m. Here is information about how to participate in this in-person meeting.

UPDATE:  This project was approved on February 9, 2022, by the Planning Commission., subject to the conditions as listed in the staff report.  Here is the Planning Commission Staff Report for this project.

Here is the SHCC’s letter to the Planning Commission.

This project will be built on a .41 acre site at 500 East and 2700 South, a prime corner in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone (CN).  This zone is intended to provide small scale, low intensity commercial and mixed uses.  The site is across from Nibley Golf Course, is on UTA Bus line 205, is less than a mile away from the S-Line in Sugar House, and is bound on north and est sides by primarily single-family residential homes.

A mixed-use residential development project is planned on the NE corner that will consist of a ground-level commercial space, 8 townhouse units, 6 apartment units, an automated parking garage accessed from the alley, and common amenity spaces for the residents.  All 15 units will be for sale condominiums.  The project will use the entire buildable footprint, reinforcing the historic scale and ambiance of traditional neighborhood  commercial uses at pedestrian scale.  The architecture is intended to be compatible with the era and scale of the surrounding single-family homes.

To learn more about the project, read the description..  If you want to see the complete project drawings, they can be found on the city open house website here, under The Harvey.

After you read the plans, fill out the comment form below.  If you send in a comment, you will receive a link to the SHCC  Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting Monday, December 13 at 6 p.m. by Zoom.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.

    Judi Short
    [email protected]